Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №19(198)
Рубрика: Филология
Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №19(198)
Abstract. This article presents the results of the research on the creation of the dictionary of obsolete words from the Pushkin's story "Captain's Daughter". The history of dictionary creation in modern lexicography, the first experiments in creating dictionaries of A. S. Pushkin are considered. The relevance of the study comes from the problem of students' misunderstanding of obsolete words when reading fiction texts. By using hyperlinks, which take the vocabularies to a dictionary entry in a particular dictionary on the Internet, students can overcome this problem. This dictionary is significant for the theory and practice of lexicography as one of the specific representatives of a certain type of dictionaries.
Keywords: dictionary, A.S. Pushkin, Captain's Daughter, lexicography, definitions, vocabulary, dictionary entry, hyperlink.
Lexicography is an independent scientific discipline with its own subject of study (dictionaries of various types), scientific and methodological principles, and its own place among other language sciences. Russian and Soviet linguist L.V. Shcherba wrote: «I think it is extremely wrong that our qualified linguists neglect dictionary work, due to which almost none of them ever engaged in it (in the old days it was done for a pittance by casual amateurs, who had absolutely no special training) and which gave it such a ridiculous name - "compiling" dictionaries. And indeed, domestic linguists, and especially our "compilers" of dictionaries, have seen that this work must have a scientific character and not consist in any mechanical comparison of some ready-made elements» [Shcherba 2004: 308]. When creating a dictionary, it is important to consider several factors: the type, scope, and purpose of the dictionary. Different dictionaries may deal differently with polysemy and monosemy, homonymy and polysemy, phraseological and free combination, etc. The Soviet and Russian linguist V. V. Morkovkin proposed the creation of a dictionary lexicology, which would be based on the theoretical understanding of linguistic concepts and categories. A distinctive feature of dictionary lexicology is the division of word science into a number of separate disciplines and the consideration of phonetic, morphological, word-formation and other properties of lexical units in one place and under one lexicographical angle [Morkovkin 2001: 64].
The concept of lexicography as a theory and practice of dictionary compilation developed only by the end of the 20th century. The typology of dictionaries and the teaching of the structure and elements of a dictionary (macro- and micro-structure) are the components of theoretical lexicography. Such an understanding of the content of theoretical lexicography is outlined in a major general lexicographical study by P.N. Denisov. The scientist singles out the concepts of dictionary, maximum and minimum lexical systems, universal structure of the dictionary article, semantic equation, definition, descriptions, semantic metalanguage among the theoretical objects. The formation of the terminological apparatus of lexicography is still taking place. For example, such terms as dictionary metalanguage, dictionary definition, dictionary type, dictionary microstructure and dictionary macrostructure have already become generally accepted, which allows us to find evidence that the formation of lexicography as a science is taking place [Denisov 1980: 158]. Studying the heritage of Russian lexicographers, we can state that currently lexicography is developing rapidly, and in different directions. In the XXI century several explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language have already appeared: "Big Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language" edited by K.S. Gorbachevich, "Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" and "Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" edited by S.A. Kuznetsov, "Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Russian Language. Linguistic Changes at the End of XX Century" and "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language at the Beginning of XXI Century. Topical Vocabulary" edited by G.N. Sklyarevskaya. Rapid political and social processes of the end of the 20th century in Russia were the main reasons for the appearance of the above-mentioned dictionaries. The occurring events have largely changed the linguistic picture, contributed to the appearance of new words, there was a clarification of norms of modern word usage, revision of illustrative material of ideological nature. One of the tendencies of modern explanatory lexicography is "the desire to include additional information about a word in the explanatory dictionary article" [Bobunova 2009: 24]. Dictionaries are also created by teachers of the History and Philology Department of Belgorod State National Research University. A specialist in the field of general linguistics, cognitive semantics, linguoculturology and phraseology, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor N.F. Alefirenko is the author of "Phraseological Dictionary. Cultural Cognitive Space of Russian Idiomatics", which contains stable expressions with a culturally marked component.
In 2017, under the guidance of Prof. S.A. Kosharnaya, Doctor of Philological Sciences, a dialect dictionary entitled "Experience of the regional dictionary of Belgorod region" was published, which included 3.7 thousand words. The dictionary contributes to the formation of an idea of how the inhabitants of different villages, towns and towns of the Belgorod region speak, as the dictionary materials include the vocabulary of all districts of the region. The development of lexicology also takes place in the "children's" direction. The peculiarities of children's speech, its dynamics and creative potential were demonstrated in the "Dictionary of Modern Children's Language" by Doctor of the Philological Sciences, Professor V.K. Kharchenko.
