Online course’s superiority for the perception of the student’s: mixed method research
Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №18(154)
Рубрика: Филология
Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №18(154)
Online course’s superiority for the perception of the student’s: mixed method research
Abstract. This article provides basic information about online courses that cover all methods of education. Because students' knowledge is related to learning materials, it is important to demonstrate approaches based on their characteristics. Student enrollment is considered to be one of the key components of the educational process and online courses should lead to further success to influence their thinking.
Keywords: online courses, MOOCs, methodology, e-learning, online platforms, distance learning.
The use of English has become more effective from year to year. A variety of methods of teaching a foreign language have opened the door to students around the world. Most research in the field of education states that the online learning base depends on a carefully planned learning process. Online training courses cover various aspects of the learning process, and each program should have a well-designed structure of teaching materials and content that can help with student enrollment.
Literature review
It is known that online courses are closely related to e-learning or distance learning, as the main purpose of all online programs is to teach students online materials. Due to the creation of personal computers, these types of training have been widely introduced in our society. A.N. Babushkin, E.G. Sokolova and YI Pyagin "have been improved over the decades, such as online lessons and online training courses, as well as advanced modern technologies." Due to distance learning, students have many opportunities to study online lectures and classes at foreign universities [1, 2-3].
E. Hidson's e-learning-based research confirms the fact that video lessons conducted by school and high school teachers during distance learning help them in their professional development. This means that teachers have the opportunity to double-check their online lessons before sending them to students. By reviewing online lessons in the form of video courses, teachers can identify their weaknesses and mistakes [2, 21-31].
О.В. In her research on MOOC, Kuzmina identifies them as massively open Internet resources that help students on the following grounds:
- Distance learning or online courses are more effective than traditional teaching methods;
- The learning process gradually leads to the acquisition of difficult programs, and this process helps to improve student perception;
- Online courses help teachers to engage them in the learning process, and there are a variety of programs that engage students in open online courses that develop students' thinking;
- Online classes develop communication between students, as the network makes it easier for students to communicate;
- Online platforms introduce new changes in teaching methods, and modern teaching will be useful for all students [3, 89-73].
Thanks to online classes, students can master two types of reception:
1) active admission occurs when students participate in the learning process, and this type of admission occurs if the online course is interesting for them;
2) Passive perception is considered as a mode in which students are not interested. Due to this type of admission, students do not succeed [4, 77-80].
It is important to check the quality of programs before they are introduced into the learning process, as overcoming the process can lead to unexpected results.
R.S. Chaukhan noted that online courses improve the creativity of teachers in the organization of a successful learning process. In addition, undergraduate and graduate students have many opportunities due to the assistance of teachers in the learning process [5, 79-88].
Many researchers R. Goumaa, L. Anderson and M. Zunderson have studied the possibilities of quality of online programs for student admission in the educational process and said that they need online courses not only for pedagogical institutions, but also for business schools. MBA programs, because without online classes, students will not be able to create their own plans for the future [6, 226-244].
M.P. In his articles, Mikhalsky noted that "the perspectives of different online programs interact dynamically with each online lesson, which can be observed at the level of individual and organizational knowledge" [7, 145-166].
It is also worth noting the disadvantages of online lessons, one of which is considered to be the lack of face-to-face interaction: during online lessons, some students can not communicate properly, and this can lead to psychological and sociological problems. other factors that affect student perception and thinking [8, 17-35]. Therefore, teachers need to make some changes in the learning process when they may have problems with interaction.
Some researchers have noticed a difference between students' perceptions of traditional and online learning. According to statistics, students who studied offline achieved good results. However, this does not mean that students who choose online programs drop out. Conversely, online lessons can have the same effect on students' perceptions as traditional teaching methods [9, 323-330].
One of the main aspects of online courses is their quality, not quantity. There are many online courses, but some of them do not meet the special requirements. Therefore, students should know the following characteristics before attending any online courses:
- quality of education. Online courses vary depending on their educational goals and the quality of their content. Education is an important part of any learning process, and established platforms help students improve their basic knowledge;
- content quality. Without the proper content of the learning process, any type of online lesson cannot guarantee that students will achieve their goals. Thus, students must first get acquainted with the content of the course, and then, if a particular course meets the requirements of students, the student can start it immediately;
- Quality of teaching materials. Online courses cover a different amount of information, and it is up to students to choose an online platform. In this case, students should carefully check the online course system associated with its educational material;
- Students' preferences should not differ from the quality of the course. This means that some online resources attract viewers with their design. Therefore, teachers need to make sure that a particular course is suitable for a particular subject or course;
- Finally, the quality of the program, which can be modified according to design and learning capabilities, including access to this course, plays an important role in online learning, as students will not be able to complete the program without proper access to the Internet resource. set goals and achieve the desired results [10, 49-52].
In conclusion, online courses are one of the newest and most creative methods of teaching compared to traditional teaching methods, as they open up new perspectives through the global network. Regardless of the factors involved in the online learning process, students will have access to online resources such as audio and video lessons, open online courses (MOOCs), e-learning, online platforms, websites, electronic tools and video conferencing. Most scholars have stressed the importance of online courses and classes about the future of students. Online classes provide a wide range of applications, and students can take the courses they want and achieve great results that open the door to their bright and future.