

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №19(286)

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Shlenyova A. THE INFLUENCE OF ONLINE LANGUAGE PLATFORMS ON ENGLISH PROFICIENCY // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 19(286). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/286/148929 (дата обращения: 14.09.2024).
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Shlenyova Anastassiya
Student, Akhmet Baitursynuly Kostanay Regional University, Kazakhstan, Kostanay
Ivanova Yelena
научный руководитель, Scientific adviser, Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Akhmet Baitursynuly Kostanay Regional University, Kazakhstan, Kostanay


Abstract. Learning a foreign language without using additional Internet resources is hardly possible in the modern world. We live in the age of technology, where modern society, especially the younger generation, are now “digital natives”, and therefore, the integration of media resources becomes an engaging, productive and motivating factor that makes learning process convenient, comfortable and interesting. Language learning platforms can become an excellent auxiliary tool when learning an English language, as well as immerse students in a language environment that is as close as possible to the authentic one. In this article, we will look at the advantages of using online platforms, factors that can influence the learning process, features that you should pay attention to when choosing an online resource for classes, and also provide examples of effective platforms.


Keywords: online language learning platforms, advantages, learning process, application


With the advancement of science and technology, computer technology has become an integral part of our lives, and the field of education is no exception. The lesson format has changed dramatically over the course of the past ten years as a consequence of the use of electronic technological advances. Teachers, like learners have accessibility to an abundance of fresh educational possibilities.

The fundamental concept behind online language learning platforms is to use technology to create a virtual environment that simulates the experience of traditional classroom learning. These platforms utilize advanced technologies to present an extensive variety of opportunities, such as interactive activities, audio and video tutorials, online sessions with teachers, and the ability to link up with other students and native speakers. At the same time, the majority of the platforms' key features are based on the principle of individualization, with personalized and thrilling training programs tailored to each student's unique needs and pace.

Images, audio, and video clips are among the information objects used on the platform when learning a foreign language. Students have demonstrated an intense curiosity in using platforms for learning. The incorporation of technological devices raises internal as well as external motivation during studying, facilitating students to demonstrate their enthusiasm in acquiring the language. After interactive lessons, what was learned stands sharp in memory and stimulates cognitive activity.

Studying a foreign language when not in the country where the language is commonly spoken is complicated.

Learning through online platforms has numerous advantages compared to classic lesson formats. Visibility, for instance, is one of the most obvious and significant advantages. This concept encourages the use of all senses while learning, and that is knows to be especially effective while acknowledging new vocabulary. When viewing educational videos, we're engaging both our hearing and sight senses simultaneously. Visualization is a crucial part of the course of study because it allows students to learn the subject with greater efficiency, rapidly, and straightforwardly. "It is known that about five times more information enters the brain through the organs of vision than through the organs of hearing." Audio, as well as video materials, support enhancing memory among learners and promote much quicker memorization via visual images, making information less difficult to comprehend. Another advantage will be the individual approach, as many platforms allow us to create personalized lessons based on the student's starting level and then adapt to each student's specific needs or pace. Just some time ago, the opportunity to communicate with a native speaker was rare for many foreign language learners. This was indeed a rarity, but by no means the commonplace that this phenomenon of international communication is now.The advantage of online platforms is that they officially facilitate all this. There are resources where you can simply chat with native speakers, get in touch with them, or make new pen pals; but there are also platforms on which you can not only practice your speaking with foreigners, but also exchange experiences, complete tasks and submit your work for error correction.

The online platform's interface for navigation should be straightforward, comprehensible, and clear, ensuring dynamic but smooth operation and preventing students from becoming confused in navigating the links within this language platform.

ESOL Courses is a free platform that provides a variety of materials for learning English, such as crossword challenges and quizzes for learning new words, articles for exercising reading skills, and even self-study books to help students prepare for Foreign Language International exams.

EngVid.com provides video lessons on a variety of topics, most of which are subtitled. More than 800 lessons cover grammar, cultural differences, language nuances, vocabulary, idioms, pronunciation, accent, TOEFL and IELTS preparation, and other topics. The lessons on EngVid.com are organized into three difficulty levels Beginner - Intermediate - and Advanced, which will also help teachers to organize the lesson.

News In Levels is a resource for learning English through news reports. An experienced announcer reads the news at a steady pace, making it simpler to comprehend. News in Levels includes videos from legitimate news channels. Basic topics are chosen and conveyed in simple language. The News in Levels staff simplifies and rewrites the same news stories in a fairly straightforward language. And the advantage of the platform is three levels of difficulty.

The website's constant use of the principle of repetition is a crucial point for those who study the language.

Tandem is an easy application that helps you find an international spouse to practice your foreign language skills. It is believed that once you have found a partner, you are going to master the language "in tandem," which implies that you are going to assist your counterpart learn the language you speak while your interlocutor will assist you as you learn English. This is the platform you can definitely suggest your students to use outside the classroom, since it increases interest and motivation and allows them to finally practice their knowledge with natives.

Summing up, we note that the use of such resources always enlivens a standard lesson and students, allowing them to expand their consciousness, motivating them to learn the language more effectively, and, as a result, looking at the course and process of learning activities from a new perspective.To successfully implement such a tool in the classroom, teachers must be ready to use such platforms in their lessons, create tasks and design their own individual system for the lesson, and also be able to choose them depending on the goals and objectives of learning, taking into account the interests and level of knowledge of students. In the course of the study, it was revealed that the use of online language learning platforms has a positive impact on the process of language learning because it allows students to immerse themselves in an artificial language environment, observe and take part in the language situations that correspond to those that arise in the native’s country.


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