Business communication as a component of professional competence of a civil servant of the Belgorod region
Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №17(153)
Рубрика: Культурология

Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №17(153)
Business communication as a component of professional competence of a civil servant of the Belgorod region
Currently, the requirements for the content and quality of professional activities of civil servants are constantly increasing. One of the professionally significant qualities of a civil servant is the culture of business communication.
Business communication is a kind of broader concept –communication. Business communication is a process in which there is an exchange of business information and work experience, involving the achievement of a certain result in joint work, the solution of a specific task or the implementation of a specific goal [2, p. 17].
The work done by civil servants has such a subject of labor as information, which acts as a means for the managed and served citizens. In carrying out his official duties, a civil servant communicates with citizens, heads of government bodies, enterprises, institutions, etc. Research shows that the communication process takes 70-85% of the working time, that is, a civil servant achieves performance results through interaction with other people. Do not forget that a civil servant is a person who is the personification of power and speaks on its behalf. Therefore, the culture of communication plays a significant role in strengthening the authority of the authorities.
Business communication in the public service can be defined as a qualitative characteristic of an employee's personality, including a system of scientific and theoretical knowledge in the field of management, including special knowledge in the field of communication culture , the formation of the ability to carry out communication activities with representatives of all levels of government and people outside the sphere of management, in all the variety of forms of official communication based on respect for human dignity, general moral principles, and only the inherent rules of business etiquette and communication that regulate the external manifestations of relationships between people [3, p. 32].
The effectiveness of the business communication process in the business sphere is determined by the knowledge and skills of the parties in the organization of interaction. Such knowledge is called communicative culture. The self-organization of the social system depends on the level of the communicative culture. Communicative influence makes it possible to optimize management in terms of the implementation of all managerial functions (planning, management, control), allows the subject of communication to establish psychological contact with opponents, prove, convince, make correct predictions about the behavior of opponents, achieve mutual understanding and direct their behavior to achieve the desired result. All this ensures the success of the management activities of civil servants.
Professional necessity forces employees to communicate with people who do not cause sympathy. Although such people cause the appearance of negative emotions, a professional should always be ready to interact with any person, regardless of personal sympathies.
Business communication of civil servants of the Belgorod region can be divided into external and internal.
Internal relations include business relations between: departments; managers; managers and subordinates; colleagues.
External relations include business relations with state authorities, local self-government bodies, with the media, with citizens, managers and employees of enterprises and organizations.
The norms of business communication are based on universal norms and rules of conduct, but in the course of professional activity, all these norms should be reflected in the normative legal act.
Business communication in the civil service in the Belgorod Region is regulated by the Code of Conduct of the State Civil Servant of the Belgorod Region of August 5, 2005 No. 579-R. According to this code, a civil servant must show " ... respect and correctness in relation to the state, to all state and public institutions..." [1, p. 1], as well as maintain the image of government structures, help strengthen their authority. It is not allowed to publicly express their political likes and dislikes, that is, it is necessary to maintain political neutrality.
The duty and duty of a civil servant towards all citizens is courtesy, correctness, attentiveness, tolerance and benevolence. These principles form the framework of business communication ethics. Knowledge of the principles of business communication allows a person to confidently navigate in any non-standard situations.
The information obtained during the performance of the duties of a civil servant must be protected and respected. A civil servant must show tolerance to people, regardless of their nationality, religion, political orientation; respect for the customs and traditions of the peoples of Russia, take into account the cultural and other characteristics of various ethnic, social groups and faiths [1, p. 2].
Thus, we can conclude that business communication plays an important role in the exercise of the powers of a civil servant of the Belgorod region. It directly affects the performance of a civil servant. The success of business communication depends on the ability to find common ground and find joint ways to achieve goals.