
Research of students ' legal culture

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №18(111)

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Rogacheva A. Research of students ' legal culture // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 18(111). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/111/70926 (дата обращения: 28.02.2025).
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Research of students ' legal culture

Rogacheva Alena
Student, Belgorod National Research University, Russia, Belgorod


Currently, Russia is on the way to becoming a civil, socially developed society. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Russia is a social state, and in Russia the highest value is declared to be the person, his rights and freedoms. The state assumes the responsibility of social protection of all citizens. One of the most important socio-political tasks of modern development in Russia is the creation of a legal state, strengthening the democratic foundations of state and public life in the conditions of transition from one socio-political and economic system to another.

This transition involves overcoming a number of objective and subjective difficulties. Among them, one of the most significant is the insufficient legal culture of the Russian population, which was inherited from the period of the country's history when law and, accordingly, legal culture were not among the leading social values. Legal nihilism and cynicism developed, and people's social and political passivity was widespread. Difficulties in implementing the transition to democracy and a market economy have worsened the negative attitudes of a certain part of the population towards the exercise of constitutional rights and duties.

All this testifies to the relevance of purposeful formation of legal consciousness of citizens of the Russian Federation and, first of all, the younger generation. There is no need to prove that the latter poses special challenges in the field of education of children and youth, and education of the population as a whole. The Central question should be put not only the expansion and deepening of the legal knowledge of students and the public, but first and foremost, the cultivation of legal behavior, developing a solid legal tradition, overcoming legal nihilism.

Object of research: legal culture as a socio-political phenomenon.

Subject of research: the legal culture of the students.

Purpose: to analyze the results of research of students ' legal culture

Legal culture is a part of the General culture of a society or an individual. Legal culture is closely related to political, moral, spiritual and other types of culture. And first of all, of course, with the usual, behavioral, associated with the upbringing of a person, his adaptation to order, discipline, organization, respect for the laws of the country. A person who is not legally prepared can hardly be called cultured. Legal culture is the most important element of the legal system of society, an indispensable condition for the normal functioning of the state [2].

Legal culture reflects not only human activity directly in the legal sphere, related in one way or another to the application of legal knowledge. The latter are in demand today, but also beyond its borders, by many Sciences, disciplines and specialties of both humanitarian and non-humanitarian profile[5]. This knowledge is necessary in almost all areas where laws and legal norms apply. It is no accident that almost all higher education institutions in the country include General education and legal training, because any profession, any type of activity needs it.

We conducted an author's study of the legal culture of students. Let's analyze the results.

69.1% of respondents emphasize the relevance of legal education of young people. At the same time, another 27.9% of respondents say that such education of young people is more important than not. It is important to note that the answer "not important" or "rather not important" was not chosen by any Respondent. Therefore, the study is relevant.

Next, we decided to understand the conceptual apparatus. Students were asked to choose the concepts that most accurately define the term "law". It was found that the majority of students (60.03%) chose the concept of "justice". Another 55.9% chose the concept of "norm of behavior". Among the less popular terms, students named "order" (47.1%)," security "(45.6%)," opportunity "(39.7%) and" impunity " (5.9%).

If we talk about whether students know their rights, it should be noted that the majority of respondents, namely, 51.5% claim that they know their rights well. However, not many less (45.6%) do not know their rights.

We also found out why students need legal knowledge. The majority of students (61.8%) acquire legal knowledge in order to be sure of their rights in all spheres of society. Another 47.1% of respondents contribute to compliance with the law by knowing the legal framework.

It is also interesting that 76.5% of respondents found themselves in situations where they had to feel a lack of legal knowledge and they experienced some kind of discomfort from this.

In conclusion, the respondents are most interested in the social and labor rights of young people. 55.4% of respondents want to improve their knowledge in this area.

Thus, we can conclude that the legal culture of students in our country as a whole is at an average and below average level. At the same time, young people feel uncomfortable about this and want to develop their legal culture.