

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №19(242)

Рубрика: Безопасность жизнедеятельности

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Golovanova O. DEVELOPMENT OF PROPOSALS FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF THE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY SYSTEM USING METHODS OF SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND MODELLING OF TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 19(242). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/242/127184 (дата обращения: 10.02.2025).
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Golovanova Olga
Student Moscow Polytechnic University, Russia, Moscow
Kozhukhova Valentina
научный руководитель, Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, FSAEI HE Moscow Polytechnic University, teacher, School No. 2103, Deputy Director of ANO FPE East Siberian Educational Center, Russia, Moscow




Голованова Ольга Николаевна,

студент Московского политехнического университета, РФ, г. Москва

Кожухова Валентина Валерьевна,

старший преподаватель кафедры «Иностранные языки» ФГАОУ ВО Московский политехнический университет, учитель ГБОУ Школа №2103, заместитель директора АНО ДПО Восточно-Сибирский образовательный центр, РФ, г. Москва


Abstract. The main value of every organization is the life and safety of employees in the workplace.

The health and safety management system is a key tool for creating safe working conditions, preserving the life and health of employees.

This article discusses of proposals for the management of the occupational safety system using methods of system analysis and modeling of technological processes.

Аннотация. Главная ценность каждой организации – это жизнь и безопасность сотрудников на рабочих местах. Система управления охраной труда является ключевым инструментом для создания безопасных условий труда, сохранения жизни и здоровья работников. В данной статье рассматриваются предложения по управлению системой охраны труда с применением методов системного анализа и моделирования технологических процессов.


Keywords: Security, labour safety, system.

Ключевые слова: Безопасность, охрана труда, система.


The purpose of labor protection system management using methods of system analysis and modeling of technological processes is to analyze and assess occupational risks, predict, eliminate and mitigate the consequences of abnormal interaction of components in systems of the "man - machine – environment" type.

Examples of methods used to achieve this goal:

• fundamentals of the methodology of the system analysis of occupational risk;

• theories and models of the origin and development of adverse events and processes;

• methods and algorithms of hazard research;

• mathematical apparatus of risk analysis;

• methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis of safety and risk.

Successful prevention of occupational injuries and occupational morbidity is possible only if the causes of their occurrence are carefully studied. To facilitate this task, it is customary to divide the causes of occupational injuries and occupational morbidity into the following main groups: organizational, technical, sanitary-hygienic, psychophysiological.

Organizational reasons: absence or poor-quality training on labor protection issues; lack of control; violation of the requirements of instructions, rules, norms, standards; failure to implement labor protection measures; violation of technological regulations, rules of operation of equipment, vehicles, tools; violation of norms and rules of preventive maintenance of equipment; insufficient technical supervision of dangerous robots; use of equipment, mechanisms and tools are not intended for their intended purpose.

Technical reasons: non-compliance with safety requirements or malfunction of production equipment, mechanisms, tools; imperfection of technological processes; design flaws of equipment, imperfection or absence of protective barriers, warning devices, alarm systems and blocking.

Sanitary and hygienic reasons: increased content of harmful substances in the air of working areas; insufficient or irrational lighting; increased levels of noise, vibration, infrared and ultrasound; unsatisfactory microclimatic conditions; the presence of a variety of radiation above acceptable values; violation of personal hygiene rules, etc..

Psychophysiological reasons: erroneous actions due to employee fatigue due to excessive severity and intensity of work; monotony of work; painful condition of the employee; carelessness; inconsistency of psychophysiological or anthropometric data of the employee with the technique used or the work performed [1].

Thus, in order to avoid the above reasons, a systematic approach to occupational health and safety management is implemented, which includes the following processes:

  • Monitoring system
  • Safety training
  • Contractor management
  • The procedure for performing high-risk work
  • Procedure for the investigation of accidents, microtraumas and other incidents
  • Social accident insurance
  • Conducting medical examinations and psychiatric examinations
  • The procedure for preparing and conducting a special assessment of working conditions
  • Professional risk assessment
  • Providing employees with personal protective equipment
  • Internal labor regulations
  • Incentive programs to motivate employees [2].

A comprehensive system analysis of any complexity of the system is practically impossible without the use of the most modern scientific and technical achievements in all fields of science and technology. System analysis and modeling of the main processes in the current development of productive forces are especially relevant in the field of labor protection, when the safety of human life and health is called into question due to the difficult-to-predict harmful consequences of negative impacts [3].

