
Non-traditional Russian language lessons

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №19(155)

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Shchukina A. Non-traditional Russian language lessons // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 19(155). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/155/93151 (дата обращения: 29.01.2025).
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Non-traditional Russian language lessons

Shchukina Alina
Student, Belgorod State University, Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. This article discusses non-traditional Russian language lessons, their implementation and variability. The author focuses on the classification of non-traditional lessons, since it is the effectiveness of the educational process that largely depends on the teacher's ability to properly organize the lesson, competently build the structure of the lesson, choose certain methods and ways to create an unconventional lesson to increase the level of knowledge assimilation by students. There are several types of non-traditional lessons that can serve as a support for the formation of the teacher's work. The article notes that the assimilation of new material in the classroom is the basis on which a solid system of knowledge of students will be reproduced and the ability to use this knowledge directly in practice.


Keywords: knowledge control, visibility, classification, creative approach, students.


Non-traditional forms of the lesson are implemented, as a rule, after studying a topic or several topics, performing the functions of training control. Such lessons are held in an unconventional form. Such an environment is appropriate, because it removes the psychological barrier, creates an atmosphere of celebration when summing up the results of students ' work.

Non-traditional forms of the lesson are implemented with the participation of the entire class team, as well as using visual visualization tools. At such lessons, it is possible to achieve a variety of goals of a psychological, methodological, and pedagogical nature:

* students ' knowledge on a specific topic is monitored;

* provides a working atmosphere, a more serious attitude of students to the lesson;

* there is a minimum participation of the teacher in the lesson.

An unconventional lesson is an improvised learning activity with an unconventional focus.

Such a lesson is characterized by the variability of the structure, creativity, improvisation of the teacher and the student in their joint activities.

The student is not only the object, but also the subject of educational activity.

The presence of non-standard lessons indicates that you should not neglect such types of lesson organization. It is necessary to carefully study the non-traditional lesson as a pedagogical phenomenon, scientifically substantiate it and, through educational dissemination, stimulate the teacher and student to creativity.

The purpose of non-traditional lessons is to develop new methods, techniques and means of teaching, which, in turn, leads to the implementation of the basic law of pedagogy - the law on the activity of learning.

The main tasks of an unconventional lesson:

- General cultural development;

- personal development;

- development of cognitive motives, initiatives and interests of students;

- development of communicative competence.

"Signs of an unconventional lesson:

- carries elements of the new, non-standard;

- extra-program material is used, collective activity alternates with individual activity.

- positive emotional attitude of students;

- performing creative tasks" [Selevko, 2010].

Non-standard lessons are organized based on the curriculum. Their existing classification is ambiguous, incomplete, and will be supplemented in the future by the development of new types of non-traditional lessons.

Classification of non-traditional lessons:

1. Lessons conducted in accordance with the objectives of the training and the objectives of the training:

* lessons for learning about new learning materials

• lessons for learning new material

* lessons of consolidation and repeated-generalizing

2. Lessons related to the stages of learning the material:

* lesson of learning new knowledge

• lesson of forming skills and abilities

* lesson on applying knowledge, skills and abilities

3. Lessons using basic teaching methods •

* lessons-lectures

• lessons-conversations

* practical lessons and others.

There are several dozen types of non-traditional lessons.


An excursion is a form of learning, accompanied by going outside the school to study objects and phenomena in their natural form. The types of excursions are different: meeting people, observing the object.

Excursions can be subject-specific and complex (intersubject). By subject, they can be historical and local history (museum), industrial (enterprise), artistic and educational (architectural monuments, art gallery)

Video lesson.

The use of video films in Russian language lessons helps to develop various aspects of students ' mental activity, as well as memory and attention. During the viewing in the classroom, there is an atmosphere of joint cognitive activity.


This is a kind of dialogue on the exchange of information. In such a lesson, as a rule, students master a certain number of frequency cliches and use them automatically. The optimal combination of structural repeatability provides strength and meaningfulness of assimilation.


Especially interesting are the lessons-tournaments for elementary school students. In these lessons, riddles, tongue twisters, crosswords, etc. are used as a means of cognitive activity.


The basis of the lesson-competition is the competition of teams in answering questions, solving any problems that the teacher suggests.

The form of such lessons varies. This can be a relay race, a competition duel, KVN, "Brain-ring", "Lucky Chance", "Star Hour" and much more.


A very interesting and fruitful form of conducting lessons is a lesson-holiday. This form of lesson develops students 'ability to communicate, expands students' knowledge about the traditions and customs of different countries.

Thus, it is important to apply non-traditional lessons in Russian language lessons when studying various topics. Their skillful application encourages active learning activities, causes a lot of positive emotions, and contributes to the formation of motivation for students ' learning. It is at such lessons that children are especially interested. Against the background of positive emotions, children better assimilate the educational material, the performance of students increases significantly. In non-traditional lessons, you can make every child work. Non-traditional lessons contribute to the development of skills of collective activity, a sense of responsibility and mutual assistance, provide an opportunity not only to raise students ' interest in the subject being studied, but also to develop their creative independence, teach them to work with various sources of knowledge.


List of literature:
1. Selevko G. K. Modern educational technologies / textbook-M.: Public Education, 2010.
2. Sokolova, L. N. Non-standard lesson as a means of forming cognitive independence of senior schoolchildren: dissertation of the candidate of pedagogical sciences /L. N. Sokolova-Kaliningrad-2010. - 30 p.
3. Trofimova O. V. Non-traditional forms of the lesson and socialization of students / O. V. Trofimova. No. 1, 2003-p. 143-215.
4. Shchukina G. I. Pedagogical problems of formation of cognitive interests of students / G. I. Shchukina, - M 1988