

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №19(198)

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Zernova A. FEATURES OF THE METHODOLOGY OF TEACHING THE SECTIONS "PLANTS", "ANIMALS", "HUMAN", "GENERAL BIOLOGY" // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 19(198). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/198/112628 (дата обращения: 11.03.2025).
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Zernova Anna
Student of the Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod
Markov Alexander
научный руководитель, Scientific supervisor, Senior lecturer, Foreign languages department, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. The article discusses private methods of teaching biology sections: "Plants", "Animals", "Human", "General Biology". The author notes the features of each section, as well as methods and techniques that should be paid attention to when teaching them.


Keywords: methods of teaching biology; section "Plants"; section "Animals"; section "Human"; section "General biology"; verbal methods; observation; experiment.


The main purpose of the methodology of teaching biology is the formation and development of personality through a system of biological knowledge, skills and abilities. To achieve this goal, the teacher must not only know the basic content of the biology teaching methodology, which addresses the general issues of all biological courses at school, but also private or special methods.

As noted by Zverev I.D. and Myagkova A.N.: "the section "Plants" in biology is the first, then the methodology of teaching botany can be considered the basis for the study of subsequent biological disciplines. The quality of studying biological subjects in high school largely depends on the assimilation of knowledge by schoolchildren in the course of botany, and, consequently, on the quality of teaching the section "Plants"[3, p. 87]. In the 5th grade, acquaintance with the section "Plants" is just beginning, where the first special concepts are formed. Children are taught to recognize, describe and. determine whether plants belong to various systematic groups. The peculiarity of the school botany course is that it is possible to study it on living plants, that is, on natural material, which is a visual teaching method.

When teaching visualization techniques, the teacher must observe certain stages. First of all, students are informed about the topic of observation, a cognitive task is set, the object of observation is designated, and then the whole process of observation by the teacher involves a series of sequential actions (operations). The teacher informs, observes and verifies the performance of each operation during the work of students. At the end of all the work, a conclusion is made.

Studying botany in the 6th grade, students get acquainted with the internal structure of plants, i.e. their anatomy. The methods of the lesson with anatomical content are characterized by the use of magnifying devices and the preparation of preparations for microscopic examination. In this regard, the study of new material in the lessons on the internal structure of plants should begin with the preparation of schoolchildren for laboratory work. First of all, the teacher, together with the students, should outline the topic of the work, the main goals and objectives. Since a microscope is used in a lesson with anatomical content, students should know the device of the microscope and how to work with it. If students are not familiar with the operation of the microscope and the rules of its use, then the lesson will primarily be based on its repetition, after which laboratory work is carried out on the preparation and study of a micro-preparation [2].

Having learned the techniques of observation and conducting experiments, students will not only know the material, but also acquire the ability to independently ask themselves questions and get actual answers to them.

Like other sections, the section "Animals" involves the use of various teaching methods that will have their own specific specifics. The study of zoological objects involves the use of observation and experimental methods. Observation of zoological objects should be purposeful, with the solution of a specific task: to establish certain characteristic features of the structure in connection with the functions performed, lifestyle, animal behavior in connection with the habitat.

Observations can be short-term, fit into the framework of the lesson in time, and implemented in laboratory work [2].

Experiments in biology lessons when studying the section "Animals" are rare. This is primarily due to the great difficulties of providing the educational process with the necessary living objects [1].

A special place in the teaching of the section "Animals" is occupied by verbal methods. Verbal methods such as storytelling and conversation also have their own specifics in the study of zoology. The story can be constructed in different ways. The teacher can build a story in the form of a description of the studied animals, describing the features of their structure and lifestyle. Narration and explanation of certain phenomena occurring in the animal world can also be used. A story in its purest form when teaching zoology is rare, it is usually interrupted by a conversation.

The teaching methodology of the section "Animals" involves the use of verbal and visual teaching methods to a large extent, due to the complexity of conducting practical. The section occupied by "Human" has its own specifics of training. Modern human study consists of equally important blocks of knowledge and skills: anatomy, physiology, valeology, human ecology. I would like to emphasize that the teaching methodology of the "Person" section includes special practical methods that are based on self-observation. Use demonstration of models, models, histological micro-preparations, osteological material, tables in a visual method. Due to the age characteristics of children in the 8th grade, lectures can be introduced when explaining new material.

The section "General Biology" is the final course in the study of biology. This section involves the assimilation by schoolchildren of a large volume of biological concepts, the use of certain types of verbal, visual and practical methods. An important feature in the teaching lessons of the section "General Biology" is career guidance work with schoolchildren. Students of grades 9-11 are graduates, and one of the tasks of a modern school is to bring them to a reasonable choice of profession.

The content of the section "General Biology" assumes not only the study of new, but also the passage of previously studied material from the biology course, which will allow the teacher to fully carry out career guidance activities. During the lessons, the teacher should not only give the student an idea of the profession related to the science of biology, but also makes him think about whether he will be able to master it.

The correct use of private methods in biology lessons, namely, the teacher's knowledge of all their features will allow to organize the educational process methodically competently.


List of references:
1. Binas A.V., Mash R.D., Nikishov A.I. Biological experiment at school. –M.: Enlightenment, 1990.– 192 p.
2. Golubeva T.N. Laboratory work on the methodology of teaching biology: methodological recommendations / T.N. Golubeva, S.D. Chernyavskikh. – Belgorod: Publishing house "Belgorod" NRU "BelGU", 2016. − 168 p.
3. Zverev I. D., General methodology of teaching biology: teacher's manual. / Zverev I.D., A.N. Myagkova.– M.: Enlightenment, 1985.− 93 p.