

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №17(196)

Рубрика: История и археология

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Levadnaya K.N. THE HISTORY OF THE EMERGENCE OF A NEW ARCHEOLOGY // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 17(196). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/196/110442 (дата обращения: 06.10.2024).
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Levadnaya Karina Nikolaevna
Student, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod
Shemaeva Elena Viktorovna
научный руководитель, Scientific supervisor, Candidate of Phil. sciences, Associate Professor, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. The article will consider the emergence of a new direction in archaeology, which has become known as "Procedural Archaeology".  We inherited this problem from Soviet times, but it has received new volumes and is only increasing. If we do not create special mechanisms for the inclusion of improved processes in archaeological science and do not introduce new material for the processing of current archaeological data into the sphere of circulation, the information potential will not be fully used.


Keywords: archaeology, procedural, philosophy, methodology, analysis, comparison, principles, interpretation, practice, theoretical significance.


Procedural archaeology is a completely new direction in archaeology, which arose in the 60s of the XX century. It is based on the process of changing the cultural aspect in the past, thus trying not only to collect archaeological information, but also to apply the method of interpretation so that scientists could answer the question: How is it so, why changes in social cultures occur at one time or another. The foundation of the emergence and origin of this trend becomes, characteristic of philosophy, the assumption of positivism that knowledge can be applied only with the help of the scientific method of research. In the second half of the XX century, among archaeologists in the field of this science, there was an opinion that it was important not only to collect information about various cultural objects. But also their classification, which would be most characteristic of cultural and historical archaeology, but also should in practice be able to answer a lot of questions about the movement, change of archaeological cultures and the smooth flow of one into another, more perfect [1, p. 5].

The founders of this trend and the main ideologists can be considered an American scientist –Lewis Binford and archaeologists - David Clark and Colin Renfrew. In their writings, they allowed themselves to criticize, often erroneous, incorrect subjective conclusions that other scientists made, relying on intuition, that archaeology should rely on the method of deduction, that scientists should use a deductive version of thinking, not the method of induction, and also have a support in the form of a scientific approach, a method for studying the material. Their procedural ideas and methods became known in those years and made a splash on the masses of people, caused theoretical discussions on how archaeological theory should be built [4].

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the procedural method determines by its task that archaeologists, first of all, should search for answers to questions in the effectiveness, dynamics of the development of cultures of the past. To do this, they need to find out, identify as many materials and facts as possible for the excavation process. It will be possible to do this only with the help of correctly formulated scientific approaches. Namely, on the basis of deductive analysis. This is necessary so that when conducting archaeological excavations, it sometimes happens that not whole archaeological buildings, cultural monuments are excavated and discovered, but only a small part of them, some artifact left over from them, part of a settlement, a settlement, a parking lot [2].

Therefore, it is important to use a statistically competent system for collecting information from various sites discovered by an archaeologist. This is necessary in order to determine the correct type of this place, whether it is a village or a settlement, so as not to make a mistake in the history of reconstruction or interpretation of a particular habitat region. The foundation of the new or procedural approach was the work of K.G.Hempel, who was an adherent of the positivist philosophical concept, he made the assumption that the totality of information contained in various archaeological materials accumulated on the reconstruction of settlements or settlements based on the latest achievements of natural sciences. It will be complete for proof and discussion about the cultural processes that took place in the ancient society investigated by archaeologists and historians, who left behind these ancient settlements.

A difficult task for an archaeologist, when answering questions about the prerequisites and causes of spiritual changes, life, culture in ancient societies, is that it is not always possible to determine stable links not only between statistical data on the found settlements, but also the dynamics of the reconstruction of past cultures. The solution here is that archaeologists are beginning to use ethnoarchaeology and apply it in reconstructing, for example, the appearance, the appearance of a modern person, the peoples who lived in a particular area, what kind of communal and tribal system they now have, what kind of lifestyle they lead, and compared all these factors in practice with archaeological a painting [3, p. 53].

In this way, On the basis of procedural archaeology, an assumption has been formed about the positivist thought that such knowledge can be obtained only through, as mentioned earlier, a scientific approach. "Although the new archaeology is quite widespread, especially in the USA, for a long time shortcomings have been identified in it that affected its functioning and difficulties in using it when analyzing any archaeological data, so the use of a procedural approach has come to naught.


List of literature:
1. Martynov. A.I. M. Archeology: Textbook/A.I. Martynov. - 4th ed., ispr. and add. - M.: Higher School, 2002. – 256 p.
2. Martynov A. I., Sher Ya. A. "Methods of archaeological research" — Moscow:Nauka, 2002.- 223 p.
3. Mongayt A. L. "In search of vanished civilizations" — Moscow: Nauka, 1966.-126 p. 
4. Foucault M. "Words and things. Archaeology of the Humanities".Moscow: Progress, 1977.-356 p.