
New information technologies in teaching geography

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №13(149)

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Konyaeva I. New information technologies in teaching geography // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 13(149). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/149/89306 (дата обращения: 27.01.2025).
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New information technologies in teaching geography

Konyaeva Irina
Student of the Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod




Коняева Ирина Олеговна

студент Белгородского Государственного Национального Исследовательского Университета, РФ, г. Белгород


Abstract. The article is devoted to information technologies that make it possible to make the lesson unusual, exciting, which supports a steady interest in the study of the subject, form students not just knowledge, but the skills and needs to apply this knowledge for analysis, evaluation and correct decision-making.

The purpose of the article is to show that the complex of digital educational resources, an essential component of which is the geographic information system, allows to increase the effectiveness of the assimilation of geographical knowledge in the process of interconnected, creative educational activities of teachers and students.

It is addressed to geography teachers.

Аннотация. Статья посвящена информационным технологиям, которые позволяют сделать урок необычным, увлекательным, что поддерживает устойчивый интерес к изучению предмета, формируют у обучающихся не просто знания, а умения и потребности применять эти знания для анализа, оценки и правильного принятия решений. Цель статьи - показать, что повысить результативность усвоения географических знаний в процессе взаимосвязанной, творческой учебной деятельности учителя и учащихся позволяет комплекс цифровых образовательных ресурсов, существенным компонентом которого является геоинформационная система. Адресуется учителям географии.


Keywords: geoinformation technologies, information technologies, geography.

Ключевые слова: геоинформационные технологии, информационные технологии, география.


Information technologies are increasingly influencing modern society. Forming a global information space, they penetrate into all spheres of human activity. An important and necessary part of these processes is informatization in the educational process.

Today, we have created a tool that allows us to solve this problem, that is, to build an educational space in which the creative abilities of students are most effectively developed. Such a tool is information technology training. The great potential of information technologies has made it possible for them to be widely used in teaching geography.

The use of interactive learning tools in the classroom allows you to make the lesson unusual, exciting, and the learning process personally meaningful for each student.

The modern child lives in the world of electronic culture, so the role of the teacher in the information culture has changed. The modern teacher is the coordinator of the information flow. He needs to master modern methods and educational technologies himself in order to communicate in the same language with students.

Changes in Russian education and transformations in society require a new approach to the learning process from the school teacher. In modern conditions of life, it is not enough just to possess a set of knowledge, skills and abilities, you need to be able to acquire them more and more, to be able to apply them in real life, in a real situation. In today's dynamically developing information society, it is not so much the knowledge itself that is needed, as the ability to extract it and the ability to apply the knowledge independently in all sorts of situations.

One of the ways to increase interest in the disciplines of the natural science cycle, to deepen students ' knowledge in these subjects is the use of modern information technologies at various stages of the educational process.

The use of interactive learning tools in the classroom allows you to make the learning process personally meaningful for each student. With the help of visual electronic learning tools, students ' psychological fatigue is reduced.

Interactive teaching methods and techniques make it possible to make the lesson unusual, exciting, which supports a steady interest in the study of the subject, form students not just knowledge, but the skills and needs to apply this knowledge for analysis, evaluation and correct decision-making.

Currently, the market of electronic educational resources (EER) is quite wide and developed. In geography lessons, the following can be used almost everywhere::

  • electronic textbooks;
  • electronic collections of additional and visual materials for lessons: posters, interactive maps, diagrams, illustrations;
  • multimedia training presentations;
  • Electronic control and measuring materials (CMMs);
  • electronic task files;
  • databases for educational purposes: encyclopedias, reference books, dictionaries, glossaries, simulators, games;
  • Catalogues of digital educational resources (DCS);
  • audiobooks and digital video recordings;
  • digital photo albums, photo galleries, virtual tours.

If each lesson includes ICT tools, there will be fewer infantile and disinhibited children. The use of ICT will transform the teaching of traditional academic subjects, optimize the processes of understanding and memorizing educational material, and most importantly-raise the interest of children in learning to an immeasurably higher level.

The complex of digital educational resources, an essential component of which is the geographic information system, allows to increase the effectiveness of the assimilation of geographical knowledge in the process of interconnected, creative educational activities of teachers and students.

According to the orientation of the educational purpose of GIS, A. Yu. Uvarov identified the following types of GIS:

  • problem-oriented GIS-the solution of a certain educational problem that requires its study and (or) resolution;
  • object-oriented GIS-the implementation of some activity with the object environment (for example, with a text preparation system, an information search engine, a database);
  • subject-oriented GIS – the implementation of activities in some subject environment (ideally - with built-in elements of learning technology).

GIS can act as an independent or practical work, exercise, type of homework, it all depends on the specifics of the organization of the lesson. All this is subordinated to a common goal-the formation of spatial representations and concepts about the location of natural and socio-economic objects and phenomena.

In general, the use of modern information technologies, in particular EOR and GIS technologies in geography lessons, is effective and forms the ability and readiness of students to use geographical knowledge and skills in everyday life, allows them to prepare them to work with information in all forms and various spheres of life.

Thus, we have proved that the use of interactive learning tools in the classroom allows you to make the lesson unusual, exciting, and the learning process personally meaningful for each student.

The greatest achievement of modern science is information technology. The use of information and communication technologies in geography lessons arouses interest in the subject, helps to increase motivation, which ensures that students learn the program material at a higher level, helps to form universal educational actions.


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