
Deviant behavior as a scientific and pedagogical problem

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №13(106)

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Verigin E. Deviant behavior as a scientific and pedagogical problem // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 13(106). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/106/69125 (дата обращения: 02.02.2025).
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Deviant behavior as a scientific and pedagogical problem

Verigin Evgeny
Student, Belgorod State National Research University (BelSU), Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. The issue of adolescents’ deviant behavior prevention does not lose its relevance at the present stage of our lives. Successful organization and direct implementation of measures to prevent teenage deviant behavior is not possible without a deep understanding of this phenomenon. The article considers the approaches and principles of interpretation of “deviant behavior” concepts proposed by various schools and directions researchers.


Keywords: deviant behavior; teenage deviant behavior; deviant behavior.


Most of the children with behavior deviations encounter difficulties in social adaptation process. This kind of violation is often the main reason for the occurrence of children behavioral deviations, and this, in turn, requires definitely specifics, both for the learning process and education [9, p. 90]. In order to organize and implement directly the prophylaxis of children's deviant behavior, it is necessary to comprehend the concept of “deviant behavior” fully.

In various schools and areas, the study of deviant behavior was carried out in terms of such concepts as deviant behavior, social behavior, antisocial behavior, delinquent behavior, addictive behavior, illegal behavior, destructive behavior and immoral behavior. The concept of “deviant behavior” is cross-subject and is still debatable. There are many theories, approaches and principles of interpretation of this concept, which allows you to consider deviant behavior as a phenomenon, to study the causes, methods of manifestation and the specifics of formation. Let us consider various points of view on understanding the concept of “deviant behavior” in more detail.

Researchers such as S.Yu. Borodulina, V.I. Dobrenkov, I.A. Nevsky, V.G. Stepanov and M.V. Firsov understand deviant behavior as the social behavior of a group or an individual that does not meet the norms established in society, patterns of behavior and rules, which is a violation of these norms [2, p. 23], [3, p. 98].

I.S. Cohn defines deviant behavior as “a system of actions deviating from a generally accepted or implied norm, whether it is the norms of mental health, law, culture or morality” [7, p. 151]. A number of researchers, including V.G. Bazhenov, A.V. Ivanov, F.A. Mustaeva and V.A. Putyatin consider deviant behavior in a similar way, with a special emphasis on a system of actions that do not meet the norms and standards of society in various spheres of life [13, p. 126].

According to the interpretation proposed by A.Yu. Egorov, E.V. Zmanovskaya, G.I. Makarticheva, deviant behavior is a stable behavior of an individual that does not correspond to the most important social norms, as well as causing real damage to society or the individual himself, and accompanied by his social maladaptation [4, p. 19], [11, p. 48].

S.A. Belicheva, agrees with the point of view of A.V. Petrovsky and M.G. Yaroshevsky who consider deviant behavior such social deviations that contradict the legal and moral standards established in society, and are the result of adverse social development, as well as socialization disorders at different age levels [1, p. 263].

According to L.V. Mardakhaev, in most cases, deviant behavior refers to negative deviations in the behavior of an individual, taking into account his age, which do not correspond to the moral and legal norms of society, as well as role-based purposes [12, p. 53].

A.G. Konyakhin, as well as I.A. Larionova and O.S. Toisteyeva consider deviant behavior a stereotype of behavioral manifestation, which manifests itself in violation of social norms and rules of behavior and corresponds to a certain age period, which leads to social maladaptation [8, p. 12].

A.I. Lozhkin is convinced that deviant behavior is behavior that not only differs from standard, generally accepted, but represents a danger from the point of view in terms of maintaining health and maintaining public order. Such behavior is formed due to a number of factors, among which unfavorable psycho-social development and disorders that arise in the process of socialization, which are manifested in various forms of behavior social maladaptation [10, p. 17].

V.F. Shevchuk argues that deviant behavior is a combination of actions that do not correspond to social norms, formalized and non-formalized. Such actions often border on socio-psychological degradation and cause a negative effect in the social environment [16, p. 10].

N.S. Soldatov interprets deviant behavior as an act, action or inaction, which can be expressed in words or in relation to something, as well as gestures, looks, tone of speech, semantic implication, or even actions aimed at overcoming an obstacle or restriction.

N.R. Sidorov refers to the deviant behavior of a person, which gradually and consistently destroys the system of interpersonal relationships that has developed in a certain human community. The researcher especially emphasizes the destructive effect of such behavior on interpersonal interactions with surrounding people that previously developed in the process of optimal coexistence [15, p. 70].

Researchers such as S.A. Igumnov and V.T. Kondratenko as follows interprets the concept of deviant behavior: “deviation from the norms of interpersonal relationships accepted in this particular historical society: actions, deeds and expressions committed within the framework of mental health; these are behavioral disorders not caused by neuropsychiatric diseases ”[5, p. 18].

N.V. Peresheina, M.N. Zaostrovtseva, as well as Yu.A. Kleiberg describe deviant behavior as one of the specific ways to change social norms and expectations by demonstrating their value attitude to society [14, p. 16]. Yu.A. Kleiberg emphasizes that such actions are the main means of achieving a significant goal [6, p. 29]. In addition, they can act as a method of psychological relaxation, and also serve to satisfy some kind of blocked need.

Thus, most researchers understand deviant behavior as actions or actions of an individual that contradict generally accepted social, cultural, legal or moral norms, expectations and behavioral patterns. At the same time, many scientists emphasize that most often deviant behavior is the negative actions and actions of an individual who comes into confrontation with society and the standards, rules and values ​​adopted in it. As the main criteria is called, on the one hand, the contradiction of an individual’s behavior to social norms and standards, and, on the other hand, such behavior that simply does not meet social expectations. Given all of the above, we can say that the essence of deviating (deviant) behavior in the discrepancy between the real behavior of the person and the rules and standards adopted in a particular society or social group. In the vast majority of cases, such behavior is destructive, has individual typological characteristics, as well as age and gender features of manifestation. And this, in turn, causes condemnation and a negative assessment of others, which threatens social and psychological maladaptation and even personal destruction.


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