

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №19(242)

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Nikolenko A. PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS AS AN ELEMENT OF THE IDIOSTYLE OF RUSSIAN WRITERS // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 19(242). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/242/127492 (дата обращения: 06.03.2025).
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Nikolenko Arina
Student, Belgorod State National Research University (NRU BelGU), Russia, Belgorod
Alefirenko Nikolay
научный руководитель, Scientific adviser, Belgorod State National Research University (NRU BelGU), Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. Phraseological units are considered as elements of the writers' idiostyle. The article analyzes the phraseological units used by Russian writers, an attempt is made to prove that these linguistic units are a regulatory tool that fully and figuratively implements the author's intentions.


Keywords: idiostyle, writer, phraseology, text, image, speech.


Phraseologisms often fall into the field of view of researchers, because. With their help, you can create a unique and bright image. In stable phrases, the history of the people, their customs, perception of the world and psychology are reflected.

Thanks to the artistic text, new phraseological units appear, because this is the environment in which unknown and little-used expressions appear, and then the structural, grammatical and semantic nature of set phrases is enriched. Every year, interest in a literary text increases and scientists consider units of different language levels, making attempts to describe the features of their use and functioning in literary texts belonging to classics and modern authors.

V.V. Vinogradov argued that phraseology explores "the most lively, mobile and diverse group of linguistic phenomena". N.M. Shansky wrote: “In the hands of word artists - writers and publicists - phraseological units become one of the most effective linguistic units: means of embodying an artistic image, they are used to create a speech characteristic of a hero, for. revitalization of the author's speech, etc. ". According to I.N. Platonova, "the study of the functional aspect, phraseology in the context of a work of art allows you to get a deeper understanding of the complex structure of the phraseological image and meaning, to connect the functional aspects of phraseology with the structure of the author's image as a linguistic personality, to identify the features of the writer's idiostyle". From the point of view of M.A. Fokina, FE “are actively involved in creating the author's image, in shaping the writer's idiostyle; broadcast bright features of a linguistic personality, identify general and individual methods of use; phraseological images in Russian prose of the 19th-20th centuries”. Thus, the study of phraseological units in a literary text allows us to characterize the author's idiostyle, which, according to N.S. Bolotnova, “is a multidimensional and multilevel reflection of the linguistic personality of the “creator” behind the text, taking into account its diverse manifestations in the process of textual activity, including orientation towards the addressee”.

The basis for the formation of the concept of "idiostyle", which is currently of great interest to linguists, was the development of the "image of the author". It is impossible to give an exhaustive, complete definition of idiostyle, because it is of interest to many areas of knowledge, such as the history of literature, poetics, stylistics, aesthetics, text linguistics, literary criticism, and many others. Scientists direct their main efforts to establishing style-forming characteristics that form the text as a realization of the writer's idiostyle, a product of his creative process, thereby revealing specific features of the artist's idiostyle of the word.

In modern linguistics, idiostyle is understood as the same as individual style. Summarizing the points of view of L.N. Zhivaeva, M.P. Kotyurova, V.V. Ledeneva, we can conclude that by idiostyle they understand the individual stylistic system of the writing (or speaking) personality, the specific individual features of various literary texts of a particular native speaker. individual art system.

The idiostyle of a talented master of the word is characterized not only by correctness, richness, consistency, accuracy and relevance, brevity, accessibility, content, euphony of speech, but also specific qualities - imagery and originality. Imagery includes various tropes and figures of speech. The originality of speech implies its originality, originality, individuality.

It should be noted that phraseological units are the most important element of idiostyle, because with their help it is easy to reveal the state of mind of your characters, the manifestation of the smallest experiences, the dynamics of their feelings, play a significant role in the individualization of the characters' speech, the creation of their so-called "phraseological portraits", give color to speech and uniqueness, as well as, in addition to the emotional experiences of the characters, help the writer to reveal the social changes taking place in the work, and the reader to understand the position of the author, his assessment and perception of these events.

