

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №19(198)

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Zhimonova I. THE USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN THE PROCESS OF TEACHING PUPILS’ NATURAL SCIENCES // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 19(198). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/198/112346 (дата обращения: 05.02.2025).
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Zhimonova Irina
Student of Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod
Gladkikh Yulia
научный руководитель, Scientific supervisor, Associate Professor Of Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the introduction of information technologies in the process of teaching natural sciences to schoolchildren. This issue is relevant during the period of widespread use of gadgets and a decrease in cognitive activity of schoolchildren. The possibilities that emphasize the need to use ICT are indicated. The main models of information technologies used in the lessons are presented. The advantages and disadvantages of using information technologies are indicated.


Keywords: educational process, information and communication technologies, natural science disciplines, information technology models, school.


Modern education, especially federal state educational standards, requires teachers to provide high-quality education and increase children's motivation to develop research and creative abilities. But right now, during the period of active use of various kinds of gadgets, availability of materials and knowledge, most schools are faced with the problem of reducing the cognitive activity of pupils. Therefore, it is important for the teacher to use at the lesson new teaching methods and tools in the classroom. And at every stage of the educational process, not only the acquired knowledge is important, but also the emotions that pupils’ experience when receiving it. These emotions can be considered only when pupils’ show interest in the material. Therefore, interest needs to be developed through the introduction of new methods in explaining new material and in consolidating the acquired skills [1].

The use of new information technologies has a more powerful impact on learning, increases the desire of children to learn, and increases the volume of independent work.

The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the classroom provides an opportunity to:

  • improving pupils’ research skills;
  • increase the motivation of training;
  • developing the ability to receive and analyze information;
  • involving children in the learning process [4].

One of the most common patterns of using ICT in classrooms – is to have a single computer connected to a projector in the classroom, where the teacher is present. This computer is a kind of "blackboard": together with the projector, it allows you to demonstrate the material simultaneously with feedback – a pupil or teacher can control the process on the screen [2].

In the practice of teaching natural sciences at school, various forms of information support are used. The simplest and most effective method is to use ready-made products that can be used based on the content goals of the learning process. These are interactive images, maps, electronic textbooks, tests, and workshops.

What other models of information technology can be used in teaching natural sciences?

1) Presentations are an integral part of any lesson. An effective and visual means of presenting the material. Teachers can either create their own presentations using Internet databases, or download ready-made ones. Using a computer and a projector, pupils are shown their knowledge. In addition, pupils’ can create their own presentations and show them to their classmates.

2)  Conducting laboratory work is one of the main points of teaching natural science subjects: if the school does not have enough laboratory equipment, you can conduct experiments online.

3) The ability to demonstrate reactions that involve dangerous (explosive, toxic) or rare substances – so you can ensure the safety of pupils’ and at the same time view an interesting reaction.

4) Use of audio and video materials, moving animation for greater visibility of the educational process – it is advisable to include videos in geography lessons to expand the horizons of schoolchildren and assimilate new experience;

5) Computer modeling is a good tool for studying chemical, geographical, and biological processes that cannot be observed in the classroom.

One of the important advantages of information technologies is the implementation of rapid monitoring of children's knowledge. You can use ready-made tests and exercises that are offered in electronic manuals. After passing a test or solving a problem, the pupil can immediately see their scores and assess their level of knowledge.

All the models presented above describe the advantages of using information and communication technologies in science classes. But ICT also has its drawbacks: it replaces the living explanation of the teacher. Of course, there is some advantage in this (independent work of children), but the lesson that is conducted by the teacher is much more effective – children will understand more material and can immediately deal with topics that are not clear to them. After all, electronic manuals may contain errors, shortcomings, or a " dry " presentation of the material.

Science teachers regularly take courses on working with ICT, as schools receive the latest gadgets, 3D printers for printing, teachers are shown new online projects that help improve the quality of knowledge taught, and they are taught to work with new equipment for laboratory experiments.

One of the goals of introducing new information technologies in the process of teaching natural science disciplines is the ability to constantly update the content: the teacher can use ready-made educational software products and use technical tools designed to simplify the presentation of material and conduct numerous works. The active position of the pupil when working with information resources, the development of self-education abilities are also positive results of using information technologies in the classroom.


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