Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №20(287)
Рубрика: Педагогика

Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №20(287)
The topic of holistic development has always been relevant and right now this problem is significant due to the development of technology in the world. Online learning is synonymous with the period, 2020-2022, a global phenomenon attributed to the occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic on an international scale (Kaur, 2020). While it goes without saying that the coronavirus outbreak is past, people do know the truth that COVID-19 made distance education come into demand (Walwyn, 2020). Distance learning - a method of study where teachers and students do not meet in a classroom but use the Internet, email, mail to have classes (Merriam-Webster, n.d.).
To begin with, Online Learning has caused several negative consequences in the field of education (Goldberg, 2021).The disadvantage of online learning is isolation from the outside world. During online learning, students have no physical interaction with the community, which leads to the isolation of students. Lack of socialization can lower students' morale and reduce the impact of online learning (ScienceProg, 2021).
On the other hand, online learning also has three advantages. One of the major pros of distance learning is the availability of a wide range of courses and other learning materials. That is, the Learner is able to take any course or program of their choice at their convenience. Unlike traditional classroom learning, all presentations, and learning materials can be found in a database that can be easily accessed anytime and anywhere there is an Internet connection (Rose, 2023).
To answer the research question, a semi-structured interview was conducted in order to study the impact of online learning on holistic development and identify possible improvements in the learning process through holistic development. During the interview, the following questions were drawn up: "definition of holistic development", “effect of the academic performance of Nazarbayev School students" and "advice to improve online learning through holistic development". In order to conduct a detailed study, it is extremely important to understand the opinions of students and teachers, since they are the main group of the population affected by the problem of learning. 5 people were interviewed: a student with good academic performance, a student from with poor academic performance, a teacher from NIS, a psychologist from NIS and a parent of a student. This selection was chosen because the topic of holistic development is relevant for these groups of people.
During the interview, the respondents were divided into two groups: those who believed that online education has a positive impact on student academic performance, and those who believed that online education has a negative impact on students. Thus, according to the parent, with the help of online education, teenagers have time for their own hobbies, which only had a positive effect on their academic performance, because now they combine their studies with what they love.
However, another group of participants stated that virtual learning negatively affects students' academic performance at school, citing excessive Internet use and, as a result, distraction from their coursework. One of the teachers claimed that due to online learning, the students' brains stopped functioning at the limit of their capabilities, which led to laziness and reduced labor costs. The opinions of a psychologist and a student with low academic performance agree that the transition from online education to traditional education has dealt a moral blow to students. Over the entire period of online education, most students improved their academic performance, but lost their hardworking and diligent skills, which led to a decrease in their academic performance during the transition to traditional education. That is, online education in itself did not negatively affect academic performance in any way, but it negatively affected the development of certain skills, which led to a deterioration in academic performance in the future.
As online education occupies an increasingly important place in the daily lives of young people, it is important to understand how this type of education affects their holistic development. According to the results of the interview, 3 out of 5 respondents pointed to the positive impact of online education, claiming to save personal time and, due to this, the student's development of other spheres of life. However, the other 2 people talked about isolation from society and a halt in development due to laziness. This study found that although online education has a positive effect on student development from many sides, it is important to take into account all the disadvantages that may lead to psychological or physical problems in the future.