
Features of the development of physical qualities in primary schoolchildren

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №19(155)

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Sylka N. Features of the development of physical qualities in primary schoolchildren // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 19(155). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/155/92876 (дата обращения: 29.01.2025).
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Features of the development of physical qualities in primary schoolchildren

Sylka Nikita
Student, Belgorod National Research University, Russia, Belgorod


It has been established that the greatest effect in the development of physical qualities is achieved during the period of their rapid natural development. The effectiveness of pedagogical influences in other age periods for a given ability can be neutral or even negative. Therefore, when improving specific physical abilities, it is very important not to miss the most favorable age periods, since it will be much more difficult to do this later.

The age interval from 6.5 to 10 years unites primary school students. This period proceeds with a decrease in the growth rate in length (only by 2-3 cm per year), the appearance of excess weight, there is a decrease in the intensity of metabolic processes, the frequency of contraction of the heart and respiration at rest, the value of the stroke volume of the heart and reserve breathing volumes increase, a certain the stage of the formation of the motor quality - dexterity, although, on the other hand, they still do not reach the maximum indicators of speed (repetition frequency) in the simplest movements, their absolute and relative strength is relatively small. Physiological functions are developing rapidly, but in many respects differ from the final, adult level. The volume of work performed before the appearance of signs of fatigue is 40 kJ, and in an adult it is 40 times more. Their daily energy consumption is high, and the system of regulatory mechanisms of the body (nervous and endocrine) remains insufficiently mature. Any stress in the body during this period is always associated with an active restructuring of the work of almost all organs and systems, and the cost of adaptation to changes in external conditions is especially high. In the period from 6-7 to 9-10 years, the structure and functions of the brain, its adaptive capabilities, change.

Children belonging to this age category are distinguished by increased sensitivity to environmental factors and are in particular need of individualization of the educational process, taking into account their age-sex characteristics and individual properties of the central nervous system.

Sensitive periods of the development of physical abilities in children (according to A.P. Matveev)

The periods of intensive development of individual physical abilities in children are different. Each of them has its own sensitive period. The time limits for these periods are not the same for boys and girls. Usually, at the beginning of the intensive development of most of the abilities, girls outrun boys by 1-2 years.

It should be noted that in the scientific and methodological literature, various authors can find various sensitive periods in the development of a particular ability. Such differences may be due to the use of dissimilar tests to measure any ability, the use of different approaches and formulas to determine the increase in indicators of physical abilities, the heterogeneity of the surveyed sample of subjects, etc. [1, p. 95]

Younger school age is favorable for the development of all coordination and conditioning abilities. However, special attention should be paid to the comprehensive development of coordination, speed (reactions and frequency of movements), speed-strength abilities, endurance to moderate loads.

Coordination abilities include the accuracy of reproduction and differentiation of spatial, temporal and power parameters of movements, balance, rhythm, speed and accuracy of response to signals, coordination of movement, orientation in space.

Conditioning abilities: speed, speed-strength, endurance and flexibility.

Actually, strength abilities begin to develop in girls from 10-11 years old, and in boys only from 13-14 years old.

At present, the terms “physical abilities” and “physical qualities” are used to characterize a person's motor abilities.

Physical abilities are a complex of morphological and psychophysiological properties of a person that meet the requirements of any type of muscle activity and ensure the effectiveness of its implementation.

Physical qualities are a complex complex of morphofunctional, biological and psychological properties of an organism that determine strength. Speed, speed-power and temporal characteristics of the movement of students. [2, p. 39]

Physical qualities, in essence, are an expression of the achieved level of individual physical abilities, their certainty, originality, significance. Physical qualities are organically related to the physical abilities of a person and are determined by the peculiarities of their manifestation in different movements.

Currently, it is customary to distinguish between five basic physical abilities (qualities): strength (strength), speed (speed), coordination (agility and balance), endurance, flexibility. [3, p. 105]

Speed ​​-the ability of a person to perform actions in a minimum period of time for these conditions.

Agility (coordination of movements) -the ability to quickly master new movements and their combinations, as well as the ability to restructure motor activity in accordance with the requirements of a changing environment.

Equilibrium- the ability of a person to maintain a stable position while performing a variety of movements and postures on a reduced and elevated support area above the ground (floor) level.

Endurance -the ability to perform any activity for a long time without reducing its intensity, the body's ability to withstand fatigue during any activity.

Flexibility -the ability to perform movements with a large amplitude. This is a property of the human body, characterized by the mobility of the links of the musculoskeletal system.

It is established that the greatest effect in the development of physical qualities is achieved during their rapid natural development. The effectiveness of pedagogical influences in other age periods for this ability can be neutral or even negative. Therefore, when improving specific physical abilities, it is very important not to miss the most favorable age periods, since it will be much more difficult to do this later.


1. “Comprehensive program of physical education for students. 1-11 grades ”. IN AND. Lyakh, A.A. Zdanevich, Moscow, "Education", 2011.
2. "Theory and methodology of physical culture: Textbook" ed. prof. Yu.F. Kuramshina, M., Soviet sport, 2007.
3. “Lesson development in physical education. 5-9 grades ”. Kovalko V.I., M., VAKO, 2005.