
Artificial intelligence is just a tool

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №37(88)

Рубрика: Физико-математические науки

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Pasyuta M., Agafonova E. Artificial intelligence is just a tool // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2019. № 37(88). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/88/61355 (дата обращения: 06.02.2025).
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Artificial intelligence is just a tool

Pasyuta Maxim
student, Altai State Technical University. I.I. after Polzunov, Russia, Barnaul
Agafonova Elena
senior lecturer, Altai State Technical University. I.I. after Polzunov, Russia, Barnaul


Modern people mostly do not trust artificial intelligence, self-driving vehicles, robots, because a great number of science fictions, in which artificial intelligence went out of control for some reason and harmed others has contributed to this fact. Over the past years, famous people of the world in the spheres of science and technology  started to voice their opposition to artificial intelligence. One of the founders of the electronic payment system PayPal, the head of SpaceX, Ilon Musk, wrote that artificial intelligence is potentially more dangerous than atomic weapons. English theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking also spoke about artificial intelligence. He wrote that the development of full-fledged artificial intelligence may herald the beginning of the end for humans. His fears are related to the fact that artificial intelligence can act on its own, while it will improve itself at a dramatic pace. People bounded by slow biological evolution will not be able to  resist to it and will be squeezed out.

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the ability of computers to perform any creative functions that were traditionally performed only by humans. Also, this term refers to the science and technology of creating intelligent machines. For the first time this definition was given by American computer scientist John McCarthy in 1956. [1] In the world of science there is a vast number of scientists involved in the study of artificial intelligence. One of them is Oren Etzioni, who has been the head of the Allen Institute of Artificial Intelligence in the United States for many years. This scientist has been researching artificial intelligence for more than 20 years, and he has no fears about its future. Many experts in this field express similar opinions. Oren Etzioni wrote that the bleak scenario of the development of artificial intelligence are impossible for at least one simple reason: most people do not distinguish the concepts of reason and autonomy. The society believes that the computer, possessing intelligence, will begin to devise its own tasks, and the processing power and access to the databases will help it in execution. Artificial intelligence researcher Oren Etzioni believes that these concepts are not synonymous. [2] So, the usual calculator in the hands of a person cannot begin to make its own calculations for example. It is created and programmed to do calculations and therefore, it always remains just a simple calculating tool. It is an ordinary thing that can help a person. Similarly, artificial intelligence is just a simple tool to be applied in certain types of work. It is necessary when the work is either too costly, such as conducting research, analyzing large amounts of data, or are far too long. Artificial intelligence currently requires the presence of a human. According to Oren Etzioni, at the moment artificial intelligence is at an early stage of development: current developments cannot even read and understand the elementary grades textbooks. At present, intellectual systems are not able to perform a normal school test or at least understand a sentence taken out of context. The development of artificial intelligence is associated with a huge amount of difficulties, due to which, artificial intelligence will be many times weaker than the child's mind for many years over. Most researchers note that artificial intelligence is safe in its essence, but it may contain errors like any software product. Gary Marcus writes that in order to cause thousands of dollars damage and harm the society, the program does not need to have any unique intelligence. Even a regular trading robot can destroy everything because of the mistakes made by developers. The program to control a self-driving vehicle may work improperly, thus causing an accident and even death, but these facts do not mean that the society should immediately stop developments in the field of artificial intelligence. These programs can save hundreds of thousands of lives a year. So, for example there is Deep Mind Health program. [3]

 This is an intellectual system, the main task of which is to analyze huge domain of medical information and identify the necessary data. This program is not just a smart assistant, which gives the necessary information to the doctor, but a whole complex for determining susceptibility to diseases or identifying them in the early stages of development, when they may not be noticed by humans.

Or there is DART system (Dynamic Analysis and Replanning) developed for the US military complex. This intelligent system is designed to create transportation schedules and provide automated supply planning. The system covers more than 50,000 cars, units of cargo and people at the same time. It is necessary to take into account routes, points of receipt and issue, as well as eliminate the problems of interaction between all objects in this particular program.

The method of planning on the basis of artificial intelligence made it possible to work out in a couple of hours such plans, which would take people a week to draw up. Representatives of the Agency DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency) said that this software product completely paid off all the investments of thirty years  research in the field of artificial intelligence.

So, analysis of the research literature has shown that artificial intelligence is not dangerous at present. This is just a program written by a person which will perform only the functionality embodied in it.

In conclusion, I would like to recall the words of Bill Gates: "Most people by nature are afraid of changes. People were afraid of electricity when it was invented, right? People were afraid of coal, gas engines ... ignorance leads to fear. It will always be. But information and medical technologies will change the world in the next 20 years, so they should not be afraid of, they should be dealt with”.


Список литературы:
1. Искусственный интеллект [Электронный ресурс]. – Электрон. дан. – Заглавие с экрана. – Режим доступа: URL: https://indicator.ru/tags/iskusstvennyj-intellekt/
2. Искусственный интеллект нам не угроза [Электронный ресурс]. – Электрон. дан. – Заглавие с экрана. – Режим доступа: URL:http://ai-nеws.ru/2018/03/iskusstvennyj_intеllеkt_nam_nе_ugroza.html
3. Четверка лучших систем ИИ для обработки медицинских данных [Электронный ресурс]. – Электрон. дан. – Заглавие с экрана. – Режим доступа: URL: https://mhealthcongress.ru/ru/article/chetverka-luchshih-sistem-ii-dlya-obrabotki-meditsinskih-dannih-64240