
The problem of extremism and terrorism among young people and its impact on public policy.

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №4(140)

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The problem of extremism and terrorism among young people and its impact on public policy. // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. Nyrova A. [и др.]. 2021. № 4(140). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/140/86478 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025).
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The problem of extremism and terrorism among young people and its impact on public policy.

Nyrova Alina
Master's student Kabardino-Balkar State University named after Kh. M. Berbekov, Russia, Nalchik
Nyrov Temirlan
Master's student Kabardino-Balkar State University named after Kh. M. Berbekov, Russia, Nalchik
Beshkurova Liana
Master's student Kabardino-Balkar State University named after Kh. M. Berbekov, Russia, Nalchik
Kokova Lalina
Master's student Kabardino-Balkar State University named after Kh. M. Berbekov, Russia, Nalchik


As far as everyone knows, in recent years, there has been an increase in a number of extremist movements that involve young people in their activities. An analysis of the data for the last five years shows that four out of five persons whose criminal activities have been suppressed are no more than 30 years old.

At present, I would like to mention that members of informal youth organizations (groups) of extremist-nationalist orientation are mainly young people under the age of 30, and often, including minors aged 14-18 years. The subjects of crimes are also men, however, members of informal youth extremist groups, along with young people, are sometimes girls. It is noted that the basis of the rank-and-file composition of gangs for carrying out terrorist acts and its replenishment is precisely young people, who, due to a number of socio-psychological, physiological and demographic characteristics, are most susceptible to ideological influence, are subject to maximalism and radical sentiments.

But unlike ordinary groups of teenagers who commit hooligan acts or acts of vandalism, usually for the purpose of "having fun", informal extremist groups carry out their illegal actions based on a certain ideology, the main thesis of which may be, for example, this: to overcome all political and economic problems in the country, it is necessary to create a "national" state, as this, in their view, will serve as a guarantee against any threats. In general, the very idea of the so-called "clean state" is inherent not only to "skinheads", but also to religious extremists who call for the creation of such a "clean state" on a religious basis. It is absolutely clear that the action motivated by such ideas has a strict orientation, directed in our case against persons of a different nationality or religion. It can also be said to be mixed with hatred for the existing government, which, according to extremists, condones the life of the "culprits" of all Russian troubles, which can lead to an even wider development of extremist ideas. It is these ideas that become the foundation for the formation of informal extremist youth groups.

The system of views imposed by extremists is relevant for young people because of the simplicity and unambiguity of their postulates, promises of the opportunity to immediately, at the same hour, see the result of their aggressive actions. The importance of personal participation in the difficult and painstaking process of economic, political and social development is replaced by simple calls for the complete destruction of existing foundations and their replacement by other projects. A lot of extremist crimes are committed by minors. In this regard, in order to eliminate extremist crime and the criminal situation in this area, it is important to strengthen preventive work among young people. Adolescents should be taught the basics of tolerance by organizing, for example, tolerance lessons, educational programs and seminars on tolerance. It is also very important to note the need for preventive and preventive work to find and take measures to eliminate extremist-nationalist and extremist-terrorist sites on the Internet that actively promote the ideology of extremism, nationalism and terrorism, including calls to commit crimes of extremist and terrorist orientation against people of other nationalities or religions, foreign citizens, as well as detailed instructions for making explosive devices, committing terrorist acts, "nationalist" murders, etc. [1].The existing system of Russian legislation, which reflects the legal strategy for countering terrorism and extremism, generally has a fairly complete set of legal norms that make it possible to effectively combat terrorism and extremism. Against the background of maintaining and strengthening the power component of the fight against specific terrorist manifestations, it is important to radically increase the effectiveness of countering the ideology of terrorism, to put reliable barriers to its penetration into the public consciousness.

The ultimate goal of this work is to change the legal psychology of people, to achieve rejection by the absolute majority of the population of the very idea of the possibility of using terrorist methods to resolve territorial, social, religious, cultural and any other problems and contradictions.

To solve this problem, including among young people, it is necessary to create a self-reproducing system of ideas, subjects-carriers and channels of their dissemination, which can independently contribute to the formation of a positive public consciousness, excluding the very possibility of using violence to achieve any goals. Such a system can and should be the institutions of civil society, the scientific and business community, educational institutions and the mass media

Along with the ongoing awareness-raising work with young people, efforts should be intensified to eliminate the very prerequisites for the formation of a consciousness focused on violence as a means of resolving contradictions.


1. Abdulatipov R. G. Problems of prevention of extremism / / Ethnopanorama, 2002, No. 2 p. 74.
2. Antonyan Yu. M. Extremism and its causes / Yu. M. Antonyan.- M: Logos , 2010. - 288s. - ISBN: 978-5-98704-502-2.