Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №35(171)
Рубрика: История и археология

Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №35(171)
Abstract. This article describes the role of case management in the workflow of the Belgorod Regional Duma, the functions of the department of document management and office
Keywords: office work, office, management.
The Belgorod Regional Duma is the legislative body of the state power of the Belgorod Region.
The tasks of the Staff of the Belgorod Regional Duma are organizational, documentary, analytical, legal, informational, personnel, material, technical and financial support for the activities of the Belgorod Regional Duma.
To achieve the assigned tasks, the apparatus of the Belgorod Regional Duma performs the following functions:
• implementation of organizational, technical, analytical and documentary support for the activities of the Regional Duma, the Council of the Regional Duma, committees (commissions) of the Regional Duma, the Chairman of the Belgorod Regional Duma, the First Deputy Chairman of the Regional Duma, Deputy Chairmen of the Regional Duma and deputies of the Regional Duma, working on a professional permanent basis ;
• implementation of information technology and material and technical support for the activities of the Regional Duma, the Council of the Regional Duma, committees (commissions) of the Regional Duma, the Chairman of the Regional Duma, the First Deputy Chairman of the Regional Duma, Deputy Chairmen of the Regional Duma and deputies of the Regional Duma working on a professional permanent basis;
• ensuring the interaction of the regional Duma with the media, as well as the prompt dissemination of official information on the activities of the regional Duma, committees (commissions), deputies of the regional Duma through the media;
• financial support of the Belgorod Regional Duma, accounting, as well as control over the economical spending of funds allocated to the Belgorod Regional Duma according to the estimate.
In the Belgorod Regional Duma, the organization of office work is carried out directly by the administrative office. It is on this apparatus that all the functions of organizing office work are entrusted.
The Administrative Department is a structural subdivision of the Belgorod Regional Duma. This device organizes work with all documents of the Belgorod Regional Duma. The case management consists of four departments. These are the office, the documentation department, the information technology department and the procurement and supply department.
The department of documentation support of activities and the office is directly involved in the office work of the Belgorod Regional Duma.
The following functions are assigned to civil servants of the Department for Documentation Support of Activities:
1. Organization and maintenance of the functioning of a unified document flow and office work system, monitoring compliance with the requirements established by the instructions for working with documents in the Belgorod Regional Duma, other regulatory legal acts in the field of information, documentation and archiving.
2. Organization and provision of prompt passage and consideration of official documents, written applications of citizens, legal entities and public associations on personal matters.
3. Recording and stenography of meetings of the Regional Duma, recording of the Council of the Regional Duma, keeping the originals of all documents considered at the meetings of the Council of the Regional Duma and the Regional Duma.
4. Provision of draft documents for deputies of the Belgorod Regional Duma, subjects of the right of legislative initiative, employees of the apparatus of the regional Duma and other participants in the legislative process on issues submitted for consideration by the Regional Duma, the Council and committees of the Regional Duma.
5. Registration of decisions of the Regional Duma, decisions of the Council of the Regional Duma. Publication of resolutions of the Regional Duma and annexes to them by posting on the website of the Belgorod Regional Duma.
6. Acquisition of the current archive of the Regional Duma with documents generated as a result of its activities, structural subdivisions of the Regional Duma apparatus, accounting and storage of archival files and documents before submitting them for permanent state storage, information and reference work on them.
7. Carrying out copying and duplicating works to ensure the activities of the deputies of the regional Duma, deputy factions, committees of the regional Duma, management and structural divisions of the apparatus of the regional Duma.
8. Conducting a systematic analysis of receipts, movement, execution and execution of documents, preparation of proposals aimed at the development of an effective system of document flow and office work.
Duties of the head of the department for documentation support of the management:
1. Ensure the improvement of the forms and methods of working with documents, observe a uniform procedure for documenting, organize work with documents, control the execution and preparation of documents for transfer to the archive in accordance with the established procedure and applicable standards.
2. Take measures to reduce the number of forms of documents and optimize workflow, develop and implement regulatory and methodological documents to improve the documentation of management
3. To carry out the unification of documentation systems and workflow, taking into account the possibility of their machine processing.
4. To supervise the work on the reception, registration, accounting, storage, operational search for documents and their delivery.
5. Ensure the issuance of documented information, copying and duplication of documents.
6. Monitor the status of office work.
The Chancellery is a structural subdivision of the administrative department of the apparatus of the Belgorod Regional Duma
The tasks of the office:
1. Organization and maintenance of the functioning of a unified document flow and office work system, monitoring compliance with the requirements established by the Instructions for working with documents in the Regional Duma, other regulatory documents governing the procedure for working with incoming and outgoing official documents, written requests from citizens, legal entities and public associations on personal matters.
2. Conducting a systematic analysis of the receipt of official documents, written appeals of citizens, legal entities and public associations on personal matters, the quality of their registration, development of proposals for optimizing and improving document flow in the regional Duma.
3. Provision of paper and stationery and printing products for the deputies of the regional Duma at meetings of committees, commissions and the Council of the Regional Duma, meetings of the Regional Duma, and other official events held by the Regional Duma.
4. Organization of accounting, control over the safety and movement of fixed assets and other material assets within its competence.
Office functions:
1. On issues of documentation support
1.1. Implementation of reception, accounting, registration, distribution and transfer to the leadership of the regional Duma and structural divisions of the regional Duma apparatus, incoming official documents and correspondence, written requests from citizens, legal entities and public associations on personal matters. Return to the sender or forwarding to destination of erroneously delivered documents.
1.2. Accounting for receipts and issuance (distribution) of printed publications of the Regional Duma and the Administration of the Governor of the Belgorod Region, federal government bodies, representative bodies the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and other publications to the deputies of the regional Duma and other addressees in accordance with the mailing pointers approved by the head of the regional Duma apparatus. Head of the Chancellery:
1. Organizes the work of the office.
2. Ensures the timely processing of incoming and outgoing correspondence, its delivery to its destination.
3. Carries out control over the deadlines for the execution of documents and their correct execution.
4. Organizes work on registration, accounting, storage and transfer to the relevant structural units of documents of current office work, including orders and orders of the management, on the formation of cases and their deposit.
5. Develops instructions for the conduct of office work.
In their activities, civil servants of the affairs department are guided by the following regulatory legal acts: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Charter and laws of the Belgorod region, regulatory legal acts of the Belgorod region, regulatory legal acts of the Belgorod Regional Duma, orders of the Chairman of the Belgorod Regional Duma, as well as regulations on the management of affairs.
In this government body, it is the affairs management apparatus that is responsible for the development and introduction of various regulatory documents governing labor activity, job descriptions, various regulations and procedures governing the work with documents at all stages and in all departments. The presence of this device greatly simplifies the process of working with documentation and saves the working time of many employees.