
The beautiful name of bloody war

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №42(135)

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Vashchenko P. The beautiful name of bloody war // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 42(135). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/135/83258 (дата обращения: 23.07.2024).
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The beautiful name of bloody war

Vashchenko Polina
Student, Belgorod National Research University, Russia, Belgorod
Shemaeva Elena
научный руководитель, Assistant Professor, Belgorod National Research University Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. In this article the author describes causes, course of action and result of Wars of the Roses.

Аннотация. В данной статье автор описывает причины, ход действий и итог войны Алой и Белой розы.


Keywords: war, Wars of the Roses, House of York, House of Lancaster, history of England.

Ключевые слова: война Алой и Белой розы, Ланкастеры, Йорки, история Англии.


The future generations associated Wars of the Roses with different myths, legends and romantic stories. We got the truth from views of writers and historians. However, in our days we can consider this war that took the 30 years of peace and quiet… 

Wars of the Roses are the chain of conflicts and disagreement. At first, we view to conflict between England and France – Hundred Years War, more accurately to Battle of Agincourt, so that we will understand the seeds of Wars of the Roses. Then the British defeated French, although they had a few array. The British won with help of the right choice of weapon, purpose and ruthlessness of King Henry V, who destroyed every enemy on battlefield with cruelty, if one didn’t agree with his political views. After victory the countries concluded a treaty in Troyes, it said that King Henry V became heir to King of France – Charles VI. In fact, it meant that France joined England.

But in 1422 Henry V died, after two months Charles VI died too. Prince Henry was 9 months old became the king of England and France. But two brothers of Henry V: John, Duke of Bedford started to rule in England and Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester took the lead of France.

French didn’t attack openly; they used new strategy – guerilla warfare. The Frenchmen attacked the guards from ambush, who carried provision. French provided those foods of their comrades. The raids on English were regular; French did it when English passed through French impoverished villages. The success accompanied to French and their confidence was growing.

In the following 30 years the lack of money and central control led to decrease of English influence in France. The Frenchmen gradually restored of control of towns and villages that had been destroyed in the war.

At that time England was the country with developing trade and wealthy people, who would hope on the bright prospects.

Only center were developing but in remote districts there were bad roads that interfered with transmission of messages. Far to north, west and at borders with Wales there was separate world that developed no matter what events to the court of King. In those districts the advisor of King sent. Adviser to the king sent the vicars from the members of aristocracy for control in separate districts. The vicars formed mini kingdoms of these places. They lived in grand castles, and provided the army in arrays during the war. They reported back for their actions only to the King [4, с. 23].

At that time the king had to be good general, politician, ambassador and legislator, besides he had to be impartial arbiter in court in disputes of aristocracy. Therefore, a king had to be man with iron will and strong character, who was well-versed in the politics. Henry V matched the description perfectly unlike his son Henry VI.

To mind of Dr. Chandler, Professor Royal Military Academy, Henry VI was the most hapless ruler in history of England. He was only monarch, who was King of England and France simultaneously but he wasn’t fitted for administration of the country. Henry VI was king-saint. He was cultural, delightful man. He was engaged in the construction of colleges with great pleasure, but he had to raise country and prevent his country from unraveling [3, с.12].

Henry VI couldn’t deal with everything but his wife was completely different. She had a strong character and iron will. Margaret of Anjou played an important role in the government of the country.

The main challenge wasn’t to desire the throne but to keep it. Henry VI can’t keep a close rein on country from his character. He preferred to spend time with prayers and God. His appeals that were based on piety served proof of his weakness for people.

Henry VI trusted government of country to his confidant, Duke of Suffolk, who was despised by aristocracy. He used his power for monopolization of royal grace. When Duke and his associates started to receive lands the discontent of those who managed to bypass has increased.

The King didn’t think about that he gave a chance to disgruntled people for trial with Duke of Suffolk. In 1455 the King tried to arrange a truce with France but he did some wrong political steps. Henry VI decided to transfer lands of Anjou and Maine to France as a gesture of goodwill. French resolved to take that chance for return lost territory. Henry VI married Margaret of Anjou for consolidation of solution in spite of discontent aristocracy and general public.

