
Playing activity as a means of motivation at Social Science classroom

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №22(73)

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Parfenov A. Playing activity as a means of motivation at Social Science classroom // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2019. № 22(73). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/73/54444 (дата обращения: 15.01.2025).
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Playing activity as a means of motivation at Social Science classroom

Parfenov Alexander
Postgraduate student of Social Pedagogy department, Teacher Training Institute, North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov, Russia, Yakutsk


Abstract. The use of playing activity at the lessons of Social Science is discussed in order to strengthen educational cognitive activities. Through the example of one of the course units, the method of playing activity is illustrated, by means of which the teacher solves the lesson tasks.

Keywords: playing activity, lesson of Social Science, cognitive activity, motivation of learning activity.


In the context of information environment expansion and technological development, the educational practice is experiencing considerable difficulties; especially students suffer from overload of informational flow. Nowadays the main task of educational institutions is a competition for students’ attention. The increase in cognitive activity at lessons, including Social Science, refers to the problems of modern pedagogy.

Therefore, the introduction of playing activity elements is topical, as traditional methods of teaching do not fully satisfy modern challenges and requirements. We need to develop, work out and implement new methods and forms of motivation in educational process. Effective cognitive activity contributes to the formation of a committed personality who is ready to work and perceive new information; capable to approach adequately and responsibly the solutions of important life tasks and pursue the opportunities.

Doroshenko N.S. identifies four levels of cognitive activity:

1. Cognitive passivity is characterized by demotivation for learning;

2. Active level is characterized by the presence of activity, but only in emotionally attractive learning situations. Knowledge, skills and abilities are not of system character;

3. Executive-active level is characterized by stability and constancy of knowledge, high level of educational motivation, readiness to solve difficult tasks and challenges;

4. Creative level is characterized by readiness of students to set tasks by themselves and find a solution.

Doroshenko N.S. claims that a pupil at different lessons can have various informative activity, which is substantially depends on a teacher. The degree of activity of school students is the reaction to methods and techniques of pedagogical work and the integrative indicator of professional skills [5].

According to A.A. Krylov, it is important to consider the fact that students have different age categories. The preparation for the lesson for each class must be achieved considering their background and age.

The activity shown at lessons differs, middle school students, in connection with physiological and psychological changes in their organism, are less motivated, than seniors [6].

Therefore, the increase of motivation and activity at the lessons for middle school students becomes a key issue for a teacher.

Old-established that the games in combination with different methodological techniques and teaching methods can improve efficiency of teaching. Historically, game is one of the oldest means of education and training children. Playing activity can be role play, didactic and imitation.

In the second term of 2016-2017 academic year, at the lessons of Social Science a playing activity with the elements of imitation was chosen, with the aim to increase motivation for learning.

To solve the problem, students of 6 "A" form were chosen as a target group.  Studying economic block, a game currency was introduced into a classroom. In groups students developed currency design and title.

By voting, the "Classroom rouble" or "Clouble" was chosen - (Cl). Students received this money together with marks. Individual and team rating was made according to the value of Clouble “money”, and at the end of the term it was decided to hold an auction, where they could buy sweets for earned Cloubles. To motivate students, to strengthen basic knowledge of market relations, game rules were regulated as follows:

  1. "Excellent" mark = 10000 Cl;
  2. "Good" mark = 5000 Cl;
  3. "Satisfactory" mark = 0 Cl;
  4. "Unsatisfactory" mark = - 5000 C;
  5. It was allowed to form groups up to 5 people;
  6. Exchange Cl for services within the class.

During the game, four methods groups for stimulation and motivation were used by students:

Firstly, emotional stimulation including encouragement for activity and right answers at the lesson which certainly creates the situation of success and encourage students to be engaged in more active cognitive activity. An opportunity to be united in groups meets desire to be a significant personality.

Secondly, cognitive stimulation which includes the performance of creative tasks and the solution of non-routine tasks that foster interest. Team work motivates cognitive cooperation.

Thirdly, conative motivation – maintaining individual and command rating leads to the analysis and assessment of the activity with the subsequent improvement. It forms the reflection skills and ability to predict activity.

Fourthly, social motivation – rating system and opportunity to combine efforts encourage children to develop the desire to be useful, create the situation of collaboration and involvement, search for contacts and cooperation, commitment in the results of collective work.

Based on data received, it is possible to draw a conclusion that playing activity promotes increase in students' learning motivation. The number of points received for the first term is 513 out of 1150 greatest possible i.e. 44.6%. With the introduction of role-play the ratio of earned points has made 555 out of 1095 (50.7%) that shows the increase of activity at the lessons. But, it is necessary to specify that with the increase in activity, the quality of marks decreases. In comparison with the first term the ratio of excellent marks students was 43% against 49%.

In general, the introduction of playing activity at Social Science lessons made indelible impression on pupils, allowed demonstrating personal qualities, developing cognitive abilities and attracting interest to a subject. As a result of research it was identified that the use of playing activity as a motivation factor, at lessons of Social Science is effective. The directions for further research of the issue is in more detailed studying of other techniques and methods of promotion of cognitive activity of school students.\


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