

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №18(197)

Рубрика: История и археология

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Rynzin R. HISTORICAL STUDY OF LOCAL LORE AT SCHOOL // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 18(197). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/197/111875 (дата обращения: 01.03.2025).
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Rynzin Roman
Student, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod
Musaelian Elena Nikolaevna
научный руководитель, Scientific Advisor, Associate professor, PhD in Pedagogy, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of historical local lore at school, which is simply necessary to educate students in love and respect for their small homeland.


Keywords: local history; Small Motherland; historical local history.


The history of the country consists of the history of individual regions, so historical local lore at school is necessary. Many things connect a person with the place where he was born and grew up. The native land, its people, nature, having passed through consciousness, become part of human destiny. No matter where we live, no matter what language we speak, Russia is our common, big, only Homeland. However, each of us also has his own corner of the earth, dear to his heart, where he saw the light of the sun, took his first steps, got a start in life. This place — a city or a farm — is incomparable with anything else. This is our threshold of life, a small homeland.

Many methodologists believe that the main methodological principle of patriotic education of students should be their knowledge and awareness of their Small homeland. Patriotic education of students begins with the knowledge of a small homeland, with the knowledge of the smells of spicy steppe herbs, the mysterious breathing of the depths of the sea, the singing of a lark in the sky, a nightingale trill.

In order to consider local history as an element of historical education, it is necessary to first understand the concept itself.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives, as it seems to us, the most detailed definition: "Local history is a comprehensive study of a certain part of the country, city or village, other settlements by the local population, for whom this territory is considered a native land. Local history is a complex of natural and social studies. Local history studies the nature, population, economy, history and culture of the native land" [1].

The Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia considers local history precisely as a subject of a school course and therefore their definition is: "Local history at school, the study by students of the nature, economy, history and culture of their locality — the school microdistrict, city, village, district, region" [2].

Russian Dictionary by S. I. Ozhegov and the Dictionary of the Russian language edited by A. P. Evgeniev and G. A. Razumnikov give identical definitions: "The totality of knowledge about this or that region, the study of its nature, history, economy, everyday life, etc.". [3]

Having familiarized with these definitions, it can be concluded that "local history" is the study of one's small homeland, its nature, ethnography, material and spiritual culture, everyday life. Moreover, this is not only a subject of school education, but also every self-respecting person should know about the events that took place on his land.

It is no coincidence that in pre-revolutionary Russia, the subject of "Homeland studies" existed in school curricula, which was later renamed "Local History". In the explanatory dictionary of V.I. Dahl we read: "Local history is a set of knowledge (historical, geographical, etc.) about individual localities or the whole country. This is a comprehensive study of their locality — nature, economy, history, people's way of life — mainly by local schools". [4]

"Local lore is, first of all, love of local lore," Professor S.O. Schmidt, who was elected chairman of the Union of Local Lore of Russia, reminded at the founding conference of the Union of Local Lore of Russia. "The most popular kind of science," academician D.S. Likhachev said about local history. High science merges here with the masses. Not only figuratively, but literally. After all, the local history club is perhaps the only place where a gray—haired professor can discuss a common problem with a young teacher or a student from a distant farm. [5]

Currently, local history is understood as a comprehensive study of a certain part of the country, city or other settlements by the local population, for whom this territory is considered to be their native land. Comprehensive study involves the study of nature, history, economy, population, its culture and way of life.

Historical local lore contributes to a deeper study of the history of their homeland, knowledge and understanding of the laws of social development, their real manifestation in the history of the region. The study and comprehension of the facts of local history stimulates mental activity, influences the formation of scientific historical thinking of students, their civic maturity, active life position. Historical local lore helps to understand the inseparable historical connection, the unity of the history of each city, village with the history of the country, to feel the involvement of each family in it and to recognize it as their duty, honor to become a worthy heir to the best traditions of their native land, their Small homeland.

Today, Russian education has set such tasks for the school as the formation of students' cognitive interests, critical thinking in the process of perceiving social information, mastering the system of knowledge necessary for social adaptation, mastering the skills of communicative, practical activities, education of all-Russian identity, civic responsibility.

The school is one of the sources of formation and development of the civic personality. Modern society requires schools to provide solid knowledge and skills of students to practically apply this knowledge in order to actively participate in the construction of a modern information society. To successfully solve this problem, it is necessary that the school prepares what is being implemented in life, and the education and upbringing of the younger generation are closely connected with reality. Without knowing the history, economy and natural resources of the region, it is impossible to properly manage the construction of a modern society on the ground. Therefore, the school is designed to prepare a worthy replacement for young builders of modern Russia who know their region well.

The study of the native land, its history is necessary for all children, regardless of age.


1. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia. [Electronic resource]:URL: http://www.вокабула .rf/encyclopedias/bse/local history. (Accessed 8.05.2022);
2. Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia. [Electronic resource]:URL: http://www.вокабула .Russian Federation/encyclopedias/Russian-pedagogical-encyclopedia/local history (Accessed 8.05.2022);
3. Ozhegov S.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language [Electronic resource]:URL: http//www.vocabula.rf/dictionaries/explanatory dictionary-ozhegova/ (Accessed 8.05.2022);
4. Dal V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language. T 1 SPB-M, p. 102;
5. Likhachev D.S. Russian culture. M, Art, 2000, p.61.