Slide shows and lesson delivery in distance learning
Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №17(153)
Рубрика: Филология

Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №17(153)
Slide shows and lesson delivery in distance learning
Abstract. The research paper presents information on lesson delivery methods and handling of slide shows in distance learning. Both of the methods are regarded as modern approaches in the process of learning foreign languages. The aim of the research paper is to illustrate the significance of modern technologies and approaches in online learning. The article will be benefitional both for teachers and students in learning foreign languages on the basis of distance education.
Keywords: slides shows, modern technologies, lesson delivery, distance learning, flipped classroom, problem based learning, work-based learning.
As globalization has changed the economics, politics, worldwide business and others, the role of English has become global in making interactions with people around the world. Methods and approaches are being transformed year by year. The significance of study foreign languages has become one of the topical issues in our contemporary virtual learning. As English is recognized as the most influential and universal language in the world, the necessity to master methodology, innovative technologies, educational platforms, advanced programs in the language will improve year after year. It is widely known that modern technologies and approaches are effective tools in distance learning. Especially, demonstration of slide shows may be regarded as the most effective teaching devices and techniques in explaining rules, defining some issues related to the topic, introducing the theme, and so on. Most of the public speaking events become bright and colourful due to the use of slide shows, and this proves the fact that this appliance is implemented not only in educational purposes, but also in other fields, too. Lesson delivery consists of basic methods which can be supportive in teaching learners online.
Literature review. Distance learning as one of the important revelation in education has interested domestic and foreign specialists and due to their investigation become visible for all people of the world. Students’ community will have received a great opportunity to access into the realm of learning sciences, languages, exploring modern techniques, and share opinions based on the themes of the materials under study. Slide shows were firstly implemented in 1987 by R. Gaskins and D. Austin, and they were basically purposed to be used in business sphere. Further the educators appreciated the innovation for successful study in the teaching process. It goes without saying that modern technologies are one of the indispensable parts of education, and implementation of various approaches will help to improve students’ thinking and learning skills and abilities [1, 114].
Having analyzed mass implementation of the slide shows in educational areas we distinguished following advantages of slide shows and distance learning:
- Slide shows focus on specific details by making bright impression on the learners, and help teachers to attract the audience. In the process of the distance learning it is significant to draw the students’ attention to the studied material;
- They create effective explanations by means of schemes, diagrams, associations and other illustrative images. In online learning the most of the learners perceive information in visual way, and in this case slide shows will help to design presented stuff;
- Usage of audio and video adds effectiveness during the lesson delivery;
- Growth of thinking ability of learners, while reviewing the presentation students memorize the content of the lesson, and share their thoughts and opinions with their teachers and peers;
- Opportunity to download and revise slide shows at any appropriate time[2, 44-45].
In the process of implementing slide shows in the classes it is possible to show individual approach to each learners. In addition, slide shows can be used not only in foreign language classes but also in all types of classes and school subjects. Nowadays teaching, conferencing, and are the forms of online events cannot do without presenting slide shows. The quality of demonstration slide shows are always developed and improved by specialists in the field of ICT technology [3, 3-4].
Advantages of slide shows may be proved by following characteristics:
1) Transition from traditional to creative mode of teaching is occurred often, and each slide requires creative ideas. While learning online students will be able to use modern technologies and send them to their tutors;
2) Opportunity to exchange experience and knowledge despite the distance and economic problems;
3) Improvement of the effectiveness of the learning process;
4) Interaction between teachers and students: oral and written [4, 5-7].
The significance of slide shows became valuable when students felt more confidence in expressing their thoughts to their teacher and peers. This means the utilization of slide shows in distance learning will motivate students for self-study, self-development.
It is very important to mention some effective teaching approaches, original methods. One of the approaches of lesson delivery method which is regarded as the most effective is called flipped classroom. This type of attitude is very interesting especially for learners, because the unique structure of the method is based on the change of homework and lectures. This unique approach will facilitate the teachers’ works during online lessons. It is known that in distance learning there might be some technical problems related to internet connection and teachers often face with such kind of obstacles preventing them from qualified explanation of the material due to the lack of time. While changing the roles of tasks and lectures students will have more options to express their opinions during the lesson. In addition, while revising the lecture material at home, students will be get prepared to the lesson.
Lesson delivery method is modern term in teaching foreign language. In the process of online learning teachers should implement various tools in order to attract the learners and involve them into the lesson procedure.
The basic characteristics of lesson delivery are as following:
- The structure and content of the lesson is encouraged by learners;
- Comprehention of the content of the lesson by learners;
- The involvement of the students into learning process - 90 %;
- The learning pace may vary in accordance with the individual abilities, understanding and level of learners [5, 2-3].
Following types of approaches are the most creative methods of lesson delivery in distance learning: problem-based and work-based learning.
Problem-based learning is a new pedagogical approach which is widely used in distance learning, and it is one of the basic techniques in lesson delivery methods. This method is implemented in order to improve students’ critical and cognitive thinking. In the process of solving issues students will make use of their thinking, and after the obtained results become more knowledgeable and confident. In online learning it is possible to implement such tool, and while using problem-based learning students will cooperate with each other, while teachers make instructions how to work in small groups [6, 75-79]. Work-based learning is distinguished from problem-based approach by its unique structure, and is connected with the conducting experiments during the lesson. While sharing experiences both teachers and learners can make some useful notes and share lifelong lessons with each other.
Due to the effective pace of the lesson delivery learners will be able to understand the content of the lesson and their participation in online learning will be stable and productive.
The main objectives of lesson delivery based on problem-based learning are:
- Increase of motivation during the lesson;
- Improvement of skills and abilities;
- Collaborative learning;
- Self-improvement;
- Flexible knowledge which will be implemented in various purposes [7, 235-266].
The advantages of lesson delivery are closely related to the methods which it includes, and each approach has unique structure, main goals, basic objectives. However, all of the approaches which lesson delivery encompasses have one basic aim: to assist learners to successful study of foreign languages.
Distance learning helps both teachers and learners in solving any issues related to foreign language acquirement. While learning at home students will be able to join lesson of any country which means the wide opportunity for students.
According to the opinions of most scientists following results will be noticed after usage of lesson delivery in practice:
- Development of various skills: creative, critical, problem-solving and other benefitical abilities to improve their study;
- Improvement of analytical skills will be proceeded due to the effective work of lesson delivery both by teachers and students;
- Collobaration between teachers and peers. [8, 293-295].
Modern approaches and techniques as slide shows and lesson delivery tools will assist students to study foreign language in depth, and improve the level of comprehension.
In the process of learning different foreign languages students will improve their attitude and approach to the educational issues.
The growing tendency and requirements on teaching and learning foreign languages has brought new and sophisticated methods to the learning stratum. A computer literate teacher can turn a presentation into a fun way to engage students in educational activities. Moreover, the presentation can become a kind of lesson plan, its logical structure, can be used at any stage of the lesson or at any type of lesson, whether it be: learning new material or consolidation, knowledge control or homework, etc.
The slide shows allows the teacher to show creativity, individuality, avoid a formal approach to teaching lessons.
The use of color, graphics and animation, sound, modern video technology allows you to simulate the difference in the situation and environment, while developing the creative and cognitive abilities of students.
Slide shows help turn a lesson into an interactive action. Interactive learning is a special form of organizing the cognitive activity of students, allowing for the interaction of a teacher and a student and a computer, which has very specific and predictable goals. One of these goals is to create comfortable learning conditions, such that the student feels his success, his intellectual worth, which makes the learning process itself productive.