Study of colours: how colour meanings affect your brand
Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №24(160)
Рубрика: Искусствоведение

Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №24(160)
Study of colours: how colour meanings affect your brand
Abstract. We see colours in everything around us, every moment of the day - but do we ever stop to think about the impact each of those colours is having on us? Colours can be a powerful tool - if you know how to use them. For a business - anyway it’s yours or your client’s ones - there are all sorts of places where colours come into play.
Keywords: colour, colour combinations, colour scheme, aesthetic component, sensation.
The influence of colour on a person is huge, and that is why a lot of research has been devoted to this issue. Different colours affect a person in completely different ways, evoking certain emotions in him, which can be due to both subjective and objective reasons.
The basis of the influence of colours on a person was laid by interaction with the outside world, since for a long period of the development a person was dependent on the environment, then colours became certain signs and symbols [1]. So, for example, during the day we see light shades — white, yellow, green and so on, which denote inner calmness and vigorous activity. Night — dark colors (blue, black) — tell us about peace, but at the same time about possible danger. On the border of day and night — gray, indistinct tones — signs of confusion and uncertainty. The connections between colors and the sensations from them are entrenched in a person at a subconscious level, so a person unconsciously emotionally reacts to them.
At the same time, a certain reaction to colour may be due to cultural differences and personal preferences of a particular person. Thus, the same colour combinations can influence people's decisions in different ways.
Scientific studies have also proved that if we take the influence of a black-and-white image as conditional 1, then the influence of a two-colour image increases by 20%, in a multi-colour image - by 40%. Therefore, the more complex the image and the combination of colours, the more pronounced the reaction will be [2].
Also, colour perception is also influenced by its temperature and degree of saturation. The same colour, presented in different tones, gives a different “mood”. Warm shades of colour create a relaxed mood, while cold shades are more active and inviting.
Given such a significant influence of colour on a person's choice and decisions, a successful colour scheme can effectively influence the promotion of a product or service. Thus, the correct application of colour theory helps not only attract new customers, but also stand out from the competition.
So, the first thing to start with when choosing a colour scheme is in contrast. The resonance of colour will subsequently determine the mood of the entire web design.
Second, different colour schemes. The main ones are considered to be black-and-white, complementary and tricolour. Black-and-white is based on the traditions of minimalism, using one colour with its shades and midtones, it is considered the most gentle on the eyes and less memorable. A complementary colour scheme involves the use of two colours opposite each other on the colour wheel. This technique does not create an unnecessary burden for perception, but at the same time it stands out quite actively and attracts attention. A tricolour scheme is used if we need a powerful visual impact. Colours are also selected based on the colour wheel and their combination has the most active effect [3].
According to statistics, 3% of consumers pay attention to the texture of the product, only 1% judge the product by smell and sound, and 93% are guided by its appearance. 84.7% of customers believe that a certain colour is the basis of a brand, 52% base their choice on the aesthetic components of the store and products, 80% of consumers believe that colour influences the popularity of the brand. Thus, statistics show that the impact of colour on the consumer is much greater than anticipated. Many noted that the main criterion for re-applying for a product or service was precisely the aesthetic component, as an indicator of the character of the brand [4].
Based on the above, in order to choose the right shades and combinations for brand design, it is necessary to determine what kind of mood will be conveyed to consumers, to which target audience the product or service is directed, and also refer to the brand history. Associations connected with different colours make us experience different emotions, and most importantly, they influence our choices. So, be careful in choosing your colours.