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Kalashnikova T. LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODOLOGY SPEECH INTERACTION IN THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLASSROOM // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 10(233). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/233/124517 (дата обращения: 18.03.2025).
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Kalashnikova Taisiya
Master student, Astana International University, Kazhakhstan, Astana


Abstract. Speech interaction is an important prerequisite for the organization of pupils' and students' learning activities in a foreign language lesson, which can be used for rational use of teaching time, activation of students' speech and thinking activity, and increasing the developmental effect of learning. In order to organize students' speech interaction we need such methodological tools and techniques that would provide the necessary speech interaction in a foreign language. The development of intensive methods in the field of adequate forms of collective interaction in the foreign language classroom should be brought to the attention of teaching methodology as soon as possible in order to raise its credibility and effectiveness.


Keywords: speech interaction, collective interaction, role interaction.


Speech interaction is the coordination and complementation of the efforts of the participants in communication to define and achieve a communicative goal and result by means of speech. Speech interaction is an important condition for the organisation of pupils' and students' learning work in a foreign language lesson, which can be used to rationally use the teaching time, activate students' speech and thinking activity, and increase the developmental effect of learning [1. p. 23]. It also allows for the most complete solution to the task of intensive foreign language teaching.

The task of organising interaction in a foreign language class often seems easy and boils down to giving each student an opportunity to formulate his or her own statement and to participate in a common conversation. However, this is not easy to achieve in practice. Observations show, that the lesson often includes pre-determined sequences, i.e. each student knows his or her "role". [1. p. 24]. An important characteristic of communication - role interaction between the participants - is missing in this situation.

Therefore, speech interaction cannot be represented as a pre-determined text, as any text represents the outcome of monological, dialogic or group speech activities.

Of course, it is interesting to encourage the students, right after the training exercises, to unprepared spontaneous speech, to improvise, so that they are absolutely free to choose the language to express their own thoughts. But the quality of unprepared speech in all its characteristics (tempo, precision in the implementation of the idea) depends on whether it was preceded by a stage of more rigorous control of the students' activities in the form of prepared speech, when they acted out the role on the basis of supports or prompts given to them.

As practice shows, the reproductive beginning of the learning process does not contribute to further speech-creative activity of students and even hampers it by inducing them to reproduce the newly learned phrase sequences [4. p. 45]. This is the limitation of reproductive learning, where students are presented with a way t speech problem instead of a speech task.

In order to organize speech interaction among students, we need methods and techniques that provide the necessary speech interaction in a foreign language. Let's look at these techniques, which form 6 groups, each of which includes different variants that share a common feature.

Interviews. A common feature of this group of techniques is the task of interviewing as many of the students present in the classroom as possible in order to find out their opinions, judgments, and answers to the questions posed [3. p. 31]. The pupils or students work at the same time and move freely around the classroom, recording their answers in a notebook, etc.

The overall results of the interview are written down on the board and used for further discussion. In the advanced stages of the training, forms of interview such as questionnaires and tests are used.

Information bank. The general feature of this group of techniques is that each learner first possesses a small piece of information and then, as a result of verbal interaction with others, receives information from the collective bank and acquires the whole body of knowledge.

One form of such play is the exchange of information about actual events; another form of such reception is organized by means of a test.

Finding a pair. This technique is based on the premise that each student in the group has a pair that he or she does not know about and that he or she has to find by asking the other participants questions. One of the forms of this technique is to find a so-called "ally in the dispute", to find an "addressee" [3. p. 31]. Sometimes a time limit is set, in other cases it is suggested not only to find one's match, but also to do it faster than others.

Group decisions. This technique most often takes the form of a popular TV show called "Brain-Ring". Pupils are divided into groups that work together to answer questions, m a k e   decisions and report back. The questions are used to test their erudition, wit, sense of hum our or linguistic guesswork.

Co-ordination of action. One form of this technique is the organization of an "exchange of objects" between the participants. Co-ordination can take the form of commands or instructions.

A discussion game. In a discussion game, the participants react to what they have read, heard or seen in the following ways: by giving additional information, by asking a question, by replying, by objecting.

Undoubtedly, implementing the above techniques enhances the thinking activity of all participants in the learning process, motivates speaking and increases the overall motivation

"The experience of speech interaction allows you to move on to more complex forms of speech and discussion communication. The experience of speech interaction enables the transition to more complex forms of speech and discussion communication.

One of the components of intensive learning technology is the optimum organization of collective interaction between students.

The task of the foreign language teacher is to ensure that each student is active throughout the lesson, maximizing speaking time for everyone. This can be achieved by working in groups.

Communication always implies a partner/partners, so communicative tasks are solved in the students' contact with each other. Almost all forms of collective interaction that are used by collective methods can be applied in the learning process [2. p. 35].

These include, firstly, working in pairs with regular or changing partners, small groups (2, 3, 4 pupils) and teams, where the whole group is divided into 2 parts. Working with a group is also a popular way of doing this, but it is important to organize the space for communication in a purposeful way and to manage the interaction between the groups clearly.

In small groups, for example, the students sit next to each other, they work a lot standing up and also on the move. Small group work differs from pair work not only in the number of students but also in the nature of the communication tasks. Usually one of the interlocutors acts as an objective witness, introducing the situation, drawing conclusions and summarizing. Therefore, in small groups, reporters, reporters, sociologists take part as actors.

Teamwork is designed to perform communicative tasks in the form of competitions, contests and quizzes. Competitive team activities have long been popular, but the intensive methods have put a different emphasis on them: not only and not so much the language material, but above all the communication tasks are their subject.

Thus, the achievement of intensive methods in the field of development of adjective forms of collective interaction should be brought to the attention of teaching methods as soon as possible in order to reinvigorate them and raise their credibility and effectiveness.


List of literature:
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2. Mil'rud, R. P. Obuchenie shkol'nikov rechevomu vzaimode- jstviju uroch inostrannogo ja- zyka // Inostrannyj jazyk v shkole. 2003. № 6.
3. Passov, V. I. Situativnaja pozici- ja kaksnova sozdanija situatsii rechevogo obwenija // Inostrannyj jazyk v shkole. 2000. № 1.
4. Rabinovich, F. M. Rolevaja game - jeffektivnyj priem obucheni- ja govoreniju // Inostrannyj jazyk v shkole. 2004. № 6.