
Main historical parts of London

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №40(133)

Рубрика: Культурология

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Deineko A. Main historical parts of London // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 40(133). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/133/81656 (дата обращения: 05.03.2025).
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Main historical parts of London

Deineko Anna
student, Belgorod National Research State University, Russia, Belgorod




Дейнеко Анна Алексеевна

студент, Белгородский национальный исследовательский государственный университет, РФ, г. Белгород


In this article the author describes one of the oldest cities in the UK, namely London, and also shows its main parts.

London is considered to be the city of two-tier red buses and the famous Big Ben. It is only in London that you can see the skyscraper with the funny name "Cucumber" and the unusual universe of Dali.

This city appeared in 43 AD, the Emperor Claudius appropriated it during one of the many campaigns. The name of the city comes from the Latin "Londinium", the meaning of which is not known to anyone. There is an assumption that it means a locality-a lake or just some wild place. However, this will remain a mystery of the universe [2, 221p.].

Numerous wars almost completely destroyed the city, only in the middle ages it began to be actively restored and as a result it becomes the richest city in Great Britain, which it is to this day.

London is divided into four main parts: the City, the Westminster Area (or the City of Westminster), the West End, the East End. Let's analyze each one separately. Let's focus on each one and consider it in detail.

The City is a unique territorial and administrative entity in the center of London. The city has the status of a ceremonial County, which means it is not subject to Royal authority and is a state-within-a-state. The Queen herself can only come here with the permission of the mayor of the city.

The city of London is primarily known as the financial and business center of the capital of England. This square mile contains a huge number of headquarters of large companies, banks, insurance firms, investment and financial funds. This is where the Bank of England and the London stock exchange are located. So the city is not only the historical, but also the monetary core of the UK and Europe [3, 90p.].

The hallmark of the city, its main attraction, is the Tower of London. This medieval castle built by William I on the banks of the Thames has long served as the residence of the reigning English monarch. Now it is a historical monument, one of the oldest buildings in England, on the territory of which there is a Museum.

It is in the city that the famous globe theater founded by William Shakespeare is located. But in addition to historical attractions, the city of London is filled with modern ones. These are numerous skyscrapers-symbols of the financial success of corporations located here. The most famous are Tower 42, which offers a magnificent view of London, Mary Exe - the "London cucumber" and many others [3, 90p.].

The Westminster Area is an administrative division with the status of "city", one of the historical districts of Greater London, forming the Western part of the city center.

Located to the West of the historic center of London and to the North of the river Thames, bounded on the North by Camden is to the East of the city of London and Lambeth, on the South by the district of Wandsworth, in South-West district of Kensington and Chelsea, in the North-West with Brent.

Westminster is home to most of the West End district, as well as the seat of the British government, the Palace of Westminster and Whitehall, and the Royal court of justice (Supreme court). Westminster is also home to most of the city's tourist attractions. The West End is the center of night life, here is the so-called Clubland, an area of famous English gentlemen's clubs [4].

For several centuries, Westminster has had the status of a "city". In 1965, it became part of the ceremonial County of Greater London.

It is in Westminster that the famous streets of the Mall, Piccadilly, Whitehall, Downing Street and Baker Street are located.

The West End is the Western part of Central London, located West of the city. The fashionable area where the cultural life of the British capital is concentrated was and remains the main antipode of the poor working-class East End. Luxury real estate, an abundance of fashionable shops and prestigious educational institutions have made the West End a real symbol of the sweet life and one of the most popular tourist routes. Only here you can feel the lively rhythm of a multi-million city, feel the intoxicating atmosphere of financial success, and plunge into the world of shopping and all kinds of entertainment.

And the West End is also called a theater Paradise and theater district, and some even call it the Land Theater. There is also such a thing as a West end theater. Here, more than forty theaters are waiting for Amateurs and professionals both for brilliant premieres and for the greatest productions that have already won world fame. And what are such famous and sensational musicals as "Chicago", "Jesus Christ superstar" and «Mama Mia» worth. By the way, the Royal London theatre is also located in Covent garden. And the dress code in all theaters is more than democratic [1, 67p.].

The East End district is the East end of London, which has long been associated with poor emigrants and was the antipode of the fashionable West End. In the late nineteenth century there was opened a London underground, which greatly sped up the message East End with the centere and strengthens the economic bond between Western and Eastern part of the city.

Since the 80s of the last century, the old industrial zone on the banks of the Thames has become a business center with tall buildings, including the 240-meter skyscraper One Canada Square. Pubs and restaurants that have become some of the most fashionable in London have opened in the reconstructed buildings [1, 70p.].

Currently, the East End is inhabited by young artists, musicians, designers and actors. Fairs, exhibitions and entertainment events held in the area attract a large number of tourists. Hoxton and Liverpool streets are among the most "advanced" in London. Famous museums, art galleries, markets and shopping centers are located here.

Summing up, we can say that London is not the personification of British prudery and conservatism. Rather, it is a bright palette of unforgettable impressions and contrasts.


1. Nairn I.  Nairn’s London. Penguin, 2014. – 67-70 pp.
2. Porter R. London: A Social History. Cambridge (Mass.), 1998. – 221p.
3. Sir Nicholas Kenyon. The City of London: Architectural Tradition & Innovation in the Square Mile. Thames & Hudson, 2011. – 90p. 
4. London. General characteristics [Electronic resource]// URL:http://www.bibliotekar.ru/rGeo/49.htm