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Kabylbekova D. 7 BAD HABITS IN LEARNING ENGLISH, WHAT YOU NEED TO QUIT // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 26(249). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/249/130032 (дата обращения: 06.10.2024).
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Kabylbekova Dinara
Master student, Moscow International Academy, Russia, Moscow


Abstract. This article is devoted to bad habits - these are not only actions that undermine your health, they happen in any field of activity and learning English is no exception. In order to throw them, you must first identify them. What should be paid attention to in order to facilitate language learning?

People often blame the inability to overcome bad habits or maladaptive behaviours on vague concepts such as poor will-power and lack of self- control. Behaviourists  prefer the more optimistic assumption that we can acquire self-regulation, which implies that we can use learning principles to change our behaviour. This approach has helped people explain addictions, obesity helped promote any number of healthy activities and reduce unhealthy ones, and improved their lives in many other ways, including educational outcomes. Let us examine how a student could use self-regulation principles to increase the amount of effectiveness of studying.


Keywords: learning English, how to learn English correctly, the secrets of learning English.


#1: No Homework

One of the most common mistakes people make when they start learning a language, even as an adult, is to take time off from homework. Many do not like homework from school, and therefore they are looking for all sorts of excuses, in particular - work, family and lack of time. In fact, completing assignments given at home allows you to remember and consolidate the material given in the lesson, and after checking by the teacher, it reveals errors and demonstrates what else needs to be worked on.As a rule, the volumes of tasks given home are not so large that even a very busy person does not have enough time for them. In addition, before embarking on  the development of any new skill, it should be understood that it will require time and responsibility.

#2: To learn English in your mother tongue

The complete denial of the perception of the English text and the study of the rules and transcription in, for example, Russian, forms a language barrier that really interferes with understanding what is being studied. Use a translator, ask the teacher several times, do not be afraid to say nonsense - most importantly, speak it in English.

In Bilingual method, the teacher teaches English through English medium and in certain situations he starts using mother tongue. It diverges the attention of the learners. 

A teacher of English may not be good in both the language he uses in the class while teaching English, may not be up to the mark. It may leave bad impression of the teacher on the learners.

The use of mother – tongue while teaching English spoils the continuity and fluency of language.

A few students in the class may be more attentive to mother tongue sound and less attentive to English sounds. The pronunciation may become defective.

While contrasting the features of the languages, there is possibility of confusion.

#3: Feel free to speak out loud

When starting to learn a language, it is worth remembering that no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes both in writing and in pronunciation. If you remain silent in the group or answer the tutor's questions in your native language, you will never learn English.

If you see yourself in one of the above points, try to exclude it, and you will notice that learning English has become faster and much more effective.

#4: Memorizing individual words

So many people who want to learn English by memorizing a certain number of words, for example, using mobile applications or an audio dictionary, are outraged that they cannot speak English. The thing is that any words need to be mastered in context, gradually memorizing phrases while studying tenses, cases, stable constructions, it is equally important to use prepositions and conjunctions correctly.

Vocabulary teaching: Meaning is taught directly. L1 is prohibited because it may cause bad habit formations. Vocabulary is introduced through dialogues.

Grammar Teaching: Explicit rules are not provided.Students induce the rules through examples

#5 Not to repeat what you've learned

Any memorized words are forgotten over time if they are not used. That is why English with a foreigner is one of the most effective methods of learning. 

#6 Take breaks from studying

If you have mastered level 1 of the language and decide to take a break, for example, for the summer, be prepared for the fact that after the holidays you will have to repeat the latest achievements again. Taking long breaks is a really bad habit.

#7 To learn language in one direction

Learn comprehensively. You must be able to read and listen and speak English, the approach “I only need to understand, I will not speak” or “I will not listen, I will only read” will not bring the desired result.


1. Methods of Teaching English. M.E.S. Elizabeth 2010- p.58
2. A Guide to the Teaching of English for the Cuban Context I Isora J. Enríquez O’Farrill, ‎Luis Mijares Núñez, ‎Sergio Font Milián  2021- p.573
3. EBOOK: Psychology: The science of mind and behaviour,4e Nigel Holt, Andy Bremner, Ed Sutherland 2019 p.300