The prospects of lexicography development are seen in the improvement of existing and creation of new types of dictionaries, in the appearance of complex dictionaries and in the computerization of lexicographic activities. Explanatory dictionaries play an important role in Russian language and literature lessons today, as they help students to overcome the distance between the present and the time when classical works of Russian literature were created. When reading the classics, students may have difficulty understanding the meanings of certain words. There is a need for dictionaries on individual works of Russian writers, which reflect a whole historical and cultural layer of language development.
The aim of our work was to create an electronic dictionary of obsolete words from A.S. Pushkin's "Captain's Daughter" story. Given the trends in the development of modern lexicography and the active computerization of all processes, we used texts with hyperlinks, establishing links with other objects on the Internet, in our case, when you click on the active link you will be able to go to external resources and learn more about the description of the word. Hyperlinks will allow users to include the dictionary in methodological and educational work. The material of our research was such explanatory dictionaries as the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" by V.I. Dal, "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" by S.I. Ozhegov and N.Y. Shvedova, "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" edited by D.N. Ushakov.
Another important source of our research work was the Dictionary of Pushkin's Language, which contains a commented alphabetical list of all the words used by A. S. Pushkin in his works. The dictionary was compiled in close contact with one of the main Russian Pushkinists, S. M. Bondi, who read all the material of the dictionary. The researcher spoke many times about how good it would be to compile a popular Pushkin dictionary, addressed to the general reader. This dictionary should include words used by Pushkin in meanings that have disappeared from the language, unknown to man of the second half of the twentieth century and, therefore, make it difficult for readers to understand Pushkin's texts. As we read A.S. Pushkin's work "Captain's Daughter" we identified obsolete words, which reflected the surrounding reality of Pushkin's contemporary era, i.e. the period of the first half of the 19th century. As a result of the work we collected a card file of 110 lexemes.
The work on the dictionary with hyperlinks included the following steps:
1) Preparation of the material. At this stage we arranged the vocabularies in alphabetical order, checked the words for repetitions, made a selection of illustrations for each word.
2) Processing and analysis of the collected data. In processing the collected data, we summarized the existing definitions from the source dictionaries. Our dictionary entries contain different types of definitions:
- Descriptive definition, which defines the meaning of a word by indicating a phenomenon of real reality, which boils down to the definition of a generic concept and a set of differential (distinguishing) features.
- Definition with synonymic interpretation, used to describe stylistically or expressively colored meanings, as well as obsolete or regional words, which have the most common synonyms in the language.
- Referential (derivational) definition, which contains the characteristic of the motivational meaning of the word and preserves the motivational and motivated meaning relations. At the same time, the meanings of motivated (derivative) words retain a semantic connection with those words from which they are formed.
The vocabulary contains data on the grammatical category of words, that is, the gender and number are indicated. The case of all words is nominative.
The vocabulary also describes the modern orthoepic and accentual norms, i.e. the correct pronunciation and accentuation of a word. The accent is placed over the vowel letter corresponding to the stressed sound (stressed syllable). In the dictionary articles taken from the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov the stressed sound is emphasized.
The dictionary also contains etymological information about the origin of the word, which makes it possible to understand what vocabulary (native Russian or borrowed) the word belongs to.
The dictionary reflects the belonging of a word to a certain stylistic layer of vocabulary (neutral, high, book, official, colloquial) through the use of labels.
Also in some entries, in addition to explaining the meaning of the word, there is an example of its use in a sentence.
3) Editing and design (preparation of the presentation, design of hyperlinks).
The main practical application of the hyperlinked dictionary is its use in Russian language and literature classes, both in the traditional format of teaching and in the distance form of teaching the subjects. Another purpose of our dictionary is research. The dictionary provides rich material for research in the field of linguocultural studies. The dictionary reflects the already obsolete linguistic (including metalanguage) consciousness, everyday word usage of that time, outlines the contours of the national Russian metalanguage mentality. The research potential of the dictionary is not limited by its potential. The circle of its potential users is quite wide. The Dictionary has a wide range of potential users: Russian language specialists, who study the specifics of the Russian language and the laws of its functioning; teachers of Russian, both native and foreign; journalists, editors, translators and text-makers; historians, philosophers and all native speakers of Russian, who want to deepen their knowledge of the Russian language. We also believe that the dictionary is quite significant for the theory and practice of lexicography as a specific representative of a certain type of dictionaries.