
The phenomenon of the British national character

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №40(133)

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Tabakaeva D. The phenomenon of the British national character // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 40(133). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/133/82006 (дата обращения: 05.03.2025).
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The phenomenon of the British national character

Tabakaeva Darya
Student, Belgorod National Research University, Russia, Belgorod
Shemaeva Elena Viktorovna
научный руководитель, Associate Professor, Belgorod National Research University, Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. Currently, there are many approaches to learning English but direct communication with native English speakers remains the most effective. This article is devoted to the problem of the possibility of using national character traits in the process of communication with the British to gain greater understanding.


Keywords: British people, character traits, communication.


In Russia the most commonly used language for teaching in schools is British English. Students learn the language, as well as the traditions, customs and culture of the country. However, it is equally important to study the mentality of the inhabitants of this country because the national character and language are inextricably linked. Therefore, in learning a language it is impossible to do without studying the characteristics of native speakers. Otherwise, it is simply impossible to understand the logic of having a conversation or using vocabulary. That is why it is so important to know the national character traits of the British.

Let's look at the most remarkable character traits the knowledge of which can help in the process of communication with the British.

The first trait that is one of the most noticeable and well-known is the stability and constancy of their character. They are less prone to than other peoples subject to fashion, the change of times, etc. Many authors describe the English in almost the same way this is primarily due to the invariability of the foundations of the English character.

The English restraint and unwillingness to show their feelings causes the greatest misunderstanding and sometimes condemnation of others both emotional representatives of the Romanesque world and sensitive people from the Slavic world even the Germans have a sentimentality (Pavlovskaya, 3).

However it is important to understand that for all its stability the character of the British is contradictory and paradoxical. Next we will look at what is that mean (Ovchinnikov, 2).

Another brightful trait of the English character which logically continues the first is conservatism. The reason for this can be seen if you look at the geographical location of the UK. It is an island state.

For centuries, geographical isolation necessarily left its mark on the specifics of the nation's development. New ideas were not introduced from the outside which gave a rise to the exceptional love of the British for everything "their own" and, accordingly, the reluctance to change anything.

The desire to keep things as they are penetrate every aspect of English life but this is not always a bad thing. So, unlike, for example, of Russia great Britain did not know the fundamental reforms of the language so it now seems quite easy to learn. Its logic of historical development was not disturbed by reformist activities.

This exceptional love and pride of the English in belonging to their kingdom leads us to the following characteristic of the British character: national pride. England is probably the only country that does not want to be "Europe". The reason for this is their belief that their nation is the best. They do not need to attribute themselves to some region that is considered better because they believe that it is their people, their state are the best (Pavlovskaya, 4).

No less important feature of their character is the love for their home. In most of the countries people relax with friends in cafes, clubs, theaters, and often from what is happening at home but not in England. For the English home is a special haven the guiding of comfort, comfort and relaxation. It is no accident that the famous phrase "my home is my castle" belongs to the British.

And the same embodiment of home recreation, a kind of home routine is gardening, which is recognized as a national passion of the British.

However, despite the fact that the English are characterized by a love of silence and privacy and a desire to stay out in the Affairs of others this tendency to privacy successfully coexists in the Englishmen with the desire to form all sorts of clubs and societies and this is the paradox of the English character.

It is important to understand that the love of home also affects how the British perceive the invasion of their privacy. For the British the secrecy of their private life, their personal borders is very important. Do not come to visit a inhabitant of this country without warning. It will be rude to the owners. However, this does not mean that the British are not welcoming people. As mentioned earlier the fact is that their private life is very important to them.

The next feature is the eccentricity of the English character which is another paradox for a person of another nation. Despite the constancy and restraint for the British is no stranger to the bright display of emotions. So British fans of football are known for their aggressiveness.

Also, the English rarely hold back their emotions when they faced with criticism or ridicule of their traditions or way of life.

Well, the last thing that is undoubtedly worth mentioning is English humor. Sometimes it is completely unintelligible to foreigners, moreover, it confuses almost everyone who is facing it. The reason is that the British really appreciate the so-called "black humor" which for others is something tactless and sometimes even frightening. The English are also more sarcastic and ironic than the rest of us. The biggest problem is that sometimes it could be difficult to tell whether a Britishman is joking or not.

Summing up all of the above, I would like to say that despite all the listed features of the character of the English it is impossible to say that all the inhabitants of this country can be described in this way and they will all have these features. However, most Englishmen will in one way or another have such character traits as described above because this is something that is laid down through the upbringing, traditions of the country, the self-perception of its inhabitants and the media. And knowledge of these character traits will help in the communication process. Thanks to this knowledge you can build a competent dialogue of cultures in which there will be no place for ignorance and unintentional rudeness.


List of references: 
1. Mail A. These strange Englishmen / translation from English I. Togoeva. – M.: Egmont Russia LTD, 2001. – 72 p.
2. Ovchinnikov V. V. Sakura and oak. Sakura branch. Roots of oak. M.: AST, 2018. – 608 p. 
3. Pavlovskaya A.V. 5 O'clock and other traditions of England. M.: Algorithm, 2014 – 390 p. 
4. Pavlovskaya A.V. England and the English. M.: Triad-Litera, 2004. – 264 p.
5. Sukharev V.A. Psychology of peoples and Nations. – M.: Stalker, 1997. – 400 p.