

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №13(280)

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Ktitarova M. GEOGRAPHICAL EXCURSION AS A FORM OF LOCAL HISTORY WORK AT SCHOOL // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 13(280). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/280/146596 (дата обращения: 20.02.2025).
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Ktitarova Marina
Student, Pedagogical Institute, Belgorod State University, Russia, Belgorod




Ктитарова Марина Сергеевна

студент, Педагогический институт, Белгородский государственный университет, РФ, г. Белгород


Аннотация. Статья посвящена анализу географических экскурсий как эффективного метода краеведческой работы в школьном образовании. В ней рассматриваются теоретические основы и практическое значение экскурсий, организационные аспекты и методическое сопровождение данной формы работы.

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of geographical excursions as an effective method of local history work in school education. It considers theoretical bases and practical importance of excursions, organizational aspects and methodical support of this form of work.


Ключевые слова: географические экскурсии, краеведческая работа, школьное образование, методическое сопровождение, исследовательские навыки, аналитические навыки, культурное наследие, природное наследие, образовательный процесс.

Keywords: geographical excursions, local history work, school education, methodological support, research skills, analytical skills, cultural heritage, natural heritage, educational process.


In the context of the modern educational process, the problem of increasing the effectiveness of educational work through the introduction of active and interactive forms of learning becomes important. One of these forms that contributes to students’ deep understanding of the cultural, historical and natural heritage of the region is a geographical excursion. A geographical excursion as a method of local history work allows not only to expand and deepen students’ knowledge of geography, but also to form in them a sustainable interest in studying their native land, as well as to develop their research and analytical skills [1, c. 31].

Geographical excursion as a method of teaching and upbringing has multifaceted value and is supported by a number of pedagogical and methodological principles. The fundamental principle is visibility, which allows students to see and study geographical objects, natural phenomena, socio-economic and cultural features of the region through their own experience. In addition, excursions contribute to the implementation of the scientific principle, since the knowledge gained during them is based on factual material and current scientific data. No less important is the principle of systematicity and consistency, which is ensured by including excursions into the educational process as a logical continuation of class work, which contributes to the deepening and systematization of students’ knowledge [2, c. 54].

Conducting geographical excursions as part of local history work has not only educational, but also educational significance. In the process of preparing and implementing excursion activities, students acquire the skills to work independently with a map, study methods of collecting and analyzing information, and learn to work in a team. Excursions contribute to the formation of an ecological culture, respect for nature, and also increase the social activity of students and their interest in the history and culture of their region.

Organizing a geographical excursion requires careful preliminary preparation, which includes determining the goals and objectives of the excursion, choosing a route, preparing information and methodological support, as well as developing safe and effective travel schemes for participants. It is important that the excursion is not only informative, but also interactive, providing for the active participation of students in research activities [3, c. 110].

The choice of excursion route should be justified by educational goals and objectives, as well as the age characteristics of the participants. The route should include objects that can stimulate the cognitive interest of students and have significant local history, historical or natural potential. In the process of preparing for the excursion, it is recommended to conduct preliminary classes in which students can receive initial information about the objects planned to be visited, their significance and specifics.

During the excursion, it is important to use a variety of methods and techniques: observations, description, comparison, analysis of the information received. This allows you to make the learning process as effective and interesting for students as possible. In addition, it is important to provide for the possibility of students using mobile applications and Internet resources for geolocation, identifying species of plants, birds and other elements of nature, which significantly expands the educational potential of the excursion.

After returning from the excursion, it is advisable to organize a discussion of what was seen and conduct analytical work based on the results of the trip. This may include the preparation of reports, presentations, photo reports, and the creation of thematic projects, which contributes to the further deepening and systematization of acquired knowledge.

Thus, geographical excursions as part of local history work at school are an important and effective tool of pedagogical influence, contributing to the formation of a comprehensive vision of the world in students, the development of their research and analytical abilities, as well as cultivating a sense of patriotism and respect for the history and culture of their region. It is important that each excursion is carefully planned and organized, taking into account the individual characteristics and interests of students, as well as current educational trends. This approach will maximize the potential of this form of work and ensure high efficiency of the educational process.


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2. Ivannikova A.V. ORGANIZATION OF EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES IN LOCAL STUDIES. FROM THE EXPERIENCE OF GEOGRAPHY TEACHER IVANNIKOVA AV // Sh67 School-university: modern forms of interaction in the field of environmental and geographical education. Issue 3,  2021. – 91 p.
3. Khizbullina R.Z. et al. The role of local history material in enhancing the cognitive activity of students when teaching geography // CITIS,  2021. – No. 2. – pp. 102-115.