

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №19(198)

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Zakharova A.S. THE FUNCTIONING OF PRECEDENT PHENOMENA IN THE REGIONAL MEDIA // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 19(198). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/198/112525 (дата обращения: 24.07.2024).
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Zakharova Alina Sergeevna
Student, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod
Cheremokhina Daria Alexandrovna
научный руководитель, Scientific supervisor, Candidate of Philology Sciences Associate Professor, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. The article discusses the phenomena of linguistic personality. The author explores precedent texts. Glossy magazines are used as the material. As a result of the work carried out, it is concluded that it is necessary to use precedent phenomena in journalistic texts.


Keywords: precedent text, precedent phenomenon, title, pragmatics, mass media discourse.


Within the framework of the communicative-pragmatic macro-paradigm in linguistics, much attention is paid to the functioning of linguistic units in different types of discourses. In our opinion, it is particularly interesting to study the pragmatic potential of language units used in print media. Acquaintance with a journalistic text begins, as a rule, with its title, so the authors use different language techniques to keep the reader's attention. Our research interest was attracted by headlines in which a pragmatic effect is achieved through the use of precedent texts. Precedent phenomena in linguistics are understood as "units of discourse that are regularly renewed in speech, known to all representatives of the national linguistic and cultural community, having a common minimized connotatively colored invariant of perception, the appeal to which is understandable without additional decoding."  [1]Being in a strong position of the text, the precedent phenomenon actualizes the necessary ideas, connects the possible content of the article with a particular topic. Any precedent phenomenon can be used as a material for a newspaper headline. Modern researchers distinguish the following types – a precedent text, a precedent situation, a precedent name and a precedent statement, which perform their functions and represent the necessary associations associated with the national and cultural traditions of the ethnos.

The subject of our research is the precedent phenomena in the headlines of the Belgorod media. The glossy magazines "Mamina Azbuka", "OnOnas", "Bellfashion", "Style" served as the material for the study. It should be noted that we found the largest number of precedent phenomena in the regional journal "OnOnas". Since the magazine is aimed at the younger generation, we assumed that the precedent fund would be distinguished by special pragmatics related to the interests of Belgorod youth.

As a result of the research, we found out that among the different types of precedent phenomena, a precedent text is most often used as a material for a newspaper headline. According to the definition of V.V. Krasnykh, a precedent text is called "a complete and self-sufficient product of speech-thinking activity; a complex sign, the sum of the values of the components of which is not equal to its meaning." [1] Works of fiction, lyrics of songs and advertisements, political journalistic texts – all this can be attributed to precedent texts used as a source to attract the attention of a potential reader. So, in the 2nd issue of OnOnas magazine in 2020, the title "Don't be shy" is used. The source of this precedent text is the famous song by Ivan Dorn. Let's give another example – "NOT a man's / woman's business", in this title there is a direct reference to the transfer on the first channel "Male / female", therefore, it can be qualified as a precedent, that is, updating ideas about the peculiarities of the gender approach to solving scandalous social and personal problems. Nevertheless, in this example, we note the transformation of the precedent text (the use of the negative particle NOT), which is related to the content of the article, which contains several interviews about the denial of the separation of male and female responsibilities. The precedent phrase "NOT a man's/woman's business" appears with the negative particle NOT, which gives the expression an evaluative and ironic character. Thus, precedent texts, having the ability to be easily perceived by people and store a significant amount of information in a "collapsed" form, are a valuable source for a journal title.

To achieve a pragmatic impact, precedent texts should be well known to the reader, they should easily decode the national-cultural meaning of a language unit. This factor is associated with the choice of precedent phenomena from certain source spheres. Thus, no precedent texts from philosophy, politics or economics were found in the studied material. The most important for the media discourse turned out to be musical culture and cinema. For example, in the December issue of OnOnas magazine we find the following title of the article – "2020, let's say goodbye!". Already by the title it is possible to assume the connection of the content of the note with the pandemic of coronavirus infection. The source of this precedent statement is Timati's song, the content of which corresponds to the desire of the author of the magazine text to say goodbye to all the misfortunes of the outgoing year. Let's consider another example of a precedent text that was used in the 5th issue of 2020 of the OnOnas youth magazine – the article is called "Ice Age". The article is about the opening of the skating season, but the precedent phenomenon actualizes several areas for association. On the one hand, the title can be considered as a precedent situation associated with a certain phenomenon in the geological history of the Earth and characterized by the proliferation of glacial covers. On the other hand, in the minds of modern youth, another associative field is more relevant, in which a precedent phenomenon can be qualified as a precedent text, the source of which is an American computer cartoon. The relevance of this nomination, chosen by the author of the article as the title, is confirmed by another associative connection that arises among viewers of the television show of the same name. Thus, the title "Ice Age" as a successful author's find acts as a metaphor for professional ice skating in winter, and also attracts the attention of young people due to the actualization of positive semantics.

Literature has always been an important source of precedent. So, in the magazine "Mamina Azbuka" for 2019 we find the headline "The Belgorod land is glorious with heroes". The hero as the hero of Russian fairy tales and epics possessed strength, courage and bravery, saved the earth from enemies. The author of the article connects this content with the need to play sports. The article tells about the sports reserve school. Thus, in the form of headings, such precedent texts are used that are relevant at this time. Our research has shown that the most popular source areas for Belgorod media discourse are music culture, cinema and literature.

Precedent phenomena as units of linguistics and culture have a functional diversity. In G.G. Slyshkin's monograph, the following classification of functions is given: nominative, persistent, human and password. According to the researcher's definition, the nominative function provides a non-standard description of ordinary realities, the persusive function is associated with persuading the communicative partner in his opinion, and the human function acts as a means of language play, and it is literally inseparable from the nominative one. In order to prove that the members of the communication belong to the same group, the linguist claims, you should turn to the password function.  [2] Based on the results of our work, we can note that all the highlighted functions are implemented by precedent texts used as headlines in the Belgorod media. For example, we can observe the manifestation of the nominative function in the heading "Schrodinger Service". The article raised the question: "How to repay the debt to the Motherland and at the same time not to join the army as a conscript?". The answer lies in the precedent name of Erwin Schrodinger, an Austrian physicist, the author of the famous experiment "Schrodinger's Cat". The experience is as follows: a cat is placed in a cage in which it cannot be in two mutually exclusive states at the same time, but quantum mechanics says the opposite. The situation is similar with soldiers, since some universities have a military department, thanks to which students can pay their debt to the Motherland and not go to the army as conscripts. We can see an example of the implementation of a human function in the heading "Quiet! The roe deer is coming," because students are used to seeing a different context: "Quiet! The exam is underway." Thus, the case-law text is an important means of attracting attention, since it has a pragmatic load and in a concise form expresses not only the content, but also a certain positive connotation. In the course of the study, we noticed that a frequently used precedent phenomenon is a precedent text, the source sphere of which can be musical culture, cinema, television shows or literature. Such a choice is due to the socio-psychological characteristics of the potential reader: since the analyzed journals are aimed at the younger generation, the authors used those precedent texts that can be decoded by the addressee. Getting into the newspaper headline in its original or transformed form, the precedent text performs various functions, ensuring the success of communication.


1. Krasnykh V.V., Gudkov D.B., Zakharenko I.V., Bagaeva D.V. Cognitive base and precedent phenomena in the system of other units and in communication // Bulletin of Moscow State University. Series 9. Philology. -1997. – No. 3. – pp. 62-75.
2. Slyshkin G.G. Linguistic and cultural concepts of precedent texts in consciousness and discourse – Moscow, 2000. – p.92