
The benefits of basketball for schoolchildren

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Poddubrovskaya D. The benefits of basketball for schoolchildren // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 19(155). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/155/92679 (дата обращения: 29.01.2025).
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The benefits of basketball for schoolchildren

Poddubrovskaya Daria
Student, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod


Basketball is widely used for the physical development of school-age children, because this sport is based on simple motor skills: running, jumping, throwing and passing. They are easy to learn for both children and adults.

Basketball is an active sport. During the game, all muscle groups and different organs are involved, which makes the body work smoothly and efficiently. What qualities does basketball develop? Almost everything. Some are more, some only concern. But the fact that this game improves physical performance and affects all-round development is quite obvious.

How is basketball useful for the musculoskeletal system? All muscle groups work, especially the hands, muscles of the legs and back. Frequent changes in intensity help to strengthen them and avoid quick fatigue. This is an excellent prevention of joint diseases. The pace of play helps those who are sluggish and sedentary to improve their condition through regular exercise.

Basketball is also important for the respiratory system. It increases lung capacity, increases the frequency of respiratory movements, which develops the respiratory organs and has a beneficial effect on health. As for the circulatory system, the work of the heart during the game increases 4 times, and the number of heartbeats increases to 160-230 beats per minute.

Due to the fact that basketball players have intense breathing and are subject to prolonged physical exertion, their digestive organs develop well [2, p. 14].

One workout in terms of energy consumption requires 900-1200 kcal. Accordingly, in order to get them, the body spends fat deposits. A similar mechanism contributes to weight loss. That is why it motivates many women to start playing basketball. Those who play basketball improve their motor reaction speed. The influence of basketball on memory, thinking and speech development is extremely important for the mental development of children. [1, p. 48].

How is basketball useful for personality formation? There is a development of volitional qualities, self-control, psyche. In addition, a stable motivation for achieving success, communication skills and initiative are formed. Systematic basketball lessons foster independence, purposefulness and perseverance in a person.

For children attending basketball sections, character traits such as endurance, willpower, discipline, courage, perseverance and self-control are characteristic. They know how to value time and manage it correctly.


Figure 1. Features of the game of basketball


Here's what basketball develops in children:

  1. Sociability and the ability to find a common language with peers.
  2. Harmonious physical shape.
  3. Eye gauge, logical thinking.
  4. Endurance - the match lasts about an hour .

It is advisable to teach basketball technique in the following sequence:

1. teaching stance and movement.

2. teaching offensive ball-handling techniques.

3. teaching the technique of counteraction and possession of the ball in defense.

Teaching offensive and defensive countermeasures. [3, p. 95]

In the process of teaching technique of the game it is necessary to constantly keep in mind the inextricable relationship between its two sides - education and education, to strive for its implementation in each lesson. Here we mean the relationship between the formation of motor skills and education of motor abilities.

In basketball, this is an increased injury rate. Since the game is contact, collisions and falls are possible. First of all, the knees are affected, then the shoulders. Due to the fact that basketball is an active game in which you often and sometimes have to abruptly change direction, the ankle joint is prone to injury.
The health benefits of basketball:

  • Increasing the body's endurance.
  • Development and strengthening of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
  • Development and strengthening of body muscles.
  • Improved coordination.
  • A noticeable improvement in peripheral vision, which is especially beneficial for children.
  • Burning a huge amount of energy, which allows you to get and maintain a beautiful figure.
  • Prevention of joint diseases
  • Favorable effect on the nervous system.

The influence of playing basketball on a child's physical development is also strong. First of all, the guys involved in this sport develop endurance, and all muscle groups are strengthened. Basketball training is jumping, running, arm swings, bends and squats, which allow you to develop all muscle groups and strengthen the heart and blood vessels.

In addition to its overall health benefits, basketball will also help prevent the development of certain diseases that result from an inactive lifestyle. The most optimal age to start playing basketball is 8-9 years. During this period, the physical and mental development is ready for this sport.


1. Nesterovsky DI Basketball: Theory and teaching methods: textbook. manual for stud. higher. study. institutions / D. I. Nesterovsky. - 3rd ed., Erased. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2007. - 336 p. 
2. Theory and methodology of physical education: a textbook for students of physical culture faculties of pedagogical institutes / BA Ashmarin [and others]; under total. ed. B.A. Ashmarin. - M .: Education, 1990 .-- 287 p. 
3. Chernova, E.A. Outdoor games in the system of training basketball players: Method, recommendations for trainers of the CYSS in basketball / E.A. Chernov. - M., 2001.