
The role of sports and health tourism in the system of physical education of schoolchildren

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №17(153)

Рубрика: Педагогика

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Alyokhina M. The role of sports and health tourism in the system of physical education of schoolchildren // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 17(153). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/153/91843 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025).
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The role of sports and health tourism in the system of physical education of schoolchildren

Alyokhina Maria
Student, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod
Bogachev Roman
научный руководитель, Scientific adviser, Docent at the Faculty of Foreign Languages of the Pedagogical Institute, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. The article is devoted to the topical issues of the importance of tourism for the health of schoolchildren. The role of tourism in the system of physical education of schoolchildren is considered and its impact on the psychological and physical development of the child, the problems of teaching tourism in school are analyzed today.


Keywords: tourism, hiking, sports, physical education, school.


Physical education is a type of education, the specific content of which are learning movements, nurturing physical qualities, mastering special physical knowledge and forming a conscious need for physical activities

Tourism is an important part of physical education. Every year active tourism in Russia becomes more and more popular. Active tourism is a low-cost and highly effective technology of formation in a person of high spiritual and physical beginnings. Its popularity among many segments of the population is due to the huge recreational potential of the country's natural resources, the high health capacity and the need of a certain part of the population for some risk. Participation in hiking contributes to the development of such qualities as personal initiative and mutual revenue, perseverance, willpower and high discipline.

Here is a quote from the preface written by S.M. Mironov, President of the Russian Federation of Sports Tourism, to the book "Sports Tourism in the USSR and Russia": "Tourism is an amazing phenomenon of Russian culture and reality. Millions of Russians love to travel. Someone with family members and in comfortable conditions. Someone with friends and acquaintances in their native neighborhood for the next weekend"

Today, tourist clubs in Russia can be counted on the fingers. The Moscow Central Club is held at the expense of trade unions. The St. Petersburg club became a public company. In Yekaterinburg, the club exists in the status of municipal at the expense of the city budget. Few tourist clubs exist in universities on a public basis. By coordinating the work of the remaining tourist clubs, modern legislation in the field of physical culture and sports increasingly deprives tourists of the opportunity to receive state and municipal financial assistance. Maximum work and, accordingly, legislation is aimed at the creation of public organizations in the form of sports clubs, sports federations, i.e. organizations that themselves must find sponsors or work as commercial structures.

The system of tourist activities is quite traditional, but not deservedly forgotten form of extracurricular activities in school. School tourism is a powerful means of education.

School tourism refers to temporary departures of schoolchildren in a group, with parents or immediate relatives, individually in groups of adult tourists or their temporary residence in the families of foreigners. Departures are organized from a permanent residence for recreational, educational, sports or other purposes.

Hiking is an effective form of training for any kind of tourism. The effectiveness of hikes is difficult to overestimate: the knowledge, skills and skills of students are significantly enriched, their attitude to teaching is improved.

But without scientifically sound pedagogical guidance, the correct method of training and conducting hikes and travel tourism of schoolchildren at best turns out to be only a health walk.

At worst, tourism can become its opposite - into meaningless vagrancy, contributing to the emergence of negative traits in students. Tourist campaign should be as subordinated as possible to the idea of comprehensive personal development. This requires a well-thought-out system of influencing students, including moral, aesthetic, work education. The campaign should contribute to the deepening and expansion of the existing knowledge of the children, and on the other hand - to obtain new in the process of observations of various phenomena of nature. During hiking and travel, children develop a research approach to the surroundings.

In general, tourism very strongly educates children's independence. Self-reliance is an evolving quality. First, self-reliance manifests itself in a negative plane (incorrect performance of some actions from the point of view of security). Motive: "I know all this, and I can do, there is nothing to teach me." But when children face camping difficulties, when their skills are at odds with the results of their own activities (not a fire breaks out, damp in a tent, you have to cook food, you have to wash dishes), they are nervous, and in difficult situations require that the leader do it. And later they realize that it is necessary to learn to do the same things again, but as it should be.

Preparation for hikes makes you study medicine, the basics of life safety, geography, ecology, local studies, which positively affects the studies of children.

There is a development of children's personal qualities through the team, in each campaign or training a situation of success is created, a movement from simple to complex, an atmosphere of tolerance, mutual respect, mutual assistance and friendship is created.

Tourist trips have become an annual tradition in Russian schools. Last year, the participants of the tourist club "Beast" in Belgorod went on a two-week hike. This year we made a trip to the Krasnodar region, where in the field studied biology and geography, spent the night at waterfalls, climbed mountains and marveled at the beauty of rocks and gorges.

All the guys differ from each other characters, interests, inner world, but they have one thing in common - love to hikes, the desire to spend time in nature, carefully taking care of it and rejoicing in its beauty.

Any tourist trip requires good preparation. In schools, for example, children learn the important basics of survival: safety and nutrition in the field, first aid, orienteering, knitting. There are also practical classes in parks: students pull the crossing between trees, thus modeling the passages through reservoirs, collect tents, make stretchers from improvised means - dry branches.

When conducting hikes, trainings and other classes, we recommend taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the participants, their condition at any given time, adjust the load and provide assistance if necessary.

We plan physical education in the campaign in three directions:

1. Sanitation and hygiene.

2. Physical labor.

3. Physical exercises.

The task of sanitary and hygienic work is to instill a number of knowledge, skills and skills that provide disease prevention, providing necessary assistance in case of malaise, reasonable accounting of weather conditions day and night, keeping the parking lots clean, etc.

Physical labor in the campaign - it's mostly self-service work (harvesting firewood, cooking, tidying up inventory, etc.).

Physical and sports activities in the campaign should not take too long. When planning the physical education of students in the campaign, it is necessary to proceed from the data on the state of their health, to take into account the level of sanitary and hygiene culture, attitude to work. All this should be taken into account, both in preparation for the campaign, and during the campaign.

In addition, it is necessary to carefully think carefully in advance and work on the aesthetic development of children in the campaign. The main task here should be to teach children to see the beauty of nature, to understand it.

Regular tourism classes have a positive impact on the physical development of schoolchildren, their physical fitness, the functional state of many physical systems. They have a noticeable impact on improving the physical fitness of schoolchildren. The natural effect of motor qualities on physical development is physiological, conditioned and the most important factor of optimal flow of physiological functions of the body.

Improved functional state, showing in increasing blood volume, increasing the power of inhalation and exhalation, improving strength indicators, endurance of schoolchildren under the influence of even one-time multi-day hikes. Disposable multi-day hiking, cycling, and skiing trips in addition to the positive effect on the body have shown that different types of tourism affect different systems in different ways. Thus, on the increase of muscle strength of the upper shoulder girdle is more effectively influenced by ski trips, back muscles - hiking. The power of exhalation is more effectively improved in hiking, the mobility of nervous processes - in ski.

The well-being role of modern tourism as an effective form of outdoor activities is increasing, the recovery of the body dealing with the negative effects of industrial labor and production, educational and other activities, and in preventing the influence of adverse factors and conditions of modern life.

Thus, tourism as a means of physical education creates the most favorable conditions for children's health. In hiking get direct application studied in the lessons of physical education motor actions (overcoming obstacles, water barriers, climbing, walking, etc.), in a new way sound acquired in the lessons of geography, biology, astronomy knowledge. Tourism allows each participant to develop successfully in the team, brings up a creative, independent, active, responsible personality/


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