The impact of employers ' demands on the youth job market
Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №16(152)
Рубрика: Социология

Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №16(152)
The impact of employers ' demands on the youth job market
Abstract. The text of the article presents the results of the analysis of the study of the opinion of young people, according to the requirements that employers make for them.(on the example of the youth of the city of Belgorod).
Keywords: Employer, employment, youth, difficulties, requirements of employers, peculiarities of youth.
Young people entering the labor market for the first time are largely inferior to experienced workers in the competition for jobs, since young people do not have experience of correct behavior in the market; as a rule, there are no qualifications of the required level; there is no clear understanding of the laws of the processes occurring in the labor market. The main problem is the lack of clear ideas about the requirements of employers to them, which often leads to job losses. Although at the same time, young people have some competitive advantages over experienced workers: young people are more mobile when choosing and changing jobs, adapt faster to new conditions, and are predisposed to learning. Such a contradictory characterization of the youth labor resource explains the uniqueness of the situation in the youth labor market.
Despite the fact that this market, as a division of the general labor market, is influenced by the same laws and mechanisms, the establishment of equilibrium and deviation from it is largely due to the influence of unique factors that are characteristic only of the youth labor market. This creates a situation in which it is difficult for young people to find work.
This can be explained by the fact that young people in the process of finding a job are forced to compete on an equal footing with the older, more experienced generation, which, in addition to professional education, has a list of additional characteristics that increase its attractiveness to employers. These include, for example, long work experience, high qualifications, knowledge of the specifics of the activities and professional culture of organizations in specialized industries, and discipline. At the same time, the inherent creativity of young people, ambition, high learning ability, etc. they are not always competitive advantages in the labor market.
In conclusion, it should be said that the problem of youth employment will always be relevant, and the requirements of employers are a significant part of this problem. After all, everything in our world is interconnected with each other, it is not possible to look for the root cause of the problem because of the inclusiveness of the problem.
Not the desire of employers to hire young people can be understood, because such an employee either has little or no work experience at all. Not an experienced employee can cope with their job responsibilities worse and the employer will have to spend additional resources in the form of time, money, and effort in order to" acclimatize " the employee to the required level. In the future, this may be even more profitable, because it will generate the opportunity to" grow " a very effective staff for the needs of the organization, but no one can provide guarantees that this employee will not leave his workplace for various reasons. Therefore, very few companies can afford it.
Employers should understand that it is not reasonable to make absolutely the same requirements for all applicants, because everyone has different opportunities. Undoubtedly, young people, as inexperienced workers, have some disadvantages, but there are also valuable advantages that are just as important to appreciate.
It is necessary to create more comfortable conditions for the employment of young people and this should be done so that the employer himself wants to take young job seekers to his organization. Using the administrative apparatus of pressure on enterprises to oblige you to employ a certain number of young people is extremely inefficient, because then the employer will look for an opportunity not to hire young people, as the state will impose it on him to do this. The consequence of this will only be a decrease in the efficiency of business, as well as a biased attitude towards young people.
The solution that will help solve the problem is the introduction of tax incentives for small business organizations that take on a job applicant from young people. Thus, the demand for young professionals in the labor market will increase and an additional opportunity will be given for the development of small businesses, and stimulating the growth of the state's economy as a whole.
At the moment, young people remain the social group that is vulnerable and dependent on the surrounding circumstances and on the wishes of employers.