

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №14(193)

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Богомолова Е.Е. PHRASEOLOGISMS AND THEIR USE IN THE MASS MEDIA // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 14(193). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/193/108971 (дата обращения: 26.04.2024).
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Богомолова Елена Евгеньевна
студент, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет, РФ, г. Белгород
Мусаелян Елена Николаевна
научный руководитель, доцент, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет, РФ, г. Белгород


Currently, another global reform of the norms in the modern Russian literary language is taking place. The changes affected almost all sections of the language. However, these modifications most noticeably affected the norms of word usage and combinations of words. Word formation, the formation of phraseological turns from familiar or unusual combinations of words, has become widespread.

In English, idioms are the most interesting, but also the most difficult parts of the language. Idioms have a colorful, expressive, lively character, so they are quite interesting to learn. But still, idioms are quite complex due to their unpredictable meanings, phrases and grammar, moreover, they often have a special connotation. In addition, they can often be ignored in training, as they are considered by many to be secondary and insignificant. However, despite this, research shows that idioms are important components in any language. Therefore, idioms, as Western scientists call phraseological units, are a colorful and expressive component of any language [1, с. 74].

In newspaper articles, phraseological units are often used in their usual linguistic form with their inherent meaning, as a rule, for the desire of journalists to enhance the expressive coloring and draw readers' attention to the article itself. The introduction of phraseological units into the text is due to the desire of the authors to enhance the expressive coloring of speech. For example: «The butcher had modified the article so much that I did not recognize my own material in the evening issue. («Мясник» так изменил статью, что я не узнал собственный материал в вечернем выпуске)» [3, с. 35].

The imagery inherent in phraseological units enlivens the narrative, gives it a playful, ironic coloring.

Journalists especially like to use phraseological units of colloquial, stylistically reduced phraseology, often resorting to mixing styles to create a comic effect: « The beam (the mote) in one’s eye – обманчивый успех – «бревно» в собственном глазу». A vivid stylistic effect is created by the parodic use of book phraseological units, often used in combination with stylistic lexical and phraseological means: «Fools rush in where angels fear to tread – дураки бросаются туда, куда ангелы, и ступить боятся». It is important to emphasize that in all these cases phraseological units are used in their traditional language form with their inherent, well-known meaning. The very nature of phraseological units, which have a clear imagery, stylistic coloring, creates the prerequisites for their use in expressive and, above all, in artistic and journalistic speech. At the same time, the writer does not introduce anything fundamentally new in the use of phraseological units; he draws expression from a ready-made national source. The aesthetic role of phraseological means is determined by the imagery and emotionality inherent in them, as well as the author's ability to select the necessary material and introduce it into the text [5, с. 56].

Such use of phraseological units enriches speech, serves as an «antidote» against speech clichés. However, the possibilities of using phraseological units are much wider than their simple reproduction in speech. The phraseological richness of the language comes to life under the pen of talented journalists and becomes a source of new artistic images, jokes, and unexpected puns. Artists of the word can also handle phraseological units as «raw material», which is subject to «creative processing». As a result of the phraseological innovation of publicists, original verbal images arise, based on «beaten» set expressions.

Creative processing of phraseological units gives them a new expressive coloring, enhancing their expressiveness. Most often, writers transform phraseological units that have a high degree of lexical stability and perform an expressive function in speech. At the same time, the modified phraseological units retain the artistic merits of the national ones - figurativeness, aphorism, rhythmic-melodic orderliness. Phraseologisms, as a rule, are used in the article itself, included in sentences and in headings. For example: «It was the nineteenth century historian Carlyle who invented the term «fourth estate». (Историк девятнадцатого века Кэрлайл придумал термин «четвертая власть»)» [6, с. 1].

From all of the above, we can conclude that phraseology is the most colorful, emotionally expressive, independent area of ​​linguistic science. It reflects the traditions, customs, culture, history of the people, as well as the specific features of people's speech. Phraseological units in newspaper texts are most often used in a modified form, which makes them unique and figurative.


Список литературы:
1. Амосова, Н.Н. Основы английской фразеологии/ Н. Н. Амосова. - Л.: ЛГУ, 1978. - 208с.
2. Виноградов, В.В. Лексикология и лексикография: Избранные труды. - М.: Наука, 1977. - 312с.
3. Горлов, В.В. Фразеологизмы как средство выразительности на страницах газеты / В. В. Горлов // Русский язык в школе. - 1992. №5 - С. 35–37.
4. Гусейнова, Т.С. Трансформация фразеологических единиц как способ реализации газетной экспрессии: на материале центр. газет 1990–1996 гг.: автореф. дис. канд. филол. наук: 10.02.01. / Т. С. Гусейнова; Даг. гос. пед. ун-т. - Махачкала, 1997. - 23 с.
5. Иванова Е. В. Мир в английских и русских пословицах. – СПб.: Изд-во С.-Петерб. ун-та; Филол. ф-т СПбГУ, 2006. – 280 с.
6. John Little. The fourth power and the rise of yellow journalism. – USA. – P. 1-3.