By 1450 Anjou and Maine passed to France again and French began to land of Normandy. That decision of king made fight in affairs of state. The news about riots in Kent, Warwickshire and in the western region was informed to the royal court.

In 1450 a few thousands rebels broke into London and killed two servant to the King. The rebels were dispersed but the King’s authority suffered damage. After that event everybody understood that the King couldn’t rule the country but government didn’t have power. At that time Duke of Suffolk was charged with treason and killed into exile; and was succeeded by Duke of Somerset but the disaffected have reappeared. They included one of the richest men in England and descendant of King Edward III – Richard, Duke of York. He accused Duke of Somerset of embezzling public money, and soon the dukes became enemies.

Duke of York took advantage of discontents in France and was praying about retirement of Duke of Somerset. When the attempt failed he excited few rebellions but they didn’t produce results because Duke of York expected of aristocracy but it took King’s side.

In 1453 Henry VI had paralyzing nervous disorders. While his advisor decided what to do urgently, Richard quickly returned to the royal court. He received support from some dukes. Richard and his powerful allies could urge of King’s advisor to make him regent. His first order was to arrest and imprison Duke of Somerset.

In a year the King recovered from his illness and returned Duke of Somerset. And Duke of York lost his influence but he didn’t plane to give up.

At that time the court of King split into 3 factions. The first consisted of followers of Duke of York, the second faction included people, who were loyal to Duke of Somerset. The third group was neutral. Many representatives of aristocracy began to arm their servants.

King Henry tried to reconcile warring parties. But he refused to dethrone Duke of Somerset. It was only wish of Duke of York.

From 1455 to 1460 there were the first battles. 22 May 1455 the Yorkists arrived in St Albans where King’s wars were already waiting for them. The army of Duke of York was larger than one of King, but King’s army could take a good defensive position and were confident of victory. But army of Yorkists came around the flank and could break in central defense of Lankastrians. Yorkists attacked Lankastrians and tried to kill their leader. The King was wounded in the shoulder. When Henry VI began to retreat his army fled away. The King was rushed to local abbey. Duke of Somerset was pushed back to a tavern, where he took the final fight.

The Battle of St Albans wasn’t solution to all problems. In fact, it was exacerbating the situation still further. Soon, on west of country there were unexpected revolts but French Navy entered the Kent. And desperately disbelief passed to outright hostility.

In 1459 Queen Margaret declared with help driving force of feeble King Henry VI that actions of Duke of Somerset and his people was treason. Both sides took up arms and raised an army. The Queen did it in Lancaster and Yorkists – in central areas of North England. 23 September Yorkists’s army had met enemy and had broken it. But The Queen could manage to escape and to join forces that were loyal to Their Majesty.

Soon armies met again in Battle of Ludford Bridge. In the army of Yorkists there was famous garrison at Calais. But it couldn’t help to win because garrison suddenly defected to Henry VI. It discourages Yorkists and army collapsed.

In June of 1460 Yorkists returned to England with a new army, the counry’s inhabitants gladly met them. The army went off to fight with the Royal Army, what was waiting them in Coventry. The Royal Army took a good defensive position again; artillery covered the back of them. When fight was fought, it was clear that soldiers from the Royal Army help Yorkists to get across the rampart. As soon as Yorkists passed the defensive line. Lankastrians were captured by traitors. Lankastrians lost that battle and Henry VI was captured.

Son of Henry VI, Prince of Wales had to borrow a throne by the rules of succession to the throne. But Richard, Duke of York declared claims on the throne. V and Henry VI were descendants of King Edward III, so Richard had more claims on the throne. In that hard situation for country the compromise was found. In 1460 Duke of York was recognized as Henry VI’s successors. But Queen Margaret began fight for rights of her son.

In 1461 army of Lankastrians had traveled to south and won Battle of St Albans. The morale of Lankastrians improved from the victory and news about escape of Henry VI, who could join the host of his wife. Queen Margaret and her army invaded London.

The son of Duke of York understood that he has nothing to lose and claimed his right to the throne. He declared himself “King Edward IV”. It was cause of new clash.

In March of 1461 two armies met in the Battle of Towton. It was the bloodiest battle in History of England. There was bad weather and poor visibility there, so communication between forces was impossible. The battle lasted several hours. A bold move was struck by Yorkists. Lankastrians began to withdraw across the river and broke away, but enemies caught them and hacked to death. There were so many dead bodies in river that Lankastrians could cross the river on the dead bodies of soldiers. Estimated that more than 20 000 Lankastrians died in that battle.

