

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №10(189)

Рубрика: Психология

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Lyakhova K. FEATURES OF THE EMOTIONAL SPHERE OF LEFT-HANDED CHILDREN // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 10(189). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/189/106919 (дата обращения: 17.02.2025).
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Lyakhova Ksenia
Student, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod
Markov Alexander
научный руководитель, Scientific supervisor, Senior lecturer, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. The article examines how the peculiarity of left-handed children affects the lives of children.


Keywords: Children, left-handedness, school, teacher, psychology, peculiarity, problem, pedagogy, hemisphere, scientists.


In the scientific world, one of the first serious reviews of works on the left-handed belonged to the pen of Jackson and was published in London in 1905. The problem of left-handedness is connected with the problem of functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres. The features of functional asymmetry of the brain and related problems of left-handedness were raised in the studies of scientists such as H.Gordon, P.Brock, K.Wernicke, H.Jackson, H.Keeler, S.Springer, G.Deitch; in the works of Russian scientists: M.Bezrukikh, T.G.Beteleva, N.V., Dubrovinskaya, D.A.Farber, M.G.Knyazeva, N.N.Bogdanov, T.A.Dobrokhotova, N.N.Bragina, E.A.Golubev, N.N.Danilova.

Many researchers study left-handedness and its connection with various somatic and neuropsychiatric diseases (A.P.Chuprikov, S.E.Kazakova).

In his work (Features of the emotional sphere of left-handed children of senior preschool age") Andreeva A.V. highlighted the study and consideration of features in the psycho-emotional sphere of left-handed preschool children in comparison with their right-handed peers.

Teacher A.Mayskaya gives the following definition of this phenomenon: "A left-handed person is a child or an adult who writes, draws, and also prefers to perform some actions with his left hand." But unlike psychologists, they do not give a definition of the reasons why this happens.

Psychologists and doctors believe that left-handedness is a consequence of interhemispheric asymmetry, reflecting the dominance of the right hemisphere of the brain; a condition for the realization of mental processes of nervous activity for this type.

The main features most often include: synthetics, intuition, increased emotionality, imaginative thinking, good visual memory, well-developed artistic abilities.

Left-handed children are open, good-natured, able to sympathize and empathize, but they are also easily upset and can fall into a state of anger. It is typical for them to act according to their mood. Lefties tend to be more inclined to natural phenomena, rather than artificial ones.

There is the following data that in kindergarten groups, children with the phenomenon of left-handedness have a low social status (63.41%).This is explained by the inconsistency of their emotional sphere, as well as by the fact that the child's primary assessment of his peers almost completely depends on the attitude of the educator, since his authority is recognized by children. Critical attitude towards a left-handed child is very common; this is explained by difficulties in performing certain tasks, where the individual profile of the distribution of mental functions is not taken into account. Nikiforova O.A. believes that such children are classified as laggards, and this leads to the formation of a negative attitude towards him from others.

In addition to all of the above, it is possible for children to develop so-called "latent laterality", i.e. a change of the dominant hemisphere. The moment of change is the critical period when the main functions of the central nervous system are evenly distributed between the two hemispheres, after which the right hemisphere begins to dominate. Such people can be conditionally called "psychic" lefties or "hidden" lefties, in the sense that their signs of laterality are not associated with the dominance of the left hand.

The study of functional hemispheric asymmetry in humans began more than a hundred years ago. The dominance of the hemispheres in relation to speech functions was first demonstrated by the French surgeon Paul Broca, who in 1865 uttered his famous aphorism: "We speak with the left hemisphere." However, this representation was not entirely accurate. Both hemispheres are capable of perceiving words and processing them, but these processes take place in them in different ways.

The differences between the right and left hands when performing movements are a direct reflection of the disparity and specificity of the two hemispheres of the brain – the right and left. The motor pathways connecting the brain and arm muscles are almost completely crossed. However, this is a very crude and general statement. In fact, both hemispheres take part in the regulation of the movements of both the right and left hands. At the same time, it is clear that more fibers go from the left hemisphere to the musculature of the right side of the body and there are more fibers from the right hemisphere to the right half of the body, that is, both hemispheres tend to exercise greater motor control over the right-sided musculature. Perhaps this morphological asymmetry can be one of the explanations for the predominance of right-handed activity.

Thus, it turns out that in right-handed people, mainly the left hemisphere coordinates the work of the muscles of the right hand, and in left-handed people this function belongs to the right hemisphere.

However, different hemispheres are not identical either in organization or function, and first of all, the right and left hemispheres have pronounced differences related to the provision of speech functions. Therefore, the left hemisphere is verbal, logical, "rational". This hemisphere processes the information received in the brain sequentially, analytically. That is, he is characterized by an analytical approach to solving problems on the principle of induction (from general to particular), when analysis precedes synthesis.

The right hemisphere is also nonverbal, figurative, visual. Processes signals simultaneously and holistically (holistically). Allows you to see objects in several semantic planes. He is characterized by a synthetic approach based on the principle of deduction.

Thus, in relation to the learning process, we can say that the right hemisphere provides imaginative thinking, orientation in space and sensory perception of the world, while the left hemisphere is responsible for abstract thinking and the verbal-logical nature of the cognitive process. To identify the features of the emotional sphere of left-handed children, experimental work was organized. The study was conducted using the following methods: observation, survey, testing, comparison, analysis and statistical method. The study was conducted in the village of Staraya Bezginka, kindergarten, in the senior group. A total of 14 people participated in the study.

We will briefly describe the methods used.

The technique "Questionnaire for determining left-handedness" by A.P. Chuprikov, designed to determine the leading hand of a child. The incentive material of the questionnaire: a sheet with questions, a pen / pencil. The parents of the child are given a sheet with questions that they must answer, after which they calculate the points that turned out and it will immediately be clear which hand is leading their child.

The technique "Is your child anxious?" by E.A. Imaeva helps to identify anxiety in children, makes it clear the difference in the level of anxiety between left-handed and right-handed children. It is the simplest and most understandable in conducting and interpreting the results obtained. This technique is based on an offer to parents of children to take a survey of a small number of questions. They are given a list of questions and a pen. When answering questions, they should put "yes" or "no". After that, the scores are added up and a total anxiety score is obtained. Below is a list of levels and their scores.

Thus, it can be concluded that left-handers differ from right-handers not only by what hand they write, but by a whole complex of psychological qualities associated with a special distribution of labor between the hemispheres. left-handed and right-handed children are most similar in the nature of the chosen fears: they mostly have a fear of medical procedures. The only difference is the fear of heights inherent in right-handed children, while left-handed children almost never call it.


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