Requirements for impartiality in creating the image of the national media and standards of professional ethics of a journalist
Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №15(151)
Рубрика: Филология

Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №15(151)
Requirements for impartiality in creating the image of the national media and standards of professional ethics of a journalist
Today it is customary to talk about the professional ethics of a doctor, teacher, journalist, there are ethical codes in business, the military, in the field of trade, there are international codes of ethics for employees of museums, the Red Cross society and other international professional associations.
Due to the developing professionalization, moral conflicts arise more and more often before specialists in various fields, which cannot be resolved relying only on professional knowledge.
The term "professional ethics" sometimes gets ambiguous. "On the one hand, this is the science of the professional features of the journalist's morality, of the moral aspects of his work.
On the other hand, the interpretation of the concept of" professional ethics "is firmly entrenched in everyday life, namely as a set of norms and rules of professional morality, as a synonym for journalistic codes." ...
This happens because the norms of journalistic morality were created and are being created under the strong influence of publishers, journalistic corporations, scientists are directly involved in their development.
The problems associated with the ethical regulation of professional journalistic activity are among the most researched in the Western world and the least meaningful in domestic science.
Today, when such a high degree of social tension is felt in Russia, and the emphasis placed more and more depend on the individual moral choice of each professional, the responsibility of the journalist for the word he utters increases many times over, and journalistic ethics is becoming one of the most relevant disciplines in a number of subjects studied by students of faculties. journalism.
Finding out the origin of professional ethics is to trace the relationship of moral requirements with the division of social labor and the emergence of a profession.
Aristotle, then Comte, Durkheim paid attention to these questions many years ago. They talked about the relationship between the division of social labor and the moral principles of society.
The emergence of professional ethics in time was preceded by the creation of scientific ethical teachings, theories about it. Everyday experience, the need to regulate the relationship of people of a particular profession led to the realization and formulation of certain requirements of professional ethics.
Professional ethics, having arisen as a manifestation of everyday moral consciousness, then developed on the basis of the generalized practice of behavior of representatives of each professional group.
These generalizations were contained in both written and unwritten codes of conduct, as well as in the form of theoretical conclusions.
Thus, this testifies to the transition from everyday consciousness to theoretical consciousness in the sphere of professional morality.
Professional ethics is a set of moral norms that determine a person's attitude to his professional duty.
The moral relations of people in the labor sphere are regulated by professional ethics. Society can function and develop normally only as a result of a continuous process of production of material values.
The content of professional ethics is codes of conduct that prescribe a certain type of moral relationship between people and ways to justify these codes.
Professional ethics studies:
- relations between labor collectives and each specialist separately;
- the moral qualities of the personality of a specialist, which ensure the best performance
professional duty;
- relationships within professional groups, and those specific moral norms,
specific to this profession;
- features of professional education.
According to one of the definitions, professional ethics is a set of rules of behavior of a certain social group, which ensures the moral nature of the relationship, conditioned or associated with professional activity.
Most often, the need to comply with the norms of professional ethics is faced by people employed in the service sector, medicine, education - in a word, wherever daily work is associated with direct contact with other people and where increased moral requirements are imposed.
Professional ethics originated on the basis of similar interests and requirements for the culture of people united by one profession.
Traditions of professional ethics are developing along with the development of the profession itself, and at present, the principles and norms of professional ethics can be enshrined at the legislative level or expressed through generally accepted moral norms.