

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №18(197)

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Lamanova A.Yu. STUDYING THE DRAMA OF A.N. OSTROVSKY IN HIGH SCHOOL // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 18(197). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/197/111227 (дата обращения: 01.03.2025).
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Lamanova Arina Yuiryevna
Student, Belgorod State University, Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. This article is devoted to the problem of studying dramatic text in high school. The article, based on the analysis of A.N. Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm", shows the study of drama at school as a kind of literature, comprehends the features of the play, diverse and close in terms of problems to schoolchildren, and also examines the influence of theater on the perception of the text of the work. At the end the article presents the findings. The article will be of interest to students of humanities and pedagogical profiles.


Keywords: A.N. Ostrovsky, drama, play, theater, schoolchildren, pedagogy, psychology.


Acquaintance at school with such a kind of literature as drama carries a number of features that affect the study of dramatic text by high school students. Understanding the individual artistic manner of the playwright and determining their attitude towards him is available to students only when they deliberately read the dramatic text written by him. Paying attention to the students' perception of the content of the play and familiarity with the text, one can notice an almost complete lack of ability to correctly read and understand such a text. The content is not perceived fully enough, and, consequently, difficulties arise with the analysis of the work. Therefore, we can say that a detailed study of dramatic works at school helps students acquire the skills of in-depth analysis of a literary text. One of the most interesting dramatic works is A.N. Ostrovsky's drama "Thunderstorm", studied in high school. In this paper, we will analyze this problem using the example of Ostrovsky's work in three aspects:

1. Drama as a kind of literature has specific features in the study and perception of the text.

2. Ostrovsky's drama is one of the closest in terms of problems and content to high school students.

3. The study of a dramatic work is accompanied by a trip to the theater, which also affects the perception of the text.

In a modern school, a literary course involves a detailed study of all kinds of literature. The most difficult of them is drama, in the study of which various difficulties arise. Drama as a kind of literature has specific features in the perception of the text when reading. Thus, L.A. Tsydenova in her work "Theoretical foundations of studying drama at school" notes that "the specifics of drama is the saturation of action, tension, a kind of "condensation" of events arising from the need to show a large amount of life material in a limited stage time" [11, с. 74]. In her opinion, "it is through the conflict in the drama that its ideological and artistic content is revealed" [11, с. 74]. Tsydenova concludes that for a deeper theoretical understanding and understanding of the dramatic text, "the content of the drama must be revealed through consideration of the plot, composition, development of action and dramatic conflict" [11, с. 74]. Based on what has been said, we can conclude that the drama really has a number of difficulties and problems when studying. However, when working with drama, schoolchildren develop the skill of a more slow and thoughtful reading of the text, which means that the level of preparation for the analysis and analysis of the work increases, which is necessary for high school students of our time.

It should be noted that the dramatic text not only requires careful reading, but is also close in content and problems to high school students. One of these works is the drama by A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm", studied in the 10th grade. L.Yu Fedorova very accurately notes that "the drama "Thunderstorm", proposed for textual study, makes it possible to pose a number of problems that are interesting for students today, problems that will require deep reading into texts, reflection" [9, с. 3]. Studying such problems as: the relationship of children and parents, upbringing, love, power, the meaning of life, and many others raised by Ostrovsky, the student undoubtedly makes for himself a number of conclusions that help him not only to understand the playwright's intention in the work, but also to build his inner beliefs and determine the values of life. In addition, L.G. Friedgendler believes that "the drama "Thunderstorm" is a wonderful work that gives us lessons in morality, spiritual revival of youth" [10, с. 115]. It is impossible not to agree with this. The behavior of such characters as Kabanikha, Tikhon, Wild, Catherine, Boris and Varvara carry a number of features, based on which, high school students rethink their own actions in relation to other people. It is not by chance that A. Ostrovsky himself saw dramaturgy as a powerful means of moral education, he believed that it was "dramatic poetry that is closer to the people than all other branches of literature." Thus, we can confidently say that after reading and analyzing the drama, a high school student can reflect on the most important problems of the work, learn moral lessons for himself that will definitely affect his worldview.

The study of drama at school is often accompanied by a trip to the theater or its own staging, which also affects the perception of the text by students. There is a certain dependence of the dramatic work on the theater. It manifests itself in the fact that when reading the play, the general picture of the action, the images of the characters, emerges in the mind of the young reader. The scene helps the student to see what the imagination has built visually, in reality, to fully experience the work. According to A.V. Lunacharsky, the theater is a form whose content is determined by dramaturgy. It is the theater, its actors and scenery, that present us the work in full performance. M. Ya. Polyakov in the book "In the World of Ideas and Images" writes: "The starting point for describing such a complex phenomenon as a theatrical spectacle remains a dramatic text" [5, с. 220]. The specificity of the reader's perception of a dramatic work "is due to the intermediate nature of its status: the reader is both an actor and a spectator, he is, as it were, staging a play for himself. And this determines the duality of his understanding of the play," the literary critic concludes. [5, с. 220]. According to Polyakov, the play read and viewed on stage helps the reader to pass the work through his individual consciousness, to understand the world and the feelings of the characters. Thus, we can draw the following conclusion: theater creates a much greater illusion of life than any other art. Everything that happens on stage is perceived by the audience especially acutely and directly. Consequently, after watching the drama "Thunderstorm" on the stage of the theater, the student will be able to fully understand the specifics of the work not only from the point of view of literary perception, but also psychological.

The assimilation of each literary work has an impact on the development of the reader, especially, as young as a schoolboy. Each step in learning is associated with the expansion and deepening of students' knowledge. Based on this, we can conclude that through studying drama at school, students develop the skills of thoughtful and slow reading of the text, careful analysis and understanding of the meaning of the work. Dramatic works have always been studied and will be studied at school, and the better and more responsibly the student and teacher approach this process, the better they will be understood and assimilated. Do not forget that it is drama that connects literature and theater, which develops students, in addition to everything, a sense of beauty and aesthetic enjoyment. We believe that this topic has an undoubted perspective in its development in a broader context and scale.


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