

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №4(271)

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Karpenko A. THE ROLE OF TRADITIONAL VALUES IN YOUTH POLICY // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 4(271). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/271/144494 (дата обращения: 06.02.2025).
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Karpenko Angelina
Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, Russia, Moscow




Карпенко Ангелина Михайловна

Славяно-греко-латинская академия, РФ, г. Москва


Abstrcat. Youth policy is becoming increasingly relevant in Russia, as youth is a fundamental force in the country's development. She shapes the future of society and assumes great responsibility for its success. At the same time, traditional values play an important role in shaping the personality and identity of the younger generation. In this regard, there is a need to improve youth policy in the country in the context of compliance with traditional values.

Аннотация. Молодежная политика становится все более актуальной в России, поскольку молодежь является основательной силой развития страны. Она формирует будущее общества и принимает на себя огромную ответственность за его успех. В то же время, традиционные ценности играют важную роль в формировании личности и идентичности молодого поколения. В связи с этим, появляется необходимость в совершенствовании молодежной политики в стране в контексте соответствия традиционным ценностям.


Keywords: Youth, society, traditional values, national identity.

Ключевые слова: Молодежь, общество, традиционные ценности, национальная идентичность.


Youth policy is becoming more and more relevant in Russia, as youth is a fundamental force in the development of the country. She shapes the future of society and assumes great responsibility for its success. At the same time, traditional values play an important role in shaping the personality and identity of the younger generation. In this regard, there is a need to improve youth policy in the country in the context of compliance with traditional values.

First, let's define what youth policy is. It includes a wide range of measures aimed at creating conditions for the full development of young people. This includes support for education, employment, access to cultural and sporting events, as well as opportunities for active participation in the public life of the country.

However, recently, some scientists have expressed concerns that youth policy does not always correspond to the traditional values of youth. In modern society, we are faced with globalization and the influence of Western culture, which can lead to a gap between traditional values and values promoted in youth policy.

One of the main problems is the loss of identity. Young people may face difficulties in defining their values and place in society. Traditional values such as family, patriotism and faith play an important role in shaping the personality of young people. They help to define the goals and basic principles of life. However, if youth policy does not take these values into account, it may be difficult for young people to find their place in society.

It should not be forgotten that traditional values do not mean backwardness or denial of progress. This is just an understanding of the importance of preserving and continuing historical values that help us navigate life and make the right decisions.

The influence of traditional values can be seen in areas such as family and marriage. In Russia, the family has always been considered one of the main pillars of society. Traditional values such as loyalty, respect for parents and caring for children have always been valuable attributes of family relationships.

However, with the advent of new family models and the legalization of same-sex marriage in other countries, the question arises of preserving traditional values in the family. Youth policy should take into account the realities and opinions of different strata of society, but at the same time it is necessary to preserve and respect the traditional values of the family.

Another important area where traditional values must be taken into account is patriotism and national identity. Russian youth has great potential for the development of the country, and the preservation of patriotic feelings and national identity is a key aspect of youth policy.

However, youth policy should be able to adapt to the rapidly changing reality and modern society. It is important to find a balance between traditional values and opportunities for youth development.

In conclusion, improving youth policy in Russia in the context of traditional values is an important task for the country. Scientists emphasize the importance of traditional values in shaping the personality of young people and preserving national identity. It is necessary to find a balance between traditional values and the context of modern society so that young people can fully realize their potential and contribute to the development of the country.


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