The influence of the student team on the formation of the student's personality
Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №18(154)
Рубрика: Педагогика

Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №18(154)
The influence of the student team on the formation of the student's personality
Abstract. At the present stage of development of the Russian Federation, there is an increasing need for the education of fully developed people who are able to think and make decisions without the help of others, who are able to be responsible for themselves, who are communicative and tolerant, with a broad outlook, who are able to extract the required information from various sources, predict their own results, and determine cause-and-effect relationships.
Keywords: personality, education, upbringing, team, student development, personality formation.
Russian education has experienced many changes, but the problem of personal development in the team has always remained fundamental in pedagogy. Undoubtedly, the team in which the student develops and grows up influences the formation of the child's personality. The positive atmosphere of the team contributes to the development of the child, as well as his social skills, since the team forms a special relationship between its members.
The personality of a child in school is formed through education and upbringing. Children develop by gaining social experience, mastering a variety of knowledge and skills. Training allows you to transfer this set of knowledge, which is formed in the course of training sessions. The teacher uses the achieved knowledge to understand where to lead the child further, analyze and determine what the next step in knowledge should be. Training determines the direction of personal development, it can form, as well as rebuild the qualities of the child that were acquired earlier. Training has the ability to influence the consciousness and the peculiarities of the child's mental processes, it should provide children with a path to the development of their personality, gradually with age, throughout the training, as much as possible to contribute to the development process.
The work as a result of which the student's personality is formed takes place during the entire educational activity. Development allows you to form a child's activity and give the necessary social skills and foundations. The development of personality in the course of the educational process is accompanied by the development of all cognitive processes of the student. First of all, his thinking develops. By complicating the processes, the child learns generalization, logical operations, and the further translation of forms of thinking. In training, there is a development of not only the mental abilities of the student, but also sensory and motor skills in practical actions.
For the purposes of education, first of all, it is necessary to emphasize the need for children and schoolchildren to form such a picture of society, which, without exception, would be closer to the academic understanding of the key phenomena, laws and mechanisms that determine the formation of nature, society and man. The collective is able to act in the property of a controlling, controlled or self-managed structure with different levels of cohesion of its members. In order to be considered a team, a group must meet many indicators, the main ones are the presence of a single goal for absolutely all its members.
Consider the possibilities of the team as a whole. First, the connection of the team makes it possible to overcome the lack of physiological and mental capabilities of any individual. This mental acceptance makes it possible for people to interact continuously in fact, because the capabilities of the collective are much greater than the individual potential of any of its members. Secondly, a significant amount of ordinary activity is carried out in the team due to the distribution and qualification of work and the emergence, in addition to the independence of the participants, of an atmosphere of competition that mobilizes secret reserves and significantly increases the saturation of work. Third, conditions are created for effective overcoming of difficulties where, according to these or other circumstances, it is unrealistic to divide direct responsibilities between different members of the group. The team plays a great role in the life of any person. First of all, as a whole, within its framework, the immediate need of people for communication and businesslike assistance, for adaptation to a team of their own kind is satisfied; in a group, an individual in the required options acquires help and protection; in his own team, he first finds acceptance of successes and achievements.
The role of the collective in the formation of personality is to reveal the child's abilities and realize it. First of all, in general, this is realized through intensive participation in school self-government and diverse social life. A pedagogically oriented team forms suitable abilities for the purpose of developing a socially significant personality and displaying its features in the course of life.
Let us consider the previously prepared study with 14 students of the 4th grade on the basis of the municipal budget educational institution "Ziborovskaya elementary school-kindergarten named after the warrior-internationalist S. F. Sanin of the Shebekinsky district of the Belgorod region". In the questionnaire, we evaluated the cohesion of the class team.
The points scored by the students of the 4th grade, show us that the class teacher worked hard enough on the cohesion of the students of the class. The methods used by the teacher allowed the students of the class to create a strong personal connection between themselves. Noticing that two students in the class have a maximum score of 49 points, and the lowest one, which is not so far from the threshold, also has two students. For most students, the difference in points is no more than 10. Hence, we can say that the class is friendly. Each of the students of the class feels part of the team and is comfortable in it. We analyzed the questions to understand the reasons. First of all, it is worth highlighting questions 5 and 8 from the questionnaire, since it is in these questions that students themselves assess how comfortable they are in their class. We assume that these questions are among the most important in this questionnaire, since they contain the assessment of the child himself. In the fifth question, the students rated how much they liked their class, the maximum score was 5 points, while the minimum score was 1 point. The results are high. Only two children gave a rating of 4 points-I like it. Also, there are no scores less than four points, this indicates that the children are poisoned by the class in which they fell. Consider the question related to the student's assessment of the friendliness of the class. The points were also determined from 1 to 5, the maximum score indicated that the class was very friendly. We see that 50% of the class assesses the friendliness of their class by 5 points. A grade of 4 is given by 4 students. Only 3 students of the class give a grade of 3 points, that is, in their opinion, the class is when friendly, and when not. There is no score of 2 and 1 points.
Most of the guys say that the guys in their class are good. When analyzing the answers to question 14, we found that the teacher not only arranges events in the classroom, but also arranges events outside of class activities. Each child notes that they often go somewhere with the whole class and he likes it very much. During the analysis, we found that the teacher worked hard enough to create a special relationship in the classroom and strengthen relationships during the events. Thus, the conducted testing showed that the class is not yet fully ready for the transition from group to team. The teacher still has a lot of work to do to form a friendly and strong team of students. The teacher worked hard enough to form the children's basic collective qualities, the ability to communicate and others. The teacher formed a favorable psychological climate in the team, the attitude of children to each other, but, in my opinion, the teacher should work on getting the children to know each other better, because in the questionnaire the children noted that not everyone knows much about each other.