

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №18(241)

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Ignatova V.A. UNLEASHING THE POTENTIAL OF MUSIC AMONG YOUNG PEOPLE IN THE MODERN WORLD AS A FACTOR INFLUENCING THE STUDY OF ENGLISH // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 18(241). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/241/127022 (дата обращения: 06.10.2024).
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Ignatova Valeria Alekseevna
Student of Moscow Polytechnic University, Russia, Moscow




Игнатова Валерия Алексеевна

студент, ФГАОУ ВО Московский политехнический университет, РФ, г. Москва


Аннотация. В этой статье исследуется потенциал музыки в продвижении изучения английского языка среди молодежи в современном мире. В работе утверждается, что песни могут быть мощным инструментом для продвижения изучения английского языка среди молодежи, и предлагаются способы, с помощью которых музыка может быть интегрирована в программы изучения языка.

Abstract. This article explores the potential of music in promoting English language learning among young people in the modern world. The paper argues that music can be a powerful tool for promoting English language learning among young people, and suggests ways in which music can be integrated into language learning programs.


Ключевые слова: музыка; молодежь; изучение английского языка; современный мир; песни на английском языке.

Keywords: music, young people, English language learning, modern world.


English has become a global language and a medium of communication in many areas of life. As such, the ability to speak English fluently is an essential skill for young people who wish to thrive in the modern world. However, many young people struggle to learn English. Music has been shown to have the potential to promote language learning among young people. This paper explores the potential of music in promoting English language learning among young people in the modern world.

Research has shown that music has a profound impact on young people's physical, emotional, and cognitive development. Music can help children and teenagers develop their language and communication skills, enhance their memory, and improve their motor skills. It also helps them develop social skills, such as teamwork, empathy, and self-expression, which are essential for their personal and professional growth. Music also helps young people to develop their creativity.

How music in English affects language learning

  1. Improve Listening and Comprehension Skills:

Music can help learners improve their listening and comprehension skills. Listening to music in English can expose learners to natural language use, colloquial expressions, and various accents and dialects. This exposure can improve learners' ability to understand spoken English, especially in real-life situations where different accents and dialects are used.

With the help of the song Beyoncé – “Halo", you can improve your listening and understanding skills, as well as spoken English. For example: «Remember those walls I built?» - «помнишь те стены, которые я построила?», «…they didn’t even put up a fight» - «…они не противились», «feel your halo» - «чувствую твой нимб». These expressions are used figuratively. Not everyone can understand the song, so it is recommended to listen from the age of 16.

In Adele's song «Skyfall» you can hear a British accent, and in Rihanna's song "Diamonds" - an American one.

  1. Enhance Pronunciation and Intonation:

Music can also help learners improve their pronunciation and intonation. Singing along to English songs can help learners develop their pronunciation skills by imitating the sounds, rhythm, and intonation patterns of native speakers. This can help learners sound more natural when speaking English.

With the help of the Imagine Dragons song «Natural», you can improve your pronunciation, as well as intonation due to the many interrogative sentences.

  1. Increase Vocabulary Acquisition:

Music can be a great tool for improving learners' vocabulary acquisition. Songs often contain rich and varied vocabulary that can help learners expand their word knowledge. Additionally, the context in which words are used in songs can help learners understand the meaning and use of words more effectively than memorizing vocabulary lists.

With the help of the song «I've been everywhere» by Johnny Cash, you can increase your vocabulary. It will help you learn geographical names and words related to travel.

  1. Grammar improvement:

In the songs «We Can Work It Out» by The Beatles and «Always On My Mind» by Elvis Presley can learn modal verbs.

In the song «Ready to Run» by the artist The Dixie Chicks can study the future tense, and in the song «Summer of ’69» by the artist Bryan Adams – the past.

  1. Increase Motivation and Engagement:

Music is an enjoyable and engaging medium that can increase learners' motivation and engagement in language learning. By incorporating music into language learning programs, learners can enjoy the process of learning English and feel more motivated to continue learning. This can increase their engagement in language learning and improve their language skills in the long run.

How teachers can incorporate music into English language learning programs:

  1. Use different sources to learn the language:

ESOL Courses is a website with which you can listen to different clips and perform exercises, for example, insert a missing word, choose the correct verb form.

  1. Select Appropriate Songs:

Teachers should select songs that are appropriate for their students' language level and interests. The lyrics should be clear and understandable, and the song should contain vocabulary and grammar structures that align with the students' language proficiency level.

