Specification of use of health protections at russian language and literature lessons
Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №11(147)
Рубрика: Педагогика
Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №11(147)
Specification of use of health protections at russian language and literature lessons
Степенко Юлия Евгеньевна
cтудент Белгородского государственного национального исследовательского университета, РФ, г. Белгород
Abstract. This article is about using of health protection technologies at lessons for making situation for saving and growing of pupul`s health.
Keywords: health, health protection technologies, integration, play, physical activity, education technology.
There`s active upgrading process in modern russian education. National education standart has come in every education levels. Consolidation and saving of teenager`s health is one of the main purpose now. Health protection must be include in lessons and off-hour activity. A teacher must methodically use of health protection elements. Its using isn`t hard for teachers, but very need for growing pupil`s work and saving health.
A teacher must remember about hyigiene`s and psychology`s norms in preparing class work for good pupil`s emotions in education process. But every school subject has owns unical methods for it.
Russian language and literatura are part of the more difficult group lessons in pimary school. Pupils must have hardworking because must do very different type of work: writing, reading, analitic and text wording, creative exercises.
There is method of integration for put out of psychological tension and stiffening of cognitive interest. For example, may be to give not only a poem, but and pictures of M. Lermontov.
A main character concerned with a music in something fiction literature. And listening musical work is a beautiful way to get pupil`s emotional at the lesson.
Plays like a method are successfully at the lessons of russian language and literature, because pupils can be merry, have emotional liberty. A play helps to take off a pupil`s weariness at the lesson. It can be linguistic football, word`s ball for russian language. And there is «mystic box» play for literature lessons: pupils take something subjects from the box and have to understand which character had it.
Making a physical activity break is a necessary part of each lesson for taking off children`s muscle strain. A teacher can organize it in different material of the lesson. For example, unprefix words and prefix words are written at the blackboard in a time of prefix learning. When a teacher says prefix words, pupils must toward one another and make a clap. When a teacher says unprefix words pupils must take a sit. Thematic physic activity breaks to help for orthographic vigilance. For example pupils have two groups cognate words. If they hear words from one group they must up their hands. If they hear words from another group they must take a sit.
There can be exercises with motor activity apart from physical activity break. For example, pupils must do exercises in different classrooms at untraditional lessons like a travel-lesson or discovery-lesson.
Organization a culture of a healthy lifestyle is a constitutional part of learning process. Pupils are suggested to make a «dictionary of a smart idea», in which they write saying about health lifestyle. For example, «Go for a walk-have a long life», «If you will be activity-can get through mountains, if you`ll be sit- you fall into a ditch». Teacher can use texts about sport activity and health at the lessons also.
For successfully work about health protection a teacher may to take something educational technology. For example, it can be person-centered approach. A pupil is a main person in an educational process. A teacher must give a chance for liberty thinking. emotional speaking, many writing. For growing human personality is necessary to prepare a creative environment and searching activity. There are many different types of its work and each several needs for pupil`s ability to work. A graded approach exercises with ability to choose a difficulty level are not allowed an overwork and weariness of pupils at the lesson.
It`s impossible to imagine the modern education without using Information and Communication Technologies. Teachers may hold pupil`s attention making use screens, tables and another ways with bright emotions. There are grammar fairytales, on-line excursions, sliders for russian language and literature lessons. A teacher may organize an individual work and change a lesson`s speed with ICT. ICT are different for each groups pupil`s age.
As a result the health protection technologies aimed at a support of a pupil`s psychology health at russian language`s and literature`s lessons. It`s necessary allow for classes and individual special aspects. Teacher must create a comfortable environment for personal pupil`s expression, using a different type of activity. For successfully work of educational operations of teachers and pupils are necessary to use health protection technology elements in a system.