Edward VI continued the range of victorious battle against Lankastrians in Wales and in the North. Later Yorkists grabbed the King Henry VI and killed his. The victory of King Edward IV was total.

Yorkists took on the leadership and regained the place within the Government. It seems that there is peace in the country [2].

But spring of 1469 was beginning of civil war again. Its ringleader was one of king’s oldest allies – Richard Neville.

At that time Earl of Warwick was abroad. With help of French King Louis XI Richard began to negotiate with Queen Margaret, who had been an exile. Louis XI paid ransom for her. And Earl of Warwick joined with Lankastrians. Then Richard returned in London and could release Henry VI.

In March of 1471 King Edward returned from France with small army and started to gather troops. Everybody understood that Earl of Warwick and Edward IV to face on the field of battle.

On Palm Sunday, 1471 it happened at Barnet. The two armies split into three division, but in thick fog headquarter didn’t notice that the enemies lined up not opposite each other. But poor visibility worked to benefit of Edward IV, the Kin’s Army fight without seeing that part of the army was divided. Edward IV could drive Earl of Warwick’s left wing off. Richard tried to secure left wing but soldiers attacked their comrades because of it was fog. When there were shouting about betrayal in line, the soldiers of Richard broke away. Earl of Warwick was grabbed and killed.

A few days after bloody battle Queen Margaret came with army of Lankastrians on west of country, her goal was Wales.

Edward IV met Queen Margaret in Tewkesbury. Commander-in-Chief of the army of Lancastrians was son of Queen Margaret, The Prince Edward and skilled lords were his general. They understood that enemy has more people and army of Lankastrians took up defensive positions. A result of the battle was victory of Edward IV. The Prince Edward was killed.

It was fatal defeat for Lancastrians. The Prince Edward’s death ended the House of Lancaster. When Henry VI died Edward IV became rightful and sole ruler of England

From 1471 to 1483 the English lived in peace. But in 1483 Edward IV had pneumonia and he died. He passed the throne his juvenile son.

At that time Duke of Gloucester declared that the sons didn’t have claims on the throne. He drowned them in fortress and ordered to kill. And in July of 1483 the King of England was Richard III.

After three months, one of Richard’s associates, Henry Stafford led a rebellion in support of Henry Tudor. It was hope of Lankastrians. But rebellion was nipped in the bud.

After two years, in autumn of 1485, Henry Tudor reached the shore of Wales. Richard III took up positions on the Ambion Hill near Bosworth. The last king of York died on the battlefield and his array escaped.

Henry Tudor was crowned on the battlefield. The body of Richard III was shown for all to see, in order to display that King died [1].

Soon Henry VII left Bosworth for his safe rule. He ordered to take custody and drown in Tower of London his rival the Earl of Warwick. Then he married daughter of Edward IV Elizabeth in this way House of York and House of Lancaster teamed up.

Wars of the Roses drew the line of the English medieval in 1485. It was age of great military alliances, struggle of the ruling dynasties and constant internecine wars. After that in England there were absolutism and fictitious style of government. Change of age happened in due course!


Список литературы:
1. Анисимов, Е. В. 1455–1485 Война Алой и Белой розы в Англии / Е. В. Анисимов. — Текст : электронный // ВикиЧтение : [сайт]. — URL: https://history.wikireading.ru/194443 (дата обращения: 15.12.2020).
2. Дженкинс, Саймон Война Алой и Белой розы 1453–1483 гг. / Саймон Дженкинс. — Текст : электронный // ВикиЧтение : [сайт]. — URL: https://history.wikireading.ru/194443 (дата обращения: 15.12.2020).
3. Ландер, Д. Р. Войны Роз / Д. Р. Ландер. — 1-е изд. — Санкт-Петербург: Филологический факультет СПбГУ; Нестор-История, 2013. — 201 c. — Текст : непосредственный.
4. Устинов, В. Войны Роз. Йорки против Ланкастеров / В. Устинов. — 1-е изд. — Москва : Вече, 2012. — 432 c. — Текст : непосредственный.