Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №18(197)
Рубрика: Педагогика
Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №18(197)
Abstract. The problem of conflict in adolescence occupies one of the central places in the study of this age, acting as its main feature, which leaves an imprint on the wide range of relationships of the teenager to others and to himself. The works of P.P. Blonsky, A.A. Bodalev, L.S. Vygotsky, A.S. Makarenko, V.N. Myasishchev, A.V. Petrovsky, V.A. Sukhomlinsky and others especially note the socio-psychological conditioning of conflicts in adolescence, The contradictions between the theoretical development of the problem and the lack of practical development reveals the problem of the study: what are the methods for preventing conflict in adolescence. Solving this problem is the goal of our research.
Keywords: conflictology, adolescence, psychological causes of conflicts, pedagogical conflictology.
Pedagogical conflictology is a specific field of general conflictology that studies the patterns of the emergence, development and resolution of conflicts in education, as well as develops and practical application of the principles, methods and methods of their constructive regulation.
A constructive solution to the pedagogical problem of preventing conflicts in adolescents is possible under a combination of certain pedagogical conditions that can form favorable factors that contribute to its solution.
When determining the essence of pedagogical conditions for preventing conflicts, the teacher must take into account that the selection of their rational content presents a certain difficulty. The reason lies in the complex and ambiguous essence of the conflict, the focus of pedagogical activity not only on the immediate results of activity, but also on the predicted and distant in time.
The successful solution of problems related to the conflict situation is based on overcoming contradictions, the aggravation of which leads to conflicts. In the course of pedagogical work, there is a discrepancy between the needs for using theoretical and practical methodological techniques to prevent conflict as a phenomenon that brings negative consequences and insufficient development of such materials, the inability to satisfy their existing need. This is based on general patterns of contradiction of the pedagogical process.
A holistic overcoming of this set of contradictions, their solution within the framework of pedagogical conditions for the prevention of conflicts becomes possible with the integrated use of the entire potential of the educational process. But at the same time, the question naturally arises of highlighting the main and significant factors that make up the basis for an effective solution to the problem, to optimize the content of pedagogical conditions.
From this point of view, under them it is necessary to distinguish those factors on which the success of solving the tasks will primarily depend. L.B. Filonov considers it necessary for this to consider the most important factors in their capacious understanding as separate conditions specific to solving this problem. Their importance should be determined by the fact that if one of the conditions is excluded, the solution of the tasks set becomes impossible.
As the main pedagogical condition, the formation of a positive value attitude of a teenager to the world around him and himself in the process of socio-cultural development stands out. This attitude is aimed at overcoming the negative aspects of environmental perception, which consists in focusing on universal human values, such as harmony, tolerance, partnership, justice, generosity, kindness, etc.
This installation is necessary for a constructive solution to the pedagogical task of preventing conflict in a teenager. Students "absorption of the material offered by the teacher primarily depends on the attitude of adolescents to this material. The connection of students to the solution of the pedagogical task directly depends on the personal acceptance of the objective and subjective value of the proposed educational material. The formation of an individual attitude of a teenager to the problem of conflict, his assessment of the essence of this phenomenon and various ways of behavior in it is the main stage in creating conditions for solving the pedagogical problem. Thus, the formation of a teenager's value orientation to conflict prevention is the primary factor in pedagogical conditions.
To prevent and resolve conflict situations, as well as optimize the psychological climate, the activities of a psychologist play one of the main roles. For a teacher-psychologist to successfully fulfill his duties, he must be able to take into account such complex states of interaction between adolescents as tension and contradiction, as well as take into account the difference in the positions, opinions and interests of participants in joint activities, be able to prevent serious clashes and manage them most effectively.