  1. Use Song Lyrics:

Teachers can use song lyrics to teach vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. They can provide students with the lyrics and ask them to identify new words or structures, or they can ask students to fill in the blanks with missing words.

  1. Practice Listening Comprehension:

Teachers can use songs to practice listening comprehension. They can play a song and ask students to identify the main idea, answer comprehension questions, or summarize the song in their own words.

  1. Discuss Cultural Context:

Teachers can use songs to discuss the cultural context in which the language is used. They can ask students to research the artist, the genre, or the cultural references in the song, and then discuss their findings in class.

The music can be a powerful tool for promoting English language learning among young people in the modern world. The majority of the participants believed that music can help in English language learning, and most of them reported that music helped them improve their English language skills. Therefore, music should be integrated into language learning programs to make the process more enjoyable and effective. Music can be used to improve pronunciation, intonation, and listening skills, and it can also be used to enhance vocabulary acquisition.

Music is an excellent tool for language learning because it is enjoyable, memorable, and provides a context for language use. In the modern world, where young people are constantly exposed to music from various sources, incorporating music into language learning programs can make the process more engaging and effective. By listening to music, learners can improve their listening and comprehension skills, as well as their pronunciation, intonation, and vocabulary acquisition. Moreover, music can provide cultural insights and exposure to different accents and dialects.

In conclusion, music is an effective and enjoyable tool for promoting English language learning among young people in the modern world. Teachers should integrate music into language learning programs to make the process more engaging and effective. By doing so, learners can improve their language skills while enjoying the process, thereby increasing their motivation and engagement in language learning.


1. Beyoncé, «Halo». [electronic resource]. – Electron.dan. – Access mode: https://nastroy.net/post/12-pesen-kotoryh-dostatochno-chtoby-vyuchit-razgovornyj-anglijskij (accessed: 04.04.2023).
2. Adele, "Skyfall". [electronic resource]. – Electron.dan. – Access mode: https://www.amalgama-lab.com/songs/a/adele/skyfall.html (accessed 04.04.2023).
3. Rihanna, "Diamonds". [electronic resource]. – Electron.dan. – Access mode: https://www.amalgama-lab.com/songs/r/rihanna/diamonds.html  (accessed: 04.04.2023).
4. Imagine Dragons, «Natural». [electronic resource]. – Electron.dan. – Access mode: https://www.amalgama-lab.com/songs/i/imagine_dragons/natural.html (accessed 04.04.2023).
5. Johnny Cash, "I've been everywhere". [electronic resource]. – Electron.dan. – Access mode: https://lyrsense.com/johnny_cash/ive_been_everywhere  (accessed 04.04.2023).
6. The Beatles, "We Can Work It Out". [electronic resource]. – Electron.dan. – Access mode: https://www.amalgama-lab.com/songs/b/beatles/we_can_work_it_out.html  (accessed: 04.04.2023).
7. Elvis Presley, “Always On My Mind”. [electronic resource]. – Electron.dan. – Access mode: https://www.amalgamalab.com/songs/e/elvis_presley/always_on_my_mind.html  (accessed 04.04.2023).
8. The Dixie Chicks, "Ready to Run". [electronic resource]. – Electron.dan. – Access mode: https://lyrhub.com/track/Dixie-Chicks/Ready-to-Run/translation (accessed 04.04.2023).
9. Bryan Adams, “Summer of ’69". [electronic resource]. – Electron.dan. – Access mode: https://www.amalgama-lab.com/songs/b/bryan_adams/summer_of_69.html (accessed: 04.04.2023).
10. The Dixie Chicks, «Ready to Run». [electronic resource]. – Electron.dan. – Access mode: https://lyrhub.com/track/Dixie-Chicks/Ready-to-Run/translation (accessed: 04.04.2023).
11. ESOL Courses. Learn English With Songs - Online Lessons and Exercises. [electronic resource]. – Electron.dan. – Access mode: https://www.esolcourses.com/topics/learn-english-with-songs.html (date of application: 04.04.2023).
12. Start in science. The role of songs in learning English. [electronic resource]. – Electron.dan. – Access mode: https://school-science.ru/12/3/48445 (accessed: 03/11/2023). 
13. FluentU. Songs in English that will help you master useful words and grammar. [electronic resource]. – Electron.dan. – Access mode: https://www.fluentu.com/blog/english-rus/учить-английский-по-песням / (accessed: 03/11/2023).