

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №23(202)

Рубрика: Физико-математические науки

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Duyun A.N. THE FORMATION OF ORAL COMPUTATIONAL SKILLS // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 23(202). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/202/115323 (дата обращения: 04.03.2025).
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Duyun Andrey Nikolaevich
Student of Belgorod State national research University, Russia, Belgorod
Bogachev Roman Evgenievich
научный руководитель,


Abstract. This paper reflects the common means of forming oral computational skills.


Keywords: skill, oral exercises, formation, development.


Formation of computational skills and abilities is usually considered one of the most complicated topics. The question of importance of forming oral computational skills is rather controversial methodologically. The evident popularity of calculators in the modern world questions the necessity of these skills, which is the reason why many do not associate good arithmetic skills with mathematical ability and mathematical talent.

However, attention to verbal mathematical calculations is common in today`s school. In this regard, the largest part of the tasks of most of the currently existing manuals and books on mathematics is aimed at the formation of oral computational skills. [1, p.48]

Computational skills are considered one of the types of learning skills that work and are formed during the process of one`s learning. They are part of the structures of educational and cognitive activity and are present in educational activities that are carried out with the help of a certain system of operations.

Depending on how the student has mastered certain learning actions, these actions are presented as an ability or a skill, which in turn is characterised by some similar qualities, for example: correctness, awareness, rationality, generalisation, automatism, and strength.

The formation of computational skills and abilities in students is the main direction in teaching mathematics, because these are the skills needed while studying and performing various computational actions. [3, p.130]

The formation of computational skills is a serious, difficult and long process. Its effectiveness directly depends on the intellectual facilities of the student, his level of mathematical training and the organization of computational activities. [2, p.410]

Oral exercises are primarily important because they:

  1. activate the mental activity of the students;
  2. form and develop memory, speech, attention etc.;
  3. increase the productivity of the lesson.

Exercises in verbal counting play an important role in terms of education: they are considered to help develop children`s resourcefulness, intelligence, attention and memory.

Also exercises in oral form allow to develop the logical thinking of the students, their creativity and volitional traits, observation and mathematical intuition. Such exercises help the development of speech in students, if, for example, from the beginning of education one starts to apply texts into tasks and use mathematical terms when discussing exercises. [2, p.412]

Thus, the formation of oral computational skills in mathematics lessons occupies an important place in the educational process. Oral exercises are one of the types of work on formation of computational skills.

The assimilation of these skills is of great schooling, educational and practical importance:

  • schooling value: mental calculations contribute to a better assimilation of materials on mathematics;
  • educational value: oral calculations help develop thinking, memory, attention, speech.
  • practical value: fast and correct calculations are essential in everyday life (for example, when calculating utility bills, in a store, etc.)


1. Roitman, P.B. Improving the computing culture of students// Handbook for teachers. 1985. p.48.
2. Chekmarev, Ya.F. Methods of teaching arithmetics in grades 5-6 // 1962. p.410-412.
3. Bortkevich L.K. Improving the computational culture of students // mathematics at school. 1995. p.130