
On the formation of tolerance in future primary school teachers.

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №27(120)

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Fozilov J., Davidova E. On the formation of tolerance in future primary school teachers. // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 27(120). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/120/76203 (дата обращения: 11.02.2025).
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On the formation of tolerance in future primary school teachers.

Fozilov Jakhongir
Student, Fergana State University, Uzbekistan, Fergana
Davidova Ekaterina
Student, Fergana State University, Uzbekistan, Fergana


Abstract. The article discusses some issues of tolerance, their significance, and also describes the importance of using the teacher's creative approach in organizing work with students to form tolerance.


Keywords: discriminatory behavior, tolerance, the idea of ​​tolerance, stability, social psychology.


The development of democratic, humanistic processes in society stimulates the assessment of the educational system as a reliable factor in the consolidation of society, the preservation of its security, the reliability of the world. Analysis of practice reveals numerous negative phenomena. Students, and even teachers with experience, sometimes cannot solve problems arising from the lack of tolerance among schoolchildren. It should be noted that the students themselves do not always have tolerant relationships.

The signs of teacher intolerance towards a student, noted by A.A. and a hostile attitude towards a person who does not look like a teacher.

All this can lead to serious consequences: the relationship between the teacher and the student deteriorates, the student is alienated from the educational process, the teacher loses control over the children. In turn, the teacher may be disappointed in the chosen profession and remain dissatisfied with his own professional activities. Mutual acceptance gives the student the opportunity to express themselves freely. He is not afraid that he will be misunderstood, that he will lose his reputation if he speaks carelessly. At the same time, he becomes interesting for others, because his "I" in a peculiar manifestation becomes interesting to others.

In this regard, there is a need for the formation of pedagogical tolerance during the training of future teachers.

One of the factors that determine the peculiarity of the pedagogical process is the specificity of the personality quality being formed; therefore, the essence of pedagogical tolerance should be revealed.

The Latin word toIerantina, “tolerance”-became part of the Russian language as a scientific term: first, medical; secondly, as an ethical-political term denoting the recognition by some person (people, group) of the right of another person (people; group) to their own opinion, conviction, taste, position, regardless of the difference in interests.

The idea of ​​tolerance arose in deep antiquity as a solution to the problem of attitudes towards religious minorities; gradually developed the principles of humane relationships with different believers and dissidents, including such components as tolerance, loyalty, respect for the faith and views of other people, nations. Humanists of the Renaissance and Reformation epochs, figures of the Enlightenment (J. Locke “Letters on Tolerance”, Voltaire “Treatise on Tolerance”) made a significant contribution to the development of legal formulation and legislative introduction of the principle of freedom of conscience and religious tolerance. Gradually, the problem of tolerance has ceased to be associated with the problem of only religious tolerance - one of the components of “sociocultural tolerance”.

V. Reardon-director of educational software for the education of a culture of peace at Columbia University (USA) - gives definitions of "tolerance" in the leading languages ​​of the world:

Tolerencia (Spanish) - The ability to accept ideas or opinions other than one's own.

Tolerance (French) - the belief that others can think and act in a manner different from our own

Tolerance (English) - willingness to be tolerant, indulgent. Tolerate- to be tolerant, to allow in practice, in the process of their actions,

behavior (people, religious sects, opinions) to exist without outside interference, to allow the existence of various religious opinions without discrimination.

Kuan rang (Chinese)-to accept others as they are and to be generous towards others.

Tasamur (Arabic)-condescension, mercy, forgiveness; the ability to accept others as they are and forgive.

“Tolerance is what makes it possible to achieve peace and leads from a culture of war to a culture of peace,” says the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance adopted by the UNESCO General Conference in 1995.

The Declaration defines the concept of tolerance as respect, acceptance and correct understanding of the rich diversity of cultures in our world, our forms of self-expression and ways of manifesting human individuality; rejection of dogmatism, from the absolutization of truth and the approval of the norms established in international legal acts in the field of human rights.

Tolerance is not concession, condescension or pretense, but, above all, an active attitude formed on the basis of the recognition of universal human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Acquiring a psychological meaning, the word "tolerance" began to bear the meaning of stability-resistance to uncertainty; ethnic stability; the limit of stability (human endurance); resistance to stress; resistance to conflict; resistance to behavioral deviations.

In the pedagogical process, tolerance is viewed as knowledge about the ability to control oneself, overcoming egocentrism, the permissibility of tolerance within the limits of morality; empathy, sympathy, recognition for others of the right to difference, awareness, the illegality of the coercive action; criticality in the choice of behavior, the embodiment of the chosen alternatives of behavior.

The solution to these problems occurs by involving future teachers in game exercises, conversations, watching videos. The leading means will be the elements of socio-psychological training, allowing you to understand the main features of another person. It is necessary to stimulate future teachers to independently search for tolerant ways of interaction and create prerequisites for developing the ability to carry out tolerant actions. In this regard, it is important to use elements of socio-psychological training, discussions, analysis of specific situations. The dominant means is role-play, which contributes not only to awareness, but also to the practical processing and consolidation of forms of behavior based on tolerance.

It should be pointed out that the problem will not be overcome. If the motivation for solving this problem is not mutual, i.e. The decision "to acquire or not to acquire the skills of tolerance" remains with the student, and the teacher should help and bring to consciousness the correct choice.

In conclusion, we note that future teachers need a set of norms, rules and recommendations for the formation and development of tolerance. This problem of university students is complex, multifaceted, requiring consistency in the work of the teacher, in the organization and conduct of extracurricular activities, pedagogical creativity in the formation of tolerance.


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