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Popov V. FEATURES OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE IN STUDENTS WITH DIFFERENT LEVELS OF STRESS RESISTANCE // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 40(176). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/176/101010 (дата обращения: 28.02.2025).
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Popov Vladislav
Master student of the pedagogical institute, BelSU, Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. Today's rhythm of life of a modern student presupposes, on the one hand, to move towards achieving certain goals and development, on the other hand, to be able to manage their own emotions, to understand and take into account the emotions of others for productive interaction, which directly depends on the level of emotional intelligence and stress resistance, which, in turn, ensures the achievement of the goal of the activity in a difficult emotional environment.


Keywords: emotional intelligence, stress resistance, emotional awareness, ability to recognize emotions.


To study the level of stress resistance, we used the methodology of I.A. Usatov. This technique allows you to identify the level of stress resistance and has sufficient reliability and validity. To study the emotional intelligence of students, the methodology "Test for measuring emotional intelligence" (N. Hall) was used. This technique makes it possible to single out such scales as "Emotional awareness", "Emotion management", "Self-motivation", "Empathy", "Emotion recognition".

Data processing was carried out in SPSS 22 programs using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. As a non-formalized methodology, a conversation was used, aimed at determining the nature of the respondents' attitude to the results of diagnostics, and their readiness to participate in the correctional program. 

D.V. Lyusin defines emotional intelligence as "the ability to understand one's own and other people's emotions and control them" [4, p.32]. The author distinguishes two types of EI:

1) “interpersonal emotional intelligence, characterized by an intuitive understanding of other people's emotions, understanding of someone else’s emotions through expression, and a general ability to understand other people's emotions” [3].

2) "intrapersonal emotional intelligence, characterized by awareness of their emotions, control of their emotions and control of expression" [3]. According to N. Hall, emotional intelligence is “the ability to understand the relationship of a person, represented in emotions, and to manage the emotional sphere, both one’s own and those of others, on the basis of decision-making” [2, p.139].

According to B.G. Meshcheryakov and V.P. Zinchenko, “stress is a state of mental stress that occurs in a person during activity in the most difficult, difficult conditions, both in everyday life and under special circumstances” [5, p. 672].

A.A. Baranov proposes to consider stress resistance "a special case of mental stability, manifested under the action of stress factors" [1, p.41]. The development of emotional intelligence and stress resistance in adolescence plays an important role in the formation of the inner harmony of the individual and the protection of the whole organism from negative influences. In order to implement the tasks of the empirical study, we studied the severity of the locus of control, emotional intelligence and stress resistance of respondents using the elements of descriptive statistics. 

The most pronounced component of emotional intelligence in this sample is the indicator "Emotional awareness", the average value of which is 10.4; standard deviation - 5, simultaneous consideration of the parameter "Level of emotional prevalence" (mean value is 2; standard deviation - 0.8) reveals a uniform prevalence in the group of awareness and understanding of their own emotions, constant replenishment of the dictionary of emotions at the average level of severity.

The parameter "Empathy" is less pronounced, the higher the indicated indicator (mean is 9.9; standard deviation is 5.3); concomitant consideration of the parameter "Empathy level" (the mean corresponds to 1.9; the standard deviation is 0.7) reveals a uniform distribution of the mean values ​​of understanding the emotions of others and the ability to empathize with the emotional state of another person.

The descriptive statistics for the Emotion Recognition parameter are as follows: the average value is 8.3; the standard deviation is 5.5; the study of descriptive statistics data for the “Emotion Recognition Level” parameter (the mean value is 1.7; the standard deviation is 0.7) reveals a relatively uniform distribution of the average severity of the ability to influence the emotional state of others, that is, the sample, in addition to the prevalence of the mean values ​​of the parameter, also characterized by the presence of respondents with high and low severity of the trait.