Turning to the works of I.S. Turgenev "Asya", "First Love", "Noble Nest", "On the Eve", in which, by the nature of the genre, it is necessary to bring the language closer to colloquial speech, it can be determined that the writer uses Russian colloquial and colloquial phraseology. Note that this is precisely why in dramatic works, in the author's transmission of colloquial speech, phraseology is so widely used. The author also uses phraseology in those genres in which the narration is in the third person (novels, the story "Spring Waters"), because in this case the narrator receives the features of the narrator and becomes entirely subjective.

An important linguo-poetic load, which is carried as part of the speech portrait of the character of phraseological units, according to E.V. Lavrushina is as follows:

- socio-historical characteristics of the narrator's position;

- differentiate the socio-cultural type of the character, phraseological units reflect the speech habits of the hero and the originality of culture, which are characteristic of him as a representative of a certain social group and as an individual;

- in terms of profession, occupation and lifestyle characterize the character;

- express the emotional reaction of the character.

E.V. Lavrushina in her dissertation “Phraseology as a component of I. S. Turgenev’s idiostyle and the problem of preserving this component in foreign translations of the writer’s works” confirms the fact that phraseology is a component of idiostyle that can be preserved in translation.

If we turn to the scientific work of M.V. Orekhova "Phraseological units as an element of B. Zaitsev's idiostyle: on the material of novels", the object of study of which is the phraseology of B. Zaitsev's novels "Far Land", "Golden Pattern", "House in Passy", autobiographical tetralogy "Gleb's Journey", including novels "Dawn", "Silence", "Youth", "Tree of Life", then we will make sure that phraseological units are the most important part of the Silver Age writer's idiolect and a significant element of his idiostyle, as evidenced by the high frequency of their use.

According to the study by M.V. Orekhova, B. Zaitsev in his works seeks to reveal the state of mind of the characters, the manifestation of the smallest experiences, the dynamics of their feelings, actively using phraseological units for this. In addition to the emotional experiences of the characters, phraseological units help the writer to reveal the social changes taking place in Russia, and the reader understands the position of B. Zaitsev, his assessment and perception of these events. B. Zaitsev especially uses neutral phraseological units from a stylistic point of view, which are on the periphery of phraseology, which forms the classical style of writing, makes his works transparent, clear, without pretentiousness. A number of phraseological units belonging to different phrase groups is of key importance for understanding the ideological content of B. Zaitsev's novels.

An analysis of phraseological units as an element of B. Zaitsev's idiostyle in the context of the literature of the Silver Age will make it possible to judge the linguistic features of the literature of this era, as well as to conclude that his work had a significant impact on the development of Russian literature of the 20th century.

Figurative in its emotional structure, metaphorical Russian phraseology, ambiguous in syntactic expression and complex in structural and grammatical aspects, is a complexly organized and very important area of linguistics. Interest in phraseology has not weakened so far, because it remains insufficiently studied.

It is in a literary text that stable combinations of words get the opportunity to realize their stylistic functions and reveal their semantic potential. An effective way to understand the individuality of the writer, as well as the originality of his creative method, is a comprehensive analysis of phraseological units, since stable combinations of words carry a huge ideological and meaningful charge. Phraseologisms are an important component of a literary text, as they are an important element of the writer's idiostyle. With their help, the author's intention is realized, which helps the reader to perceive the artistic originality of the work.


List of used literature:
1. V.V. Vinogradov, Selected Works. Lexicology and lexicography, M.: Nauka, 1977, p.139.
2. E.V. Lavrushin, dissertation “Phraseology as a component of I. S. Turgenev’s idiostyle and the problem of preserving this component in foreign translations of the writer’s works”, 1999, p. 209.
3. M.V. Orekhova, dissertation "Phraseological units in the journalistic works of B. Zaitsev", 2009, p.203.
4. G.E. Safyannikova, dissertation “Phraseologisms as elements of the idiostyle of V.V. Krestovsky”, 2018, p.44.
5. N.M. Shansky, Phraseology of the modern Russian language, M.: Higher school, 1985, p.148.