
Fundraising as a method of attracting financial resources to social projects

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №3(96)

Рубрика: Экономика

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Fomina D. Fundraising as a method of attracting financial resources to social projects // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 3(96). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/96/65275 (дата обращения: 01.03.2025).
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Fundraising as a method of attracting financial resources to social projects

Fomina Darya
Master of the Volgograd State University, Russia, Volgograd


The modern globalizing market continuously imposes new requirements on the quality and property of products produced by enterprises, the creation of which requires significant and effectively organized intellectual work. Fundraising is a modern and effective tool that allows creating conditions for uninterrupted targeted financing of social projects. Fundraising is considered as results. However, the number of fundraising objects is not limited to cash. In today’s world, long-term, established partnerships with philanthropists are of particular value. This sphere is characterized by the dominance of emotional decisions based on trust and long-term relations. In this matter, the loyalty criterion is more significant than one-time efficiency.

Modern fundraising tools involve its implementation through various directions. Among the most frequently used areas of fundraising activities are: work with philanthropists, participation in grant competitions, crowdfunding and crowdfunding, cobranding and other areas. (Picture 1)


Picture 1. Fundraising direction activity


The performance of fundraising activities can be ensured by implementing one or more directions. However, the main task of funding is harmonious development of all directions, which ensure timely realization of attraction of financial resources to social projects.

Working with major corporate benefactors. There is now considerable interest by corporate donors and private charitable foundations in university projects, science, technology and social. Joint programs can be a form of university interaction with corporations. Corporate participation can take place in the following formats:

- Provision of a real project for development, which is planned to involve students;

- Provision of facilities for students to perform NIR/R & D;

- Provision of a scientific leader from the corporation;

- Ensuring the participation of students in the development and promotion of the project.

The formats listed for corporate participation in university projects are not limited to. Corporations have a lot of resources useful for education. The university in turn has an equally important resource - young and active students who have a new view of solving promising problems of companies.


List of references:
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2. Zhukov, G. V. Charity as a fund-raiser in the sociocultural space of modern society: dis. edging. cult. N./G. V. Zhukov. - Krasnodar, 2018.
3. Miheeva, N.A. "Management in the social and cultural sphere"
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