

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №2(269)

Рубрика: Педагогика

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Shamuhsumova U.U. DEVELOPING COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF STUDENTS AT BASIC SECONDARY EDUCATION // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 2(269). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/269/143722 (дата обращения: 31.01.2025).
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Shamuhsumova Umida Utkirbekovna
Bachelor’s degree student, Ablai khan KazUIRandWL , Kazakhstan, Almaty
Zhumabekova Galia Bayskanovna
научный руководитель, Scientific supervisor, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor, Ablai khan KazUIRandWL, Kazakhstan, Almaty


Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the concept of communicative competence, emphasizing its importance in the educational context and identifying the features of the formation of this competence among secondary school students. The article examines the essence of communicative competence as a key component of successful interaction. It includes both verbal and non-verbal communication skills, as well as the ability to interact effectively in a variety of sociocultural situations. Particular attention is paid to the significant role of the formation of communicative competence during basic secondary education - a stage critical for personal development and the establishment of social connections. The article emphasizes that developing these skills not only promotes academic success, but also equips students with the necessary tools to actively participate in public life. In addition, pedagogical methods and approaches aimed at developing effective communication skills, orientation in interaction with the outside world and conflict resolution are explored.


Keywords: communication, communicative competence, Intercultural communicative competence, competency-based approach, basic secondary education. 


The development of communicative competence stands as a crucial element in shaping the Intercultural Communicative Competence of students [1, p. 110]. Communicative competence is characterized by the proficiency to communicate effectively and successfully in a language, incorporating essential linguistic, sociocultural, and strategic knowledge essential for achieving communication objectives. It goes beyond mere knowledge of the language system, encompassing the adept utilization of language across diverse contexts while considering sociocultural norms and communication goals. The foundation of communicative competence is rooted in the work of American linguist J. Hedges [2, p. 32], who introduced the concept of "communication competence." This concept comprises various components, such as grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, and strategic competence, forming the fundamental components of communicative competence.

According to the research conducted by V.A. Kuznetsova, communicative competence entails not only the mastery of the language system but also a profound understanding of sociocultural aspects in communication, coupled with the ability to select appropriate styles and communication strategies [3, p. 21]. In the article titled "Communicative competence as an integrative category of linguodidactics," authors T.I. Kostyuchenko and G.A. Kuznetsova delve into the significance of communicative competence in the language learning process. They underscore that cultivating this competence necessitates more than a grasp of language structures; it also demands the application of acquired knowledge across a spectrum of circumstances [4, p. 5].

The process of cultivating communicative competence encompasses the acquisition of vocabulary, grammar, and the ability to comprehend and apply contextual features of communication. Applying language skills in real-life situations is a pivotal aspect of communicative competence. It is crucial to not only impart grammar and vocabulary rules but also to nurture students' adaptability to diverse language scenarios. Modern educational technologies play a significant role in this development, with virtual classrooms, online language learning platforms, and tools facilitating communication with native speakers enabling real-time practice and improvement of language skills. Programs designed for language competence development often incorporate tasks focused on communication skills, including role-playing games, discussions, projects, and other forms of active student interaction in a foreign language.

For students in basic secondary education, fostering communicative competence is vital in laying the foundations for successful communication across various life domains. Utilizing interactive teaching methods such as role-playing, group projects, and discussions enhances communication skill development in adolescents. The incorporation of authentic materials reflecting real communication situations is crucial. Teachers are central to this process, creating a supportive and stimulating environment for communication skills development. An individualized approach to each student and the use of diverse assessment methods contribute to a more comprehensive and enduring development of communicative competence. Additionally, including a cultural context in primary school education helps students better comprehend the linguistic characteristics and nuances of communication in different cultural environments. Hence, considering age-related characteristics and employing appropriate pedagogical approaches contribute to the effective development of communicative competence in students of basic secondary education.

Teaching communication skills necessitates employing a diverse range of methods and approaches to ensure the effective and profound learning of language skills by students. Below are some methods and approaches, supported by relevant sources:

  • Project Method: Utilizing project methods fosters the development of communication skills through collaborative problem-solving and the creation of shared products. Research indicates that project-based methods encourage active interaction, thereby promoting the development of communication skills.
  • Role-Playing Games: Incorporating role-playing games into the educational process enables students to familiarize themselves with various language roles and situations. This immersive experience aids in the development of communication skills in real-life scenarios.
  • Task-Based Learning Method: Task-based learning emphasizes addressing specific communication problems, fostering the development of language skills within the context of practical use.
  • Use of Technology: Integrating modern technologies, such as online platforms and language teaching applications, facilitates the creation of interactive and authentic communication environments, positively impacting the development of communicative competence [5, p. 82].
  • Cases Method: Engaging with real language materials, such as authentic texts and audio materials, enables students to cultivate skills in understanding and using language in authentic contexts [6, p. 113].

Employing a combination of these methods and approaches enriches the educational process, fostering the comprehensive development of communication skills in students.

In conclusion, a nuanced understanding of the essence of communicative competence, its significance, and the characteristics of its development during basic secondary education enables a more effective approach to nurturing this crucial skill. The main features of communicative competence development among secondary school students involve the transition from simple to more complex forms of communication and the cultivation of the ability to adapt to various communicative situations. This period is pivotal for reinforcing fundamental communication skills, laying the groundwork for further development. The discussed methods for developing communicative competence, such as integrating communicative exercises into the educational process, leveraging modern educational technologies, and encouraging active participation in communicative situations, serve as effective means in fostering the formation of successful communication skills.


1. Kunanbayeva S.S. Teoriya i praktika sovremennogo inoyazychnogo obrazovaniya (Theory and practice of modern foreign language education). - Almaty, 2010 - 344 p. [in Rus.]
2. Pride J. B. Sociolinguistics./ J. B. Pride, J. Holmes. Penguin, 1986. 384p.
3. Kuznetsova, V.A. Kommunikativnaya kompetencia kak osnova obuchenia inosytannomu yaziku. Inostrannie yaziki, 2005. 31p.
4. Kuznetsova, V.A. Kommunikativnaya kompetencia kak integrativnaya kategoria lingvodidaktiki. / Kostyuchenko, T.I. Vestnik Chelyabinsk. 379p.
5. Hubbard P. Teacher Education in CALL. John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2006. 354p. 
6. Roland C. Teaching and the Case Method. Harvard School Press, 2000. 290p.