The labor protection system is presented to the authors as a complex dynamic system that responds sensitively to changes in the external environment. Labor protection as a system consists of the main parts:

- input signal;

- process (activities related to management, technology, operations, etc.);

- resources invested in the system;

- input data (information flows as the most important part of the system interacting with its environment);

- feedback;

- environment.

Feedback or the system's response to environmental impacts focuses on information and resources that are used to perform certain operations in the system. These inputs help to correct errors found in processes. The process of managing the labor protection system implies an impact on the controlled elements (subsystems), as well as the formation and creation of a favorable environment for the implementation of the management function itself. A necessary condition is the openness of the system and its relationship with the external environment, which is a set of factors outside the system. External factors can directly or indirectly change the system, while the system itself can directly produce changes in the external environment. The first system property of complex objects is their composite nature, which implies the presence of a certain set of parts or elements in them. The second system property of complex objects is interconnectedness, which implies the presence of certain connections and relationships between the components. Thus, all elements of the labor protection system exist and function due to factors that ensure the connectivity of their components over a long period of time. Such connectivity of elements or subsystems in the labor protection system is ensured by the necessary and sufficient exchange of resources: material, non-material, information. The third system property of complex objects is their integrity. The labor protection system is an integral independent system with the presence of links between the constituent elements and channels for the exchange of necessary resources. All elements function as a whole, exhibit properties different from the properties of the components, and from the properties of the external environment. The fourth system property of complex objects is involvement in the environment. The labor protection system operates in a certain environment: external and internal. In the process of its development and transformation, the labor protection system actively interacts with all elements of the environment, attracting the necessary resources, performing the necessary functions to create favorable working conditions and spreading the effects of functioning to individual elements of the environment. Occupational health and safety management using methods of system analysis and modeling of technological processes can be built from blocks that are connected, interact with each other and function simultaneously, while maintaining the basic principles of a systematic approach to occupational health and safety:

- definition of the system of production processes, their connections and principles of interaction;

- improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization's activities in the field of labor protection.

Ideas of methods of system analysis and modeling of technological processes in relation to labor protection:

- Effective interaction between people is a basic means of achieving goals. Interaction between employees of the organization in order to achieve a common goal in the field of occupational safety includes: minimizing occupational injuries, occupational diseases, improving working conditions with the help of organizational tools (conducting basic occupational safety measures – briefings, training, development of occupational safety instructions, conducting occupational safety briefings, medical examinations, etc.).

- In labor protection, all links of the same chain function in the process of work (specialists in different areas of labor protection work simultaneously, which are focused on a common goal). As a result, the occupational health and safety management system in the organization is formed and effectively functions, as a result of which the set goals and objectives are achieved.

- Changes that can improve the quality of the occupational health and safety management system are welcome at any stage of development. In the work on labor protection, for example, in the event of an increase in the number of injuries, changes are made to the frequency of on-the-job briefings (more often than the deadline), additions to the instructions on labor protection with special sections, taking into account the specifics and type of work during which injuries are recorded, additional training in order to prevent the recurrence of such accidents.

- Contractual, technical and other regulatory documentation is secondary in importance relative to a working occupational safety management system. For example, when using a systematic approach to occupational safety, the development and approval of procedures for conducting occupational safety training for employees is not the very purpose of ensuring the safety of workers, but the actual result of using these documents in work is important, which will lead to minimizing accidents, preserving the life and health of the employee. This result can be achieved through interaction between the participants in the process, clarification of safety rules and practical study of the issues set out in the instruction (for example, demonstration of the use of PPE).

The possibility of using methods of system analysis and modeling of technological processes in the labor protection department allows you to get the desired results as soon as possible (reduction of injuries, improvement of working conditions, preservation of life and health of employees).


Bibliographic list:
1. The health and safety management system. Article 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation from 30.12.2001 N 197-FZ. URL: https://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_34683/651d8ec0bc6209d48b7ee854c22d5f62baa35239/ (Date of application: 07.04.2023)
2. Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 29.10.2021 N 776n "On approval of the Approximate Regulations on the safety management system". URL:https://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_403335/022bbb249725546bccc168f00e36648751936fa3/#dst100011 (Date of application: 07.04.2023)
3. Levashov S.P. Occupational risk: methodology of system analysis and modeling: Textbook.- Kurgan: Publishing House of Kurgan State University, 2008.- 154 p.