

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №20(199)

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Kodirov I., Jino A. COMMUNICATIVE SPEECH DEVELOPMENT AND STUDENTS` VERBAL COMPETENCE // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 20(199). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/199/113070 (дата обращения: 01.03.2025).
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Kodirov Islom
Master`s degree student, the SEI “Khujand State University named after acad. B.Gafurov”, Tajikistan, Khujand
Jino Abdulsattor
Lecturer of the department of Persian and Chinese languages, the SEI “Khujand State University named after acad. B.Gafurov”, Tajikistan, Khujand
Rahimov Islomjon
научный руководитель, Scientific adviser Candidate of philogical sciences, Associate Professor of the SEI “Khujand State University named after acad. B.Gafurov”, Tajikistan, Khujand


Introduction: In modern educational situation of Tajikistan Republic, the pedagogical concept is based on ideas aimed at reformation of pedagogy, nature-oriented teaching and pedagogical alternatives orienting not only towards development, upbringing, education and socialization of the individual by means of foreign or native language, but towards significant potential of bilingual (multilingual) education being taken into consideration either. In order to form key competencies of students allowing them to integrate in a wide educational space, multicultural information of society should be considered as one of the streamlines of the corpus of our study teaching.

The process of communicative culture formation of the Chinese language future teacher under the bilingual conditions is considered by scientists to be in several streamlines: as a sequential change of phenomena, states and their development; as a set of sequential actions aimed at achievement of result; as a regular sequence, a continuous change of successive moments of development. Proceeding from the interpretation of the process as a set of sequential actions one can achieve a specific result beset with the formation of communicative culture grounds of the Chinese language future teacher under the conditions in question. The driving forces of a continuously developing process are considered to be a set of factors as sources of influence on a logical sequential system of the process determining its effectiveness, upon the whole. Adducing the results of the conducted research one can assert that the relevant process reveals a wide range of factors determining the vector in reference to the process developing communicative culture imbued by a teacher. The future teacher naturally passes from the state of object to the one of subjectivity; the educational process as an integral logical and consistent system aimed at communicative culture formation being considered to be the result of the educational process.

In the above-mentioned interpretations of the concept entitled as “educational process” its main characteristics are indicated by the following terms: purposefulness, integrity, consistency, dynamism, controllability; and bilaterally developing nature of the interaction of subjects in the educational process. Let`s project and find a reflection of the main theoretical characteristics of the relevant notion in the logic of its practical construction. Educational process as an integral system is a structure, whose elements considering the subjects of educational process, and their connecting link promote purposeful interaction focusing on the Chinese language future teacher`s communicative culture in a bilingual environment [1].

The integrity of the system is emphasized by needs for all of its connections. Exclusion of any link from the system leads to a state of inoperability of one. All links of the system are built in a logical sequence according to the step-by-step successive construction the structure of which provides targeted educational process. The change of a position of any link destroys the integrity and consistency of the system. Designing on the premises of the logics of the organization of the process beset with building communicative culture formation of the Chinese language future teacher under we divide it into three stages:

Firstly, Diagnostic component of the stage is aimed at canvassing the learning situation in the group for motivational, cognitive, technological attitudes and readiness for the process of communicative culture formation. It should be mentioned that the constructive component is focused on building a model for an integral component formation beset with professional and pedagogical interaction of subjects of the educational process of a communicative orientation as a structural element related with information, communication culture and its criterion indicator [2].

Secondly, the activity stage is realized through organic combination of three categorically significant pedagogical phenomena including teacher`s activity, student`s activities, self-development of subjects of the educational process which is considered to be as an active, consistent, progressive and irreversible change in the psychological status of an individual based on the need for self-improvement. The triad of these pedagogical phenomena is aimed at modeling the educational process in the content of which cognitive and technological components are implemented and promote thus communicative competence formation as a structural element of communicative culture and its criterion indicator.

Thirdly, the problem implies reliance on an externally controlled element of an accidental opening. At the same time, the teacher supports the direction of the student`s thought and leads him/her not to open knowledge, but to veiled one revealing “unexpectedly” according to the laws of heuristics [3].

Conclusion: an analysis of the research on the relevant issue made it possible to reveal a number of contradictions between: multitude of empirical facts in the area under study and lag of pedagogical science behind their theoretical and methodological comprehension; readiness of future Chinese language teachers to master with communicative culture and lack of scientifically grounded recommendations for its implementation in mono- and multiethnic groups.


1. Ashrapov, B.P. Effectiveness of video materials for foreign language teaching / B.P. Ashrapov // International Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences. – 2022. – No 4-1(67). – P. 74-76. – DOI 10.24412/2500-1000-2022-4-1-74-76.
2. Ashrapov, B.P. The role and place of the notion of teaching methods in the system of didactic ones / B.P. Ashrapov, M. Karimova // 30 декабря 2021 года, 2021. – P. 60-65. 
3. Ashrapov, B.P. Communicative culture and its sway over students` personal development / B.P. Ashrapov // 30 декабря 2021 года, 2021. – P. 66-71.