
Digital journalism

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №21(114)

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Latipov A.P. Digital journalism // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 21(114). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/114/73459 (дата обращения: 27.04.2024).
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Digital journalism

Latipov Adilbek Polatbaevich
Student of Karakalpak State University, Nukus, Uzbekistan


The connection of journalism [p15, 2] to media technologies is thought to be complicated. In journalism, there are types and forms that we can call them traditions. They differ within a country, between media and between countries. Some changes in journalism [pXII, 1] lead to a necessity for reviewing data in the areas of this field. Corporate data words and various data methods help to understand the notion of those changes. These also expand considerations for the design of new semantic systems [pXI, 1] that are able to support journalism. Except online editing techniques, aggregation, social media flow, and assumptions about fake news, the next generation of systems and practices in journalism will require knowledge, development of formal vocabulary for journalism concepts and practices as well as higher levels of understanding about online systems and backend data. Digital systems [pXII, 1] allow journalists to do many things, especially when reporting in the field, they are used to mobile and digital technologies; smartphones and computer tablets can be helpful to produce real-time stories and at the same time they can upload them. The design approaches [pXIII, 1] for new systems should provide journalism with suitable automation expectations and use participatory methods to ensure the connection of the core values of journalism. The concepts and vocabulary domain can capture the main values of journalism. New system ideas are roots for the future of digital journalism.

It is understandable [p2, 3] that the advent of digital technology has changed journalism. For instance, when broadcast journalists go out to shoot their stories, there is no longer need to carry heavy tapes with them. For print journalists, cameras are comfortable tools for their multimedia website to send back photos and even videos. Digital journalism [4] is widely identified as any form of journalist content that is posted on the Internet. It may be in text, audio or video form. In digital journalism, it is possible to access news and events 24 hours a day using the internet. Journalists do not have to print and distribute content. As a result, it proves that digital journalism is much faster than traditional journalism. This type of journalism focuses on receiving a lot of information into a short space. Before the Internet, it was impossible that people could not react to journalism. But now with the help of developments in technology people can get involved and give their opinion in a “comments” section of articles and journalists can be allowed to take feedback for their news stories and articles. By utilizing social media, journalists have changed the way of research works and do a lot of research in a little time. Hashtegs(#) make it available to monitor stories for journalists. With this, journalists can also gather information from multiple sources, track a story and meet with interested audiences to the topic they are writing about.

Digital technologies [5] have dramatically reshaped the media ecosystem along with how information and news are collected, shared and used. The relationship between journalists and readers, the nature and practice of traditional journalism have been redefined and challenged because of those changes. It is true that digital technologies [p26, 2] and the Internet have immense effort to develop journalism. Website can be set up and managed with little financial costs in producing broadcast and newspaper news. There is an economic opportunity in the Internet more than an opportunity to alter and enhance journalistic practices. Also, some of the research on digital newsrooms has showed that journalistic quality has been seriously affected by new technologies. To encourage each other, journalism [pXII, 1] have set up an excess of online communities and designed alternative uses for social media apps and online tools. However, these factors and other technological affordances may have reduced some visions for best practices in journalism. The problems of fake news, various checks on projects and new online tools as well as the intersection between news and social media compound this situation. With the goals of their profession, contemporary journalists must balance the benefits of online systems. Many of them have already realized that their tasks are enmeshed in data, search, analytic and social media. Even though online advertising and traffic are primarily benefitted by these complex intersections, they have made some loss of control over the functions of news. Nonetheless, journalists must move forward with the dominant technologies and systems of the day.

To summarize, many journalists [4] now publish articles without monitoring the facts in order to print them out quicker due to the demand for immediate news. Journalists need to handle with their sources carefully and think about the accuracy of content on variety of platforms.


1. Cate Dowd (2020). Digital Journalism, Drones and Automation: The language and Abstractions behind The News;
2. Janet Jones, Lee Salter (2011). Digital Journalism;
3. Jingrong Tong, Shih- Hung Lo (2017). Digital Technology and Journalism: An International Comparative perspectives;
4. Francesca Turauskis (2015). What is Digital Journalism – and Why does it matter?
5. Module 1: Digital Journalism Fundamentals. https:\\cmds.ceu.ed
6. www.studentworldonline.com
7. https:\\books.google.co.uz>books