The average value of the indicator "Self-motivation" is 8.3; the standard deviation is 5.8; the study of descriptive statistics of the parameter "Self-motivation level" (the mean value is 1.7; standard deviation is 0.7) allows one to find a relatively uniform distribution of the average severity of control of one's behavior due to the control of emotions, that is, the sample, in addition to the predominance of the mean values ​​of the parameter, also characterized by the presence of respondents with high and low severity of the trait.

The Emotion Management component has the lowest severity among the indicators of emotional intelligence (mean is 6.6; standard deviation is 12); Simultaneous consideration of the “Emotion control level” indicator (the mean value corresponds to 1.5; the standard deviation is 0.6) reveals an uneven distribution of signs of emotional flexibility, voluntary control of emotions, which is expressed in a dichotomous division of the sample into groups with high and low severity of the parameter. 

In the sample, the most common is the average level of emotional awareness (38.3%), the low level of emotion management (56.7%), the average level of self-motivation (51.7%), the average level of empathy (50 %), a low level of emotion recognition (48.3%), an average level of integrative emotional intelligence (56.7%).

As a result of the application of the Kruskal-Wallis test, differences were found at the level of the statistical trend in the parameter of the locus of control "Internality" (H = 7.342; p ≤ 0.1); indicators of emotional intelligence "Emotional awareness" (H = 6.974; p ≤ 0.1), "Recognition of emotions" (H = 6.616; p ≤ 0.1), "Integrative emotional intelligence" (H = 6.971; p ≤ 0.1 ); also found differences at a high level of statistical significance on the scale "Stress tolerance" (H = 48.749; p ≤ 0.01).

Summarizing the above, it becomes possible to conclude that the most pronounced indicators of emotional intelligence "Emotional awareness", "Empathy", "Self-motivation", "Recognition of emotions"; while the average level of emotional awareness, low level of emotion control, average level of self-motivation, average level of empathy, low level of emotion recognition, and average level of integrative emotional intelligence prevail.

Studying the results of respondents using the methods "Test to determine the level of personality stress resistance" I.А. Usatov and “Study of the locus of control” by J. Rotter with the help of descriptive statistics elements made it possible to the severity of the locus of control and stress resistance of students.

The study of the peculiarities of the emotional intelligence of students with different levels of stress resistance allowed us to reveal in the sample the highest expression of the indicators of emotional intelligence “Emotional awareness”, “Empathy”, “Self-motivation”, “Recognition of emotions”; while the average level of emotional awareness prevails low level of emotion control, average level of self-motivation, average level of empathy, low level of emotion recognition, average level of integrative emotional intelligence; the prevalence of the indicator of the locus of control “Internality” in the sample was also revealed; the average level of stress resistance, the level of stress resistance is below average and above average.

The conducted conversation contributed to the formation of the respondents' motivation for self-knowledge and self-development. The analysis of the effectiveness of corrective action showed an increase in the parameters "Internality", "Stress tolerance", "Emotional awareness", "Empathy", "Recognition of emotions" and "Integrative emotional intelligence" in the experimental group, the simultaneous lack of dynamics in the severity of indicators of the control group caused the absence of influence of side variables when implementing corrective action.


List of sources used:
1. Baranov, A.A. Psychological stress resistance and skill of the teacher / A.A. Baranov. - SPb, 2002 .-- 41p.
2. Golman, D. Emotional Leadership: The Art of Managing People Based on Emotional Intelligence / D. Goleman. - M .: Alpina Business Books, 2005. - 134–136 p.
3. Karpenko, L.A. A short psychological dictionary / L.A. Karpenko, under total. ed. A.V. Petrovsky, M.G. Yaroshevsky. - Moscow: Politizdat, 1985 .-- 431 p.
4. Lyusina, D.V. Social intelligence: Theory, measurement, research / D.V. Lyusina, D.V. Ushakova - M .: Institute of Psychology RAS, 2004 .-- P. 29
5. Psychological dictionary / ed: In: P. Zinchenko, B.G. Meshcheryakov. - M .: Prime-Evroznak, 2003: - 672 p.