

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №20(199)

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Morozko E.A. FEATURES OF BUILDING A CAREER IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 20(199). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/199/113064 (дата обращения: 01.03.2025).
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Morozko Eugenia Andreevna
Student, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod
Shemaeva Elena Viktorovna
научный руководитель, Scientific director docent, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. The article presents the specific features of career growth among domestic and foreign civil servants. Particular attention is paid to understanding the clear structure of the criteria for selecting candidates for the position. Examples of foreign experience are also given for a more visual comparative analysis of the structure of career growth.


Keywords: Feautures, career, civil servants, position, increase.


In the Conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO), which are international normative legal acts, the principles of entering the public service are general for any state. One of them, for example, is the principle of equal opportunities and approach in relation to employment and work, described in the 1958 ILO Convention on discrimination in the field of work and occupation [1, art. 1]. And despite such a large chronological gap between the signed Convention and the current requirements for civil servants. At the same time, there are representatives of the civil service, both domestic and foreign, and there are people to move up the “career ladder”. These include the level of education, qualifications, work experience and business qualities.

The civil service of some countries is distinguished by the composition, the list of positions and the hierarchical structure, as well as the rule according to which employees begin their careers in the civil service, according to the method and factor in career growth in government structures.

One of the main characteristics manifests itself already at the beginning of the career path of civil servants, or rather, in the recruitment procedure for an employee. This process is also regulated by legislative acts; in the legislation of most American, European and Asian countries, the selection is established as a competitive stage. Basically, they are carried out in the form of exams, less often the presence of formal documents is taken into account (on education, as in the United States of America, or recommendations from previous jobs in government agencies, as in India) [2, p. 2].

In Russia, employees start working on the basis of a competition. The competition consists in assessing the professional level of applicants for filling a civil service position, their compliance with the established qualification requirements for filling a civil service position [3, art. 22]. Also, the requirements for proficiency in the state language of the Russian Federation and the age established by the federal law on the type of civil service for this type of civil service are applied to candidates for the position of a civil servant [4, art. 12].

The most important characteristic of the civil service is the promotion of an official up the career ladder in this profession. The criteria for professional career growth are very different in foreign countries and in Russia. Growth principles in the Russian Federation often have many subjective parameters that do not depend on performance, which is the key problem of the country's civil service. While foreign countries are guided by the so-called meritocratic principles combined with the experience of civil servants in the service.

Differences in promotion in the civil service, in particular in admission to senior leadership positions, in France, England and America also represent a different structure of statehood as a whole. Thus, in France, the "power of the worthy" is combined with the principles of loyalty to the ruling power, where the leader gives from 0 to 20 points; in England for high positions there is a temporary qualification, according to which a representative of such a position can be no more than 4 years; in America, there are 4 types of career advancement at once: career, non-career, temporary and emergency [2, p. 2].

In addition, the appointment of senior civil service officials in England is carried out by civil society, while in France there is a qualified jury system, by decision of which the position is appointed.

Modern Russia is changing positions in the civil service on the basis of procedures in the format of a competition, taking into account the business qualities and professional knowledge in the relevant area of competence, passing the qualification exam, and the age of the candidate [3, art 22]. However, in practice, a great influence of the factor of "acquaintances and connections" has been noticed, when the candidate is promoted by his representative, who is already in a higher position. The influence of this factor is detrimental to the entire structure of the state, not allowing talented, professional workers and young minds to find themselves in the public service. Also, in Russian practice, loyalty to the authorities often plays a role, in a situation where a candidate with views differing from the top of the government will have a more-thorny career path.

The public service is a special social institution, movement through which is carried out in the course of a working career. As one of the strongest institutions, civil service also implies a huge number of both functions and privileges, as well as the ability to meet the needs of the public and change the quality and direction of development of society.

Thus, we can conclude that despite the categorical differences in the conditions of civil service in some countries, their conventions for promoting a position in a career, the civil service as a whole has a single function throughout the world. World practice has consolidated the meritocracy in career advancement, which means the possibility of moving up the career ladder of any candidate with the necessary qualifications and professional knowledge. Focusing on the normative legal acts of the international level and the level of the state, one can easily understand the specifics of promoting a civil servant in his career.


1. Convention No. 111 of the International Labor Organization "Concerning Discrimination in the Field of Labor and Occupation" [Electronic sourсe] // ConsultantPlus:site. – http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_120760/ (accessed 26.05.2022)
2. Suvorov, A.A. FOREIGN PRACTICE OF VOCATIONAL AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT OF CIVIL SERVANTS /A.A. Suvorov // Vestnik Universiteta. 2016;(10):222-226. (In Russ.)
3. Law No. 79-FZ of 27 July 2004 on State Civil Service of the Russian Federation (as amended on 11.06.2021) [Electronic sourсe] // ConsultantPlus:site. – http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_48601/ (accessed 26.05.2022)
4. Law No. 58-FZ of 27 May 2003 on System of public service of the Russian Federation (as amended on 02.07.2021) [Electronic sourсe] // ConsultantPlus:site. –  http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_42413/ (accessed 26.05.2022)