The role of radio broadcasting as a mass media
Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №21(157)
Рубрика: Социология

Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №21(157)
The role of radio broadcasting as a mass media
This article examines radio as a mass media, which has long and firmly entered the lives of so many of us. Every day we listen to our favorite radio stations, enjoy musical compositions, take part in various interactive programs, and, for the most part, we can not imagine life in a different way - without radio. It's always somewhere here, close: in the car, at home, in the officе [1, с.128].
Radio as a mass media appeared much earlier than television and to this day occupies a stable position in the media market. The appearance of the opportunity to listen to any radio station on the Internet has further strengthened these positions.
How does the radio manage to maintain its attractiveness in the really very difficult conditions of the fierce competition for the audience's attention? Here it is necessary to highlight the properties of radio broadcasting that determine its viability.
In the structure of modern mass media, radio remains the most operational. Neither television nor cinema, even at the turn of the twenty-first century, have the technology to broadcast without prior preparation from anywhere in the world with a story about an event and a phenomenon of any nature at the very moment of the beginning of this event [6, р.94]. Accordingly, this circumstance makes it easier to invite representatives of the public, statesmen, authoritative people in all fields of knowledge and, of course, the participants of the events themselves to the microphone as commentators on the most relevant and socially significant facts and phenomena. In all this, as the world practice of broadcasting, including the Russian one, shows, radio is confidently ahead of both the press and television.
Of all the media, radio is the most convenient ("unpretentious", "comfortable") for the audience to perceive [3, с.78]. Listening to the radio, as a rule, does not require abandonment of everyday affairs, it can be combined with industrial employment, and with everyday realities (cleaning the apartment, household chores, etc.). A huge part of the radio audience in all areas of broadcasting - from music programs, news releases to broadcasts of literary and dramatic compositions and "radio books" - are motorists driving and their passengers [5, с.49]. Moreover, the diversity of interests of this particular part of the audience stimulated a significant expansion of the genre and thematic parameters of broadcasting (which in turn contributed to an increase in the number of modern radio station formats, as well as an increase in the number of stations themselves, a clearer targeting and content orientation and differentiation).
Radio broadcasting has an undeniable psychological impact on people. In the media system, radio, which is primarily focused on auditory perception, affects the human imagination more than others. Even before the advent of radio, it was proved that a person, to the best of his abilities and the development of associative thinking, tries to translate sound impressions into visual ones [4, р.28]. This process is inevitable, it does not depend on the desire of a person, because it expresses the objective regularity of the nature of perception of the surrounding world.
Radio excites the imagination, stimulates the senses, and thus gives work to both thinking and unconscious emotions [2, с.173]. In other words, it helps a person to get out of the emotional "stability" that leads him to endlessly repeating, constantly duplicating each other official, working and everyday circumstances, environmental conditions that regulate the development of the individual.
In conclusion, it is safe to say that radio is one of the most effective means of mass communication, which is an integral part of the life of many people in all